#+title: StumpWM — Colours #+setupfile: ../headers #+property: header-args:emacs-lisp :tangle no :exports results :cache yes :noweb yes * StumpWM — Colours ** Colours :PROPERTIES: :header-args:lisp: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/colors.lisp :END: If you’ve had a look at the rest of my dotfiles, you may have noticed I really like the [[https://www.nordtheme.com/][Nord theme]]. No wonder we can find it here again! Here is a small table listing the Nord colours: #+name: nord-colours #+caption: Nord Theme | Name | Value | |--------+---------| | nord0 | #2e3440 | | nord1 | #3b4252 | | nord2 | #434c5e | | nord3 | #4c566a | | nord4 | #d8dee9 | | nord5 | #e5e9f0 | | nord6 | #eceff4 | | nord7 | #8fbcbb | | nord8 | #88c0d0 | | nord9 | #81a1c1 | | nord10 | #5e81ac | | nord11 | #bf616a | | nord12 | #d08770 | | nord13 | #ebcb8b | | nord14 | #a3be8c | | nord15 | #b48ead | I’ll prefix the variables’ name with ~phundrak-~ just in case it might conflict with another package I might use in the future, so the CLisp code looks like so: #+name: gen-colors #+header: :wrap src lisp #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var colors=nord-colours (mapconcat (lambda (color) (format "(defvar phundrak-%s \"%s\")" (car color) (cadr color))) colors "\n") #+end_src #+RESULTS[08b3db7a2b4f31d641bcd096ff265eae06879244]: gen-colors #+begin_src lisp (defvar phundrak-nord0 "#2e3440") (defvar phundrak-nord1 "#3b4252") (defvar phundrak-nord2 "#434c5e") (defvar phundrak-nord3 "#4c566a") (defvar phundrak-nord4 "#d8dee9") (defvar phundrak-nord5 "#e5e9f0") (defvar phundrak-nord6 "#eceff4") (defvar phundrak-nord7 "#8fbcbb") (defvar phundrak-nord8 "#88c0d0") (defvar phundrak-nord9 "#81a1c1") (defvar phundrak-nord10 "#5e81ac") (defvar phundrak-nord11 "#bf616a") (defvar phundrak-nord12 "#d08770") (defvar phundrak-nord13 "#ebcb8b") (defvar phundrak-nord14 "#a3be8c") (defvar phundrak-nord15 "#b48ead") #+end_src Finally, let’s also modify the default colors StumpWM has. I’ll try to respect the original colours while converting them to Nord. We also need to reload them now that we modified them. #+begin_src lisp (setq *colors* `(,phundrak-nord1 ;; 0 black ,phundrak-nord11 ;; 1 red ,phundrak-nord14 ;; 2 green ,phundrak-nord13 ;; 3 yellow ,phundrak-nord10 ;; 4 blue ,phundrak-nord14 ;; 5 magenta ,phundrak-nord8 ;; 6 cyan ,phundrak-nord5)) ;; 7 white (when *initializing* (update-color-map (current-screen))) #+end_src And with that we’re done!