docs(eittlandic): lots of new vocabulary
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Lucien Cartier-Tilet 2024-07-01 23:32:13 +02:00
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@ -84,6 +84,32 @@ added when no other underlying vowel can replace it). The definite
form of a noun is indicated in its declension table.
** A
*** alf
wn.m. {{{phon(ɑlf)}}}
1. power, might
*** Alfshringinssagat
pn. {{{phon(ˈɑlfsˌr̥iŋinsˌsɑjɑt)}}}
1. The Rings of Power
*** almen
adj. {{{phon(ɑlmen)}}}
1. general, global
*** annaman
sn.n. {{{phon(ˈɑnːɑˌmɑn)}}}, from [[file:./dictionary.md#annar][annar]] and [[file:./dictionary.md#man][man]]
1. someone else
*** annar
1. other, different
*** aug(a)
wn.n. {{{phon(ɔ̀j)}}}
@ -140,6 +166,16 @@ sn.n. {{{phon(borð)}}}
| Dat. | borð | borðit | borðum | borðitum |
| Gen. | borðs | borðits | borðs | borðit |
*** boðorð
sn.m. {{{phon(boðorð)}}}
1. a rule
*** boðorðsman
sn.m. {{{phon(ˈboðorðˌmɑn)}}}, from [[file:./dictionary.md#boðorð][boðorð]] and [[file:./dictionary.md#man][man]]
1. judge
*** borg
sn.f {{{phon(borg)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/b.php#borg-I][borg]]
@ -192,6 +228,11 @@ sn.f. {{{phon(bø̀k)}}}
See [[file:dictionary.md#bok(r)][/bók/]]
wn.m. {{{phon(bò)}}}
1. dweller, neighbour
** C
** D
*** dag
@ -204,7 +245,7 @@ sn.m. {{{phon(daɣ)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/d.php#dagr][dagr]]
| | Sg. | Def.Sg. | Pl. | Def.Pl. |
| Nom. | dagr {{{phon(daɡr̩)}}} | daginn | dagr | daginn |
| Nom. | dagr {{{phon(daɡr̩)}}} | daginn | dagr | daginn |
| Acc. | dag {{{phon(daɣ)}}} | dagin | dag | dagin |
| Dat. | dag {{{phon(daj)}}} | dagin | dagum | daginum |
| Gen. | dagar {{{phon(dajar)}}} | dagins | dagar | dagin |
@ -301,7 +342,6 @@ Always followed by a conditional verbal phrase or a noun if speakers
can infer the verbal phrase from it.
*** Eittland
sn.n. {{{phon(ɑɪʔlɑnd)}}}, from OE neutral /einn/ (/alone/, /lonely/), itself from
ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/e.php#einn][einn]], and ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/l.php#land][land]]
@ -347,7 +387,7 @@ prep. {{{phon(eɸter)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/e.php#eptir][epti
Im looking for the King, can you tell me where he is?
| ek | em | eptir | konung |
| 1s.NOM | to.be.1s.PRES.IND | after | king |
| 1s.NOM | to.be.1s.PRES.IND | after | king |
| kann-uð | ér | sagja | mér | hvar | es | han-n |
| can-2p | 2p.NOM | to.tell | 1s.DAT | where | to.be.3s.PRES.IND | 3s.m-NOM |
@ -683,6 +723,11 @@ using hav(a) in the passive voice.
| 2 | hafsk | havisk | havisk | heðisk |
| 3 | hafsk | havisk | havisk | heðisk |
*** hávn
sn.f. {{{phon(hɛ̀vn̩)}}}
1. haven, port
*** hávuð
in.n. {{{phon(hɛ̀βoð)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/h.php#h%C3%B6fu%C3%B0-A][hǫfuð]]
@ -944,6 +989,11 @@ sn.m. {{{phon(r̥iŋ)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/h.php#hringr-I][h
| Dat. | hring | hringin | hringum | hringinum |
| Gen. | hringar | hringins | hringar | hringin |
*** Hringarherinssagat
pn. {{{phon(ˈr̥iŋarˌherensˌsɑjɑt)}}}
1. /The Lord of the Rings/, litt. /The Story of the Lord of the Ring/
*** hug(a)
sv. {{{phon(huj)}}}
@ -1309,6 +1359,38 @@ sn.m. {{{phon(lɔrdaɣ)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/l.php#laug-IV][
For declensions, see [[file:./dictionary.md#dag][dag]]. Does not have a definite form. See the other
[[file:./dictionary.md#days-of-the-week][days of the week]].
