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No commits in common. "8057b1da5dcd437e10aa05c4cebd3fc993b266c8" and "6f91ffa518fb2419c9e26a73cf707ddd8e3050b3" have entirely different histories.

2 changed files with 36 additions and 229 deletions

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@ -334,30 +334,6 @@ wn.n. {{{phon(ˈepel)}}}, from ON [[][epli]
| Dat. | epil | epilit | epilum | epilitum | | Dat. | epil | epilit | epilum | epilitum |
| Gen. | epils | epilits | epils | epilit | | Gen. | epils | epilits | epils | epilit |
*** eptir
prep. {{{phon(eɸter)}}}, from ON [[][eptir]]
1. after
2. afterwards
3. according to, based on
4. in search of, seeking for
#+html: ::: tip Example
Ek em eptir Konung, kannuð ér sagja mér hvar es hann?
Im looking for the King, can you tell me where he is?
| ek | em | eptir | konung |
| 1s.NOM | | after | king |
| kann-uð | ér | sagja | mér | hvar | es | han-n |
| can-2p | 2p.NOM | to.tell | 1s.DAT | where | | 3s.m-NOM |
#+html: :::
*** eptirdag
adv. {{{phon(eɸterdɑj)}}}, from [[file:./][eptir]] and [[file:./][dag (dative)]]
1. tomorrow
*** enn *** enn
adv. {{{phon(enː)}}}, from ON [[][enn]] adv. {{{phon(enː)}}}, from ON [[][enn]]
@ -966,19 +942,6 @@ Declensions:
| 2p | | hugaleiðið | hugaleiðið | hugaleiðuð | hugaleiððisk | | 2p | | hugaleiðið | hugaleiðið | hugaleiðuð | hugaleiððisk |
| 3p | | hugaleiðið | hugaleiðið | hugaleiðuð | hugaleiððisk | | 3p | | hugaleiðið | hugaleiðið | hugaleiðuð | hugaleiððisk |
*** hús
sn.n. {{{phon(hòs)}}}, from ON [[][hús]]
1. house
2. family
| | Sg. | Def.Sg. | Pl. | Def.Pl. |
| Nom. | hús | húsit | hús | húsitr |
| Acc. | hús | húsit | hús | húsit |
| Dat. | hús | húsit | húsum | húsitum |
| Gen. | hús | húsits | hús | húsit |
*** hvar *** hvar
pron. {{{phon(ʍar)}}}, from ON [[][hvar]] pron. {{{phon(ʍar)}}}, from ON [[][hvar]]
@ -1466,44 +1429,20 @@ iv. {{{phon(mun)}}}, from ON [[][munu]]
1. auxilliary verb to express the future, will, shall 1. auxilliary verb to express the future, will, shall
#+html: ::: tip Example
Vér munum far til sjónvarphúsit ok eptirdag
We will go to the theatre tomorrow
#+html: :::
2. will, shall, must
#+html: ::: tip Example
Þú man les að bókan.
You will/must read the book.
