#+title: Names and Places
#+setupfile: ../headers
* Names and Places
** Names
*** A
**** Arvid I Geirson
- King of Western Eittland (1398)
- High King of Western Eittland (1398)

*** Á
**** Áleifr I Ásmundson
Son of [[file:./names-and-places.md#asmundr-ulfsonn][Ásmundr Úlfsonn]].

- Second King of Eittland (935 - 936)
- First King of Western Eittland (936)
- First High King of Eittland (936)

**** Ásgeirr I Biœrgson
- King of Western Eittland (? - 1398)
- High-King of Eittland (? - 1398)

**** Ása Sigríðsdóttr
First woman to be enter the House of the Land.

- Woman of the Land (1934 - 1963)

**** Ásmundr Úlfsonn
- First King of Eittland (915 - 935)

*** B
**** Bárður Márusson
First Icelandic citizen to be elected to the House of the People.

- Man of the People (1982 - 2002)

*** E
**** Eirikr IV Ásgeirsbróðr
Brother of [[file:./names-and-places.md#asgeirr-i-biœrgson][Ásgeirr I Biœrgson]]

- Co-King of Eastern Eittland (? - 1398)

**** Eyvindr III Hallþórsbróðr
Known for founding the first raðuneyt in Eastern Eittland in 1283.
Brother of [[file:./names-and-places.md#hallþorr-v-gunhildson][Hallþórr V Gunhildson]].

- Co-King of Eastern Eittland (? - ?)
- Co-King of Western Eittland (? - ?)

**** Eríkr V
- King of Eastern Eittland (? - 1977)
- Acting High Queen of Eittland (1987 - 1989)
- King of Western Eittland (1977 - 1989)
- High King of Eittland (1977 - 1989)

*** H
**** Hallþórr V Gunhildson
First king to create a raðuneyt in Eittland in 1278.

- King of Eastern Eittland (? - ?)
- King of Western Eittland (? - ?)
- High King of Eittland (? - ?)

**** Harald III
Brother of [[file:./names-and-places.md#erikr-v][Eríkr V]].

- Co-King of Eastern Eittland (? - 1987)
- Acting King of Western Eittland (1987 - 1989)

**** Havardr I Arvidsbróðr
Brother of [[file:./names-and-places.md#arvid-i-geirson][Arvid I Geirson]]

- Co-King of Eastern Eittland (1398)
*** K
**** Kari Nialsdóttr
First woman to be elected to the House of the People.

- Woman of the People (1905 - 1927 and 1935 - 1956)
*** N
**** Njall III Eríksdóttir
Current High Queen of Eittland. Daughter of [[file:./names-and-places.md#erikr-v][Eríkr V]].

- Queen of Eastern Eittland (1987 - 2003)
- Queen of Western Eittland (2003 - present)
- High Queen of Eittland (2003 - present)

*** Ó
**** Ólafr V
Known for the /Last Royal Decree/ in 1826, see [[file:./country.md#constitutional-monarchy][Constitutional Monarchy]].

- King of Eastern Eittland (? - ?)
- King of Western Eittland (? - ?)
- High King for Eittland (? - ?)

*** P
**** Páll Jónsson
First Icelander to get elected as Town Master in Eittland.

- Town Master of EldHeim (1965 - 1980)

*** R
**** Ragnarr Sigurðsbróðr
Known for being the driving force ehind the creation of the

- Co-King of Western Eittland

*** S
**** Steingrímr I Áleifsbróðr
Son of [[file:./names-and-places.md#asmundr-ulfsonn][Ásmundr Úlfsonn]], brother of [[file:./names-and-places.md#aleifr-i-asmundson][Áleifr I Ásmundson]].

- First Co-King of Eastern Eittland (936)
- First Co-King of Western Eittland

*** V
**** Valgeir Þórinnson
First Eittlander to be elected to the Icelandic parliament.

- Member of the Icelandic parliament (1983 - 1997)

** Places
*** B
**** Britensfjallváll
litt. /Britain’s fire plains/

Place where British troops landed during the 1775 Anglo-Eittlandic
war. Formerly known as [[file:./names-and-places.md#eldryksvall][Eldryksváll]].

*** E
**** Eldøy
litt. /Fire Island/

Outdated name for Eittland and Iceland

**** Eldfjall
litt. /Fire Mountain/

General central region of Eittland where most active volcanoes are

**** Eldryksváll
litt /fire dust plain/

Old name of [[file:./names-and-places.md#britensfjallvall][Britensfjallváll]]

*** F
**** Fjallheim
litt. /mountain home/.

Northwestern peninsula of Eittland

*** H
**** Hylfjaltr
Etymology uncertain.

Capital of Western Eittland.

*** K
**** Kóparváll
litt. /young seals plains/

Major commercial in the same bay as Đeberget, south east of the
capital, in Western Eittland

*** T
**** Tvinnár
Unclear etymology, popular etymology of /twin years/

Major commercial east of Hylfjaltr in Eastern Eittland.

*** V
**** Vátrsteinn
litt /wet stone/

Port city in the Eastern Eittlandic exclave in Southwestern Eittland.

**** Vestrferðaróss
litt. /wet fjord’s mouth/

Eastern Eittlandic port town, east of the [[file:./names-and-places.md#britensfjallvall][Britensfjallváll]] where
British troops landed in 1775.

**** Vestrheim

litt. /West Home/

City in Eastern Eitttland, first settlement in the country. Its
inhabinants are called /Vestrheiming/ (pl. /Vestreimingjar/)

*** Ð
**** Ðeberget
Etymology uncertain.

Capital of Eastern Eittland.