*** lág
sn.n. {{{phon(lɛ̀j)}}}
1. law, plural only
*** lágsman
sn.m. {{{phon(ˈlɛ̀ɡsˌman)}}}
1. lawyer, attorney
*** mynd
sn.f. {{{phon(mynd)}}}
1. image, picture
2. video
*** nakt
adj. {{{phon(nɑkt)}}}
1. naked
*** leik
1. sn.f. plaything
2. sn.m. game
*** leik(a)
sv. {{{phon(lɑɪk)}}}
1. to play
*** leið(a)
wv. {{{phon(lɑːɪð)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/l.php#lei%C3%B0a][leiða]]
@ -1332,19 +1414,6 @@ Declensions:
| 2p | | leiðið | leiðið | leiðuð | leiððisk |
| 3p | | leiðið | leiðið | leiðuð | leiððisk |
*** list
wn.f. {{{phon(liʃt)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/l.php#list][list]]
1. art, craft
2. skill
| | Sg. | Def.Sg. | Pl. | Def.Pl. |
| Nom. | list | listit | listr | listitr |
| Acc. | list | listit | list | listit |
| Dat. | list | listit | listum | listitum |
| Gen. | lists | listits | lists | listit |
*** les(a)
sv. {{{phon(les)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/l.php#lesa-II][lesa]]
@ -1367,6 +1436,30 @@ Declensions:
| 2p | | lesið | lesið | lesuð | lesask |
| 3p | | lesið | lesið | lesuð | lesask |
*** list
wn.f. {{{phon(liʃt)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/l.php#list][list]]
1. art, craft
2. skill
| | Sg. | Pl. |
| Nom. | list | listr |
| Acc. | list | list |
| Dat. | list | listum |
| Gen. | lists | lists |
*** list(i)
sn.f. {{{phon(liʃt)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/l.php#listi][listi]]
1. list
2. catalogue
*** listsmið
sn.m. {{{phon(liʃtsmið)}}}, from [[file:./dictionary.md#list][list]] and [[file:./dictionary.md#smið][-smið]]
1. craftsman, artist
*** líf
sn.n. {{{phon(lèv)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/l.php#l%C3%ADf][líf]]
@ -1747,7 +1840,39 @@ adv. {{{phon(oɸt)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/o.php#opt][opt]]
Alternative form: *oft*
*** orð
sn.n. {{{phon(orð)}}}
1. word, utterance
*** orðtak
wn.n. {{{phon(ˈorðˌtɑk)}}}, from [[file:./dictionary.md#orðtak-a][orðtak(a)]]
1. a quote
*** orðtak(a)
sv. {{{phon(ˈorðˌtɑk)}}}, from [[file:./dictionary.md#orð][orð]] and [[file:./dictionary.md#tak-a][tak(a)]]
1. to quote
** Ó
*** ó-
prefix {{{phon(ɔ̀)}}}
Equivalent of English /un…/, /not smth/
#+html: ::: tip Example
#+html: :::
*** ótraust
adj. {{{phon(ˌɔ̀ˈtrɔʊʃt)}}}
1. unsafe, not trustworthy
*** Óðin
pn. {{{phon(ɔðen)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/oo.php#%C3%B3%C3%B0inn][Óðinn]]
@ -1818,6 +1943,16 @@ Alternative form: *pos(e)*
| Gen. | poss | posits | poss | posit |
** R
*** ráð
sn.n. {{{phon(rɛ̀ð)}}}
1. advice, counsel
*** ráðspell
sn.n. {{{phon(ˈrɛ̀ðˌʃpelː)}}}, from [[file:./dictionary.md#rað][ráð]] and [[file:./dictionary.md#spell][spell]]
1. debate
*** ráðuneyt(i)
wn.m. {{{phon(ˈrɛ̀ðoˌnœʏt)}}}, from OI [[https://old-norse.net/html/r.php#r%C3%A1%C3%B0uneyti][ráðuneyti]]
@ -1891,7 +2026,26 @@ wn.n. {{{phon(ˈrekːˌlɛ̀ð)}}}, from [[file:./dictionary.md#rekkja-noun][rek
| Dat. | rekkláðum | rekkláðitum |
| Gen. | rekkláðs | rekkláðit |
*** rúm
sn.n. {{{phon(ròm)}}}
1. room
2. channel (as in an online app)
*** rúmvin
sn.m. {{{phon(ˈròmˌβin)}}}, from [[file:./dictionary.md#rum][rúm]] and [[file:./dictionary.md#vin][vin]]
1. roommate
** S
*** -smið
suffix {{{phon(smið)}}}
1. -work
Forms strong masculine nouns
*** sag(a)
wn.f. {{{phon(sɑj)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/s.php#saga][saga]]
@ -2134,6 +2288,16 @@ Declensions:
| 2p | | skínið | skínið | skínuð | skínask |
| 3p | | skínið | skínið | skínuð | skínask |
*** skít
sn.n. {{{phon(ʃkèt)}}}
1. /vulgar/ excrement, shit
*** skítráð
sn.n. {{{phon(ˈʃkètˌrɛ̀ð)}}}, from [[file:./dictionary.md#skit][skít]] and [[file:./dictionary.md#rað][ráð]], calque of English /shitpost/
1. shitpost, meme
*** smársov
iv. {{{phon(smɛ̀rsoβ)}}}, from [[file:./dictionary.md#sov-a][sov(a)]]
@ -2207,6 +2371,11 @@ Declensions:
This verb only takes a time reference as its subject or none at all,
always in the third personl
*** spell
sn.n. {{{phon(ʃpelː)}}}
1. speech, saying
*** styrsamhald(i)
sn.n. {{{phon(ˈʃtyrˌsamhald)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/s.php#styrr][styrr]] (stir, battle) and [[https://old-norse.net/html/s.php#samheldi][samhaldi]]
(a holding together, unity).