#+html: :::
3. polite conditional when used in the subjunctive
#+html: ::: tip Example
Ef hann mynir kom
If he comes
#+html: :::
4. likely conditional auxilliary verb, necessarily used in the
conditional mood
Declensions: Declensions:
- infinitive :: man - infinitive :: man
- imperative :: mun - imperative :: mun
- present participle :: munand - present participle :: munand
| <c> | | | | | | <c> | | | | | |
| person | | Ind. Pres. | Subj. Pres. | Past | | person | | Ind. Pres. | Subj. Pres. | Past | Passive |
|--------+---+------------+-------------+--------| |--------+---+------------+-------------+--------+---------|
| 1s | | man | mynir | mynd | | 1s | | man | mynir | mynd | munumk |
| 2s | | man | mynir | mynd | | 2s | | man | mynir | mynd | munask |
| 3s | | man | mynir | mynd | | 3s | | man | mynir | mynd | munask |
| 1p | | munum | mynim | myndum | | 1p | | munum | mynim | myndum | munumk |
| 2p | | munuð | mynið | mynduð | | 2p | | munuð | mynið | mynduð | munask |
| 3p | | munuð | mynið | mynduð | | 3p | | munuð | mynið | mynduð | munask |
*** mastergrað(a) *** mastergrað(a)
wn.n. {{{phon(ˈmaʃterˌɡrað)}}}, from English [[][Master]] and Middle Eittlandic wn.n. {{{phon(ˈmaʃterˌɡrað)}}}, from English [[][Master]] and Middle Eittlandic
@ -1969,57 +1908,6 @@ Declensions:
| 2p | | sjéð | sjáð | sjátuð | sjásk | | 2p | | sjéð | sjáð | sjátuð | sjásk |
| 3p | | sjáð | sjáð | sjátuð | sjásk | | 3p | | sjáð | sjáð | sjátuð | sjásk |
*** sjón
sn.f. {{{phon(ʃɔ̀n)}}}, from ON [[][sjón]]
1. vision, sighting
2. spectacle
3. movie
| | Sg. | Def.Sg. | Pl. | Def.Pl. |
| Nom. | sjónn | sjóninn | sjónn | sjóninn |
| Acc. | sjón | sjónin | sjón | sjón |
| Dat. | sjón | sjónin | sjónum | sjóninum |
| Gen. | sjónar | sjónins | sjónar | sjón |
*** sjónvarp
sn.n. {{{phon(ʃɔ̀nβarp)}}}, from [[file:./][sjón]] and [[file:./][varp]]
1. movie projection
For declensions, see [[file:./][varp]]
*** sjónvarphús
sn.n. {{{phon(ʃɔ̀nβarphòs)}}}, from [[file:./][sjónvarp]] and [[file:./][hús]]
1. cinema, theatre
For declensions, see [[file:./][hús]].
*** skal(a)
iv. {{{phon(ʃkul)}}}, from ON [[][skulu]]
1. should, irrealis or dubitative modal verb
2. neutral conditional auxilliary verb, necessarily used in the
conditional mood
- infinitive :: skal
- imperative :: skal
- present participle :: skaland
- past participle :: skalit
| <c> | | | | |
| person | | Ind. Pres. | Subj. Pres. | Past |
| 1s | | skal | skylir | skyldr |
| 2s | | skalt | skylir | skyldr |
| 3s | | skal | skylir | skyldr |
| 1p | | skulum | skylim | skyldum |
| 2p | | skaluð | skylið | skylduð |
| 3p | | skaluð | skylið | skylduð |
*** skilj(a) *** skilj(a)
sv. {{{phon(ʃkiːʎ)}}}, from ON [[][skilja]] sv. {{{phon(ʃkiːʎ)}}}, from ON [[][skilja]]
@ -2046,19 +1934,6 @@ Declensions:
| 2p | | skilið | skilið | skiljuð | skiljask | | 2p | | skilið | skilið | skiljuð | skiljask |
| 3p | | skilið | skilið | skiljuð | skiljask | | 3p | | skilið | skilið | skiljuð | skiljask |
*** skipan
sn.f. {{{phon(ʃkipan)}}}, from ON [[][skipan]]
1. arrangement, order, organisation (of things)
2. item box, for organising belongings
| | Sg. | Def.Sg. | Pl. | Def.Pl. |
| Nom. | skipanr | skipaninn | skipann | skipaninn |
| Acc. | skipan | skipanin | skipan | skipanin |
| Dat. | skipan | skipanin | skipanum | skipaninum |
| Gen. | skipanar | skipanins | skipanar | skipanin |
*** skín *** skín
wn.n. {{{phon(skèn)}}}, from [[file:./][skín(a)]] wn.n. {{{phon(skèn)}}}, from [[file:./][skín(a)]]
