#+setupfile: ../headers * Eittland Eittland (Eittlandic: /Eittland/, {{{phon(ɑɪʔlɑ̃d)}}}) is a fictional Nordic country, made from the question /what if there was another island like Iceland that never got christianised?/. Eittland is both a worldbuilding and a conlanging project. Its language is derived from Old Norse. Find more about the country itself on [[https://wiki.phundrak.com/s/eittland][its dedicated wiki]], and find more about the language in the following pages: - [[file:typology.org][Typological Outline of the Eittlandic Language]] - [[file:phonology.org][Phonetic Inventory and Translitteration]] - [[file:grammar.org][Grammar]] - [[file:names-and-places.org][Names and Places]] - [[file:dictionary.org][Dictionary]] #+html: Flag of Eittland