@ -2248,6 +2417,12 @@ For declensions, see [[file:./dictionary.md#dag][dag]]. Does not have a definite
[[file:./dictionary.md#days-of-the-week][days of the week]].
** T
*** tak(a)
sv. {{{phon(tɑk)}}}
1. to take, to seize
2. to capture (figuratively)
*** tal(a)
**** Noun
wn.f. {{{phon(tal)}}}, from ON [[https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tala#Old_Norse][tala]]
@ -2289,6 +2464,19 @@ Declensions:
| 2p | | talið | talið | taluð | talðisk |
| 3p | | talið | talið | taluð | talðisk |
*** tarr(a)
sv. {{{phon(tɑrː)}}}
1. to spread out
*** til
prep. {{{phon(til)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/t.php#til-A][til]]
1. to, towards, till (literally and figuratively)
**** til ná
1. still
*** Tíbet
wn.n. {{{phon(ˈtèbet)}}}, borrowed from Danish /Tibet/
@ -2301,14 +2489,6 @@ wn.n. {{{phon(ˈtèbet)}}}, borrowed from Danish /Tibet/
| Dat. | Tíbet |
| Gen. | Tíbets |
*** til
prep. {{{phon(til)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/t.php#til-A][til]]
1. to, towards, till (literally and figuratively)
**** til ná
1. still
*** ton
wn.m. {{{phon(ton)}}}, from Middle Low German [[https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ton#Middle_Low_German][ton]]
@ -2328,6 +2508,11 @@ wn.f. {{{phon(tonliʃt)}}}, from [[file:./dictionary.md#ton][ton]] and [[file:./
See [[file:./dictionary.md#list][list]] for declensions.
*** traust
adj. {{{phon(trɔʊʃt)}}}
1. trusty, trustworthy, safe
*** tren
wn.n. {{{phon(tren)}}}, from English [[https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/train#English][train]]
@ -2340,6 +2525,11 @@ wn.n. {{{phon(tren)}}}, from English [[https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/train#Engl
| Dat. | tren | trenit | trenum | trenitum |
| Gen. | trens | trenits | trens | trenit |
*** tung
wn.f. {{{phon(tuŋ)}}}
1. tongue
*** týr
in.m. {{{phon(tør)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/t.php#t%C3%BDr][týr]]
@ -2459,12 +2649,12 @@ sn.n. {{{phon(βarp)}}}, from [[file:./dictionary.md#verp-a][verp]]
2. projection
3. /colloquial/ a movie projection
| | Sg. | Def.Sg. | Pl. | Def.Pl. |
| Nom. | varp | varpit | varp | varpitr |
| Acc. | varp | varpit | varp | varpit |
| Dat. | varp | varpit | varpum | varpitum |
| Gen. | varps | varpits | varps | varpit |
| | Sg. | Def.Sg. | Pl. | Def.Pl. |
| Nom. | varp | varpit | varp | varpitr |
| Acc. | varp | varpit | varp | varpit |
| Dat. | varp | varpit | varpum | varpitum |
| Gen. | varps | varpits | varps | varpit |
*** ván
sn.f. {{{phon(βɛ̀n)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/v.php#v%C3%A1n][ván]]
@ -2611,7 +2801,7 @@ wn.f. {{{phon(βik)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/v.php#vika-B][vika]
7. [[file:./dictionary.md#laurdag][Laurdag]]
*** vilja
iv. {{{phon(viʎ)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/v.php#vilja][vilja]]
iv. {{{phon(βiʎ)}}}, from ON [[https://old-norse.net/html/v.php#vilja][vilja]]
1. to want, to wish
@ -2632,7 +2822,18 @@ Declensions:
| 2p | | vilið | vilið | vilduð | vildisk |
| 3p | | vilið | vilið | vilduð | vildisk |
*** Vit
*** vin
sn.m. {{{phon(βin)}}}
1. friend
*** vinbú
wn.m. {{{phon(ˈβinˌbò)}}}
1. pet
2. roommate (derogatory)
*** vit
interj. {{{phon(βit)}}}
1. question marker, see [[file:./grammar.md#yes-no-questions][yes/no questions]], probably from an inuit