Lucien Cartier-Tilet 5b4409725c
[Emacs] Remove unused code, reorganize file, add configuration
Removed the head variable for `org-confirm-babel-evaluate' since I set
it to `nil' anyway.

Add `:mkdir yes' to all `:tangle' header arguments so no issues arise
when trying to tangle.

Added three new packages:
- helm-icons for integrating all-the-icons in Helm
- org-tree-slide for orgmode powered presentations
- wrap-region for wrapping selections with other chars than

Renamed variables in my custom Elisp functions so they stand out more
as user-defined variables.

Renamed `shortcuts' to `keybindings'

Added keybindings for `org-tree-slide'

Updated dotspacemacs file
2020-08-28 16:15:46 +02:00