@ -2096,6 +1971,19 @@ Declensions:
| 2p | | skínið | skínið | skínuð | skínask | | 2p | | skínið | skínið | skínuð | skínask |
| 3p | | skínið | skínið | skínuð | skínask | | 3p | | skínið | skínið | skínuð | skínask |
*** skipan
sn.f. {{{phon(ʃkipan)}}}, from ON [[][skipan]]
1. arrangement, order, organisation (of things)
2. item box, for organising belongings
| | Sg. | Def.Sg. | Pl. | Def.Pl. |
| Nom. | skipanr | skipaninn | skipann | skipaninn |
| Acc. | skipan | skipanin | skipan | skipanin |
| Dat. | skipan | skipanin | skipanum | skipaninum |
| Gen. | skipanar | skipanins | skipanar | skipanin |
*** smársov *** smársov
iv. {{{phon(smɛ̀rsoβ)}}}, from [[file:./][sov(a)]] iv. {{{phon(smɛ̀rsoβ)}}}, from [[file:./][sov(a)]]
@ -2244,12 +2132,12 @@ Declensions:
| <c> | | | | | | | <c> | | | | | |
| person | | Ind. Pres. | Subj. Pres. | Past | Passive | | person | | Ind. Pres. | Subj. Pres. | Past | Passive |
|--------+---+------------+-------------+-------+---------| |--------+---+------------+-------------+-------+---------|
| 1s | | talar | talir | talt | talumk | | 1s | | talar | talir | talt | talumk |
| 2s | | talar | talir | talt | talðisk | | 2s | | talar | talir | talt | talðisk |
| 3s | | talar | talir | talt | talðisk | | 3s | | talar | talir | talt | talðisk |
| 1p | | talum | talim | talum | talumk | | 1p | | talum | talim | talum | talumk |
| 2p | | talið | talið | taluð | talðisk | | 2p | | talið | talið | taluð | talðisk |
| 3p | | talið | talið | taluð | talðisk | | 3p | | talið | talið | taluð | talðisk |
*** Tíbet *** Tíbet
wn.n. {{{phon(ˈtèbet)}}}, borrowed from Danish /Tibet/ wn.n. {{{phon(ˈtèbet)}}}, borrowed from Danish /Tibet/
@ -2414,20 +2302,6 @@ Alternative form: *olv*
| Gen. | úlfar | úlfins | úlfar | úlfin | | Gen. | úlfar | úlfins | úlfar | úlfin |
** V ** V
*** varp
sn.n. {{{phon(βarp)}}}, from [[file:./][verp]]
1. casting, throwing
2. projection
3. /colloquial/ a movie projection
| | Sg. | Def.Sg. | Pl. | Def.Pl. |
| Nom. | varp | varpit | varp | varpitr |
| Acc. | varp | varpit | varp | varpit |
| Dat. | varp | varpit | varpum | varpitum |
| Gen. | varps | varpits | varps | varpit |
*** ván *** ván
sn.f. {{{phon(βɛ̀n)}}}, from ON [[][ván]] sn.f. {{{phon(βɛ̀n)}}}, from ON [[][ván]]
@ -2504,29 +2378,6 @@ Declensions:
| 2p | eruð | séð | varð | várið | | 2p | eruð | séð | varð | várið |
| 3p | er | sé | var | vár | | 3p | er | sé | var | vár |
*** verp(a)
sv. {{{phon(βerp)}}}, from ON [[][verpa]]
1. to throw
2. to cast (e.g. a movie)
- infinitive :: verp
- imperative :: verp
- imperative passive voice :: verpask
- present participle :: verpand
- past participle :: verpit
| <c> | | | | | |
| person | | Ind. Pres. | Subj. Pres. | Past | Passive |
| 1s | | verpr | verpir | verpt | verpumk |
| 2s | | verpr | verpir | verpt | verpask |
| 3s | | verpr | verpir | verpt | verpask |
| 1p | | verpum | verpim | verpum | verpumk |
| 2p | | verpið | verpið | verpuð | verpask |
| 3p | | verpið | verpið | verpuð | verpask |
*** vest *** vest
adv. {{{phon(βeʃt)}}}, from ON [[][vestr]] adv. {{{phon(βeʃt)}}}, from ON [[][vestr]]
@ -2575,7 +2426,7 @@ wn.f. {{{phon(βik)}}}, from ON [[][vika]
*** vilja *** vilja
iv. {{{phon(viʎ)}}}, from ON [[][vilja]] iv. {{{phon(viʎ)}}}, from ON [[][vilja]]
1. to want, to wish 1. to want
Declensions: Declensions:
- infinitive :: vilja - infinitive :: vilja

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@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ mood).
