#+setupfile: ../headers * Eittland Eittland (Eittlandic: /Eittland/, {{{rune(eittland)}}}, {{{phon(ɑɪʔlɑ̃d)}}}) is part of the family of Nordic countries and a member state of the Nordic Council, with a population of 31.5 millions as per the 2019 national census. It has a superficy of 121 km^{2}, making it the second largest island in Europe after Great Britain. Its capital Đeberget is the largest eittlandic city with a population of 1.641.600 in 2019. The island is naturally separated in two, its western and eastern sides, by a chain of volcanoes spawning on the separation of the North American and the Eurasian plates, much like its northern sister Iceland. Thus, its Eastern side covers 49km^{2} of the island and hosts 11.3 million inhabitants while the western side covers 72km^{2} with a population of 20.1 millions. #+html: Flag of Eittland