#+title: Emacs — Packages — Editing #+setupfile: ../../headers #+property: header-args:emacs-lisp :mkdirp yes :lexical t :exports code #+property: header-args:emacs-lisp+ :tangle ~/.config/emacs/lisp/editing.el #+property: header-args:emacs-lisp+ :mkdirp yes :noweb no-export * Editing First, I’ll define some keybindings for easily inserting pairs when editing text. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (general-define-key :states 'visual "M-[" #'insert-pair "M-{" #'insert-pair "M-<" #'insert-pair "M-'" #'insert-pair "M-`" #'insert-pair "M-\"" #'insert-pair) #+end_src ** Atomic Chrome Why write in your browser when you could write with Emacs? Despite its name, this package isn’t only geared towards Chrome/Chromium-based browsers but also towards Firefox since its 2.0 version. I find it a bit unfortunate Chrome’s name stuck in the package’s name though. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package atomic-chrome :straight (:build t) :init (atomic-chrome-start-server) :config (setq atomic-chrome-default-major-mode 'markdown-mode atomic-chrome-url-major-mode-alist `(("github\\.com" . gfm-mode) ("gitlab\\.com" . gfm-mode) ("labs\\.phundrak\\.com" . markdown-mode) ("reddit\\.com" . markdown-mode)))) #+end_src ** Editorconfig Editorconfig is a unified way of passing to your text editor settings everyone working in a repo need to follow. ~.editorconfig~ files work for VSCode users, vim users, Atom users, Sublime users, and of course Emacs users. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package editorconfig :defer t :straight (:build t) :diminish editorconfig-mode :init (editorconfig-mode t)) #+end_src ** Evil Nerd Commenter Emacs’ default commenting system is nice, but I don’t find it smart enough for me. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package evil-nerd-commenter :after evil :straight (:build t)) #+end_src ** Iedit Iedit is a powerful text editing tool that can be used to refactor code through the edition of multiple regions at once, be it in a region or in a whole buffer. Since I’m using evil, I’ll also use a compatibility package that adds states for iedit. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package evil-iedit-state :defer t :straight (:build t) :commands (evil-iedit-state evil-iedit-state/iedit-mode) :init (setq iedit-curent-symbol-default t iedit-only-at-symbol-boundaries t iedit-toggle-key-default nil) :general (phundrak/leader-key :infix "r" :packages '(iedit evil-iedit-state) "" '(:ignore t :which-key "refactor") "i" #'evil-iedit-state/iedit-mode) (general-define-key :keymaps 'evil-iedit-state-map "c" nil "s" nil "J" nil "S" #'iedit-expand-down-a-line "T" #'iedit-expand-up-a-line "h" #'evil-iedit-state/evil-change "k" #'evil-iedit-state/evil-substitute "K" #'evil-iedit-state/substitute "q" #'evil-iedit-state/quit-iedit-mode)) #+end_src ** Smartparens #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package smartparens :straight (:build t) :defer t) #+end_src ** Parinfer Don’t let the name of the package fool you! ~parinfer-rust-mode~ is not a ~parinfer~ mode for ~rust-mode~, but a mode for ~parinfer-rust~. ~parinfer~ was a project for handling parenthesis and other double markers in a much more intuitive way when writing Lisp code. However, it is now out of date (last commit was on January 2nd, 2019) and the repository has since been archived. New implementations then appeared, one of them is [[https://github.com/eraserhd/parinfer-rust][~parinfer-rust~]], obviously written in Rust, around which ~parinfer-rust-mode~ is built. Enabling ~parinfer-rust-mode~ should also automatically disable ~smartparens-mode~ in order to avoid conflicting behavior. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package parinfer-rust-mode :defer t :straight (:build t) :diminish parinfer-rust-mode :hook emacs-lisp-mode common-lisp-mode scheme-mode :init (setq parinfer-rust-auto-download t parinfer-rust-library-directory (concat user-emacs-directory "parinfer-rust/")) (add-hook 'parinfer-rust-mode-hook (lambda () (smartparens-mode -1))) :general (phundrak/major-leader-key :keymaps 'parinfer-rust-mode-map "m" #'parinfer-rust-switch-mode "M" #'parinfer-rust-toggle-disable)) #+end_src ** Smartparens ~smartparens~ is a package similar to ~parinfer~, but while the latter is more specialized for Lisp dialects, ~smartparens~ works better with other programming languages that still uses parenthesis, but not as much as Lisp dialects; think for example C, C++, Rust, Javascript, and so on. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package smartparens :defer t :straight (smartparens :build t :type git :host github :repo "Fuco1/smartparens") :hook (prog-mode . smartparens-mode)) #+end_src ** ~string-edit~ ~string-edit~ is a cool package that allows the user to write naturally a string and get it automatically escaped for you. No more manually escaping your strings! #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package string-edit-at-point :defer t :straight (:build t)) #+end_src ** Writeroom On the other hand, ~writeroom~ allows the user to enter a distraction-free mode of Emacs, and I like that! But the default width is a bit too small for me, and I prefer not to go fullscren. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package writeroom-mode :defer t :straight (:build t) :init (global-writeroom-mode 1) :config (setq writeroom-width 100 writeroom-fullscreen-effect nil writeroom-maximize-window nil writeroom-mode-line t writeroom-major-modes '(text-mode org-mode markdown-mode nov-mode Info-mode))) #+end_src