May it be sunny today May it be sunny today
- Ef ek komuskat hér, vér talim til ná - Ef ek komuskat hér, ér talim til ná
If I came, we would still be talking If I came, we would still be talking
@ -331,11 +331,11 @@ will happen, or if it happened in the past.
| han-n | haft | sov-in | þá | kunn | han-n | kom | | han-n | haft | sov-in | þá | kunn | han-n | kom |
| 3sm.NOM | have.3s.PST.IND | sleep-PST.PART | thus | can.3s.PST.IND | 3sm.NOM | come | | 3sm.NOM | have.3s.PST.IND | sleep-PST.PART | thus | can.3s.PST.IND | 3sm.NOM | come |
- r havum lesit bókan í dag - Ér havum lesit bókan í dag
We have read the book today We have read the book today
| vér | hav-um | les-and | bók-an | í dag | | ér | hav-um | les-and | bók-an | í dag |
| 1p.NOM | have-1p.PRES.IND | read-PRES.PART | book-DEF.ART | today | | 1p.NOM | have-1p.PRES.IND | read-PRES.PART | book-DEF.ART | today |
#+html: ::: #+html: :::
@ -405,11 +405,11 @@ To mark the progressive, the word /ná/ is placed just after the verb,
without any other word between them. without any other word between them.
#+html: ::: tip Example #+html: ::: tip Example
- r kannum hléð vit? Nei, ek etar. - Ér kannum hléð vit? Nei, ek etar.
Can we talk? Nah, Im eating Can we talk? Nah, Im eating
| vér | kann-um | hléð | vit | | ér | kann-um | hléð | vit |
| 1P.NOM | can-1P.PRES.IND | talk | Q | | 1P.NOM | can-1P.PRES.IND | talk | Q |
| nei | ek | et-ar | | nei | ek | et-ar |
@ -435,38 +435,16 @@ The conditional mood allows speakers of Eittlandic to speak about
conditional events while marking them as such. This translates into conditional events while marking them as such. This translates into
several strategies. several strategies.
The first strategy adds /-(u)þ(a)-/ between the verb root and its The first strategy adds /-(u)sk(a)-/ between the verb root and its
indicative declension. It marks conditionals the speakers estimates to indicative declension. It marks conditionals the speakers estimates to
be unlikely. be unlikely.
#+html: ::: tip Example #+html: ::: tip Example
Ef þú gefuþar mér ein fisk, vér etim þat Ef þú gefuskar mér ein fisk, ér etim þat
If you somehow give me a fish, well eat it If you somehow give me a fish, well eat it
#+html: ::: #+html: :::
The second strategy, which is the default strategy and holds a neutral
stance towards how likely the hypothetical situation is, uses the verb
/skal(a)/ as an auxilliary in the conditional mood.
#+html: ::: tip Example
Ef þú skaluþ gef mér ein fisk, vér etim þat
If you give me a fish, well eat it
#+html: :::
The third stategy, which indicates some confidence by the speaker that
the situation is likely, is to use the verb /man(u)/ the same way as
/skal(a)/ is used in the second strategy. This strategy is also
sometimes used to express a softer future, though one that still might
not happen.
#+html: ::: tip Example
Ef þú manuþ gef mér ein fisk, vér etim þat
If you give me a fish, well eat it / When youll give me a fish, well eat it
#+html: :::
**** Causative :noexport: **** Causative :noexport:
**** Jussive **** Jussive
@ -484,28 +462,6 @@ Please eat your food.
#+html: ::: #+html: :::
**** Optative :noexport: **** Optative :noexport:
The optative mood serves to express wishes. There are two main
strategies to express the optative mood in Eittlandic.
The first one is a syntactic construction using the verb /vilja/ with a
nominal phrase or verbal phrase with a verb in the infinitive mood
being the wished element. It denotes a wish rather than a want.
#+html: ::: tip Example
Ek vil far.
I wish I could go.
#+html: :::
The second strategy is a morphological mood of the verb formed by
inserting -(i)nn(i)- between the verb root and its subjunctive
#+html: ::: tip Example
Ek ferinnir.
I want to go.
#+html: :::
**** Dubitative **** Dubitative
The dubitative mood in Eittlandic is a mood used by the speaker to The dubitative mood in Eittlandic is a mood used by the speaker to