#+title: Utilities #+setupfile: ../headers #+property: header-args:emacs-lisp :tangle no :exports results :cache yes :noweb yes * Utilities ** Utilities :PROPERTIES: :header-args:lisp: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/utilities.lisp :noweb yes :END: Part of my configuration is not really related to StumpWM itself, or rather it adds new behaviour StumpWM doesn’t have. ~utilities.lisp~ stores all this code in one place. *** Bluetooth :PROPERTIES: :header-args:lisp: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/bluetooth.lisp :noweb yes :END: Although there is a Bluetooth module for the modeline, this is about the extent to which StumpWM can interact with the system’s Bluetooth. However, I wish for some more interactivity, like powering on and off Bluetooth, connecting to devices and so on. Firstly, our code relies on ~cl-ppcre~, so let’s quickload it. #+begin_src lisp (ql:quickload :cl-ppcre) #+end_src Let’s indicate which command we’ll be using. #+begin_src lisp (defvar *bluetooth-command* "bluetoothctl" "Base command for interacting with bluetooth.") #+end_src **** Utilities We’ll need a couple of functions that will take care of stuff for us, so we don’t have to repeat ourselves. The first one is a way for us to share a message. The function ~bluetooth-message~ will first display ~Bluetooth:~ in green, then it will display the message we want it to display. #+begin_src lisp (defun bluetooth-message (&rest message) (message (format nil "^2Bluetooth:^7 ~{~A~^ ~}" message))) #+end_src This function is a builder function which will create our commands. For instance, src_lisp[:exports code]{(bluetooth-make-command "power" "on")} will return ~"bluetoothctl power on"~ with ~*bluetooth-ctl*~ set as ~"bluetoothctl"~ --- simply put, it joins ~*bluetooth-command*~ with ~args~ with a space as their separator. #+begin_src lisp (defun bluetooth-make-command (&rest args) (format nil "~a ~{~A~^ ~}" ,*bluetooth-command* args)) #+end_src Now we can put ~bluetooth-make-command~ to use with ~bluetooth-command~ which will actually run the result of the former. As you can see, it also collects the output, so we can display it later in another function. #+begin_src lisp (defmacro bluetooth-command (&rest args) `(run-shell-command (bluetooth-make-command ,@args) t)) #+end_src Finally, ~bluetooth-message-command~ is the function that both executes and also displays the result of the bluetooth command we wanted to see executed. Each argument of the command is a separate string. For instance, if we want to power on the bluetooth on our device, we can call src_lisp[:exports code]{(bluetooth-message-command "power" "on")}. #+begin_src lisp (defmacro bluetooth-message-command (&rest args) `(bluetooth-message (bluetooth-command ,@args))) #+end_src **** Toggle Bluetooth On and Off This part is easy. Now that we can call our Bluetooth commands easily, we can easily define how to turn on Bluetooth. #+begin_src lisp (defcommand bluetooth-turn-on () () "Turn on bluetooth." (bluetooth-message-command "power" "on")) #+end_src And how to power it off. #+begin_src lisp (defcommand bluetooth-turn-off () () "Turn off bluetooth." (bluetooth-message-command "power" "off")) #+end_src **** Bluetooth Devices In order to manipulate Bluetooth device, which we can represent as a MAC address and a name, we can create a structure that will make use of a constructor for simpler use. The constructor ~make-bluetooth-device-from-command~ expects an entry such as ~Device 00:00:00:00:00:00 Home Speaker~. The constructor discards the term ~Device~ and stores the MAC address separately from the rest of the string which is assumed to be the full name of the device. #+begin_src lisp (defstruct (bluetooth-device (:constructor make-bluetooth-device (&key (address "") (name nil))) (:constructor make-bluetooth-device-from-command (&key (raw-name "") &aux (address (cadr (cl-ppcre:split " " raw-name))) (full-name (format nil "~{~A~^ ~}" (cddr (cl-ppcre:split " " raw-name))))))) address (full-name (progn (format nil "~{~A~^ ~}" name)))) #+end_src We can now collect our devices easily. #+begin_src lisp (defun bluetooth-get-devices () (let ((literal-devices (bluetooth-command "devices"))) (mapcar (lambda (device) (make-bluetooth-device-from-command :raw-name device)) (cl-ppcre:split "\\n" literal-devices)))) #+end_src **** Connect to a device When we want to connect to a Bluetooth device, we always need Bluetooth turned on, so ~bluetooth-turn-on~ will always be called. Then the function will attempt to connect to the device specified by the ~device~ argument, whether the argument is a Bluetooth structure as defined above or a plain MAC address. #+begin_src lisp (defun bluetooth-connect-device (device) (progn (bluetooth-turn-on) (cond ((bluetooth-device-p device) ;; it is a bluetooth-device structure (bluetooth-message-command "connect" (bluetooth-device-address device))) ((stringp device) ;; assume it is a MAC address (bluetooth-message-command "connect" device)) (t (message (format nil "Cannot work with device ~a" device)))))) #+end_src The command to connect to a device displays a choice between the collected Bluetooth device and the user only has to select it. It will then attempt to connect to it. #+begin_src lisp (defcommand bluetooth-connect () () (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (let* ((devices (bluetooth-get-devices)) (choice (cadr (stumpwm:select-from-menu (stumpwm:current-screen) (mapcar (lambda (device) `(,(bluetooth-device-full-name device) ,device)) devices))))) (bluetooth-connect-device choice))))) #+end_src *** Pinentry Out with GTK2’s pinentry program! Let’s use StumpWM’s! At least that’s what I’d like to say, but unfortunately there is a bug in the text reading devices of StumpWM that prevent the user from using modifiers when entering a password such as AltGr, so I can’t use it : / #+begin_src lisp ;; (load-module "pinentry") #+end_src *** Sly [[https://github.com/joaotavora/sly][Sly]] is a fork of SLIME with which I can connect StumpWM and Emacs together. Technically this is already done to some level with ~stumpwm-mode~, but the latter doesn’t provide auto-completion or stuff like that. The first thing to do is load ~slynk~, SLY’s server: #+begin_src lisp (ql:quickload :slynk) #+end_src Now we can define a command to launch the server. I don’t want it to run all the time, just when I need it. #+begin_src lisp (stumpwm:defcommand sly-start-server () () "Start a slynk server for sly." (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (slynk:create-server :dont-close t)))) (stumpwm:defcommand sly-stop-server () () "Stop current slynk server for sly." (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (slynk:stop-server 4005)))) #+end_src *** Systemd :PROPERTIES: :header-args:lisp: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/systemd.lisp :noweb yes :END: I’m currently in the process of writing functions to interact with Systemd directly through StumpWM. For now, not much work is done, but it’s a start. Firstly, I have the following function that lists all the system or user services. #+begin_src lisp (defun systemd-get-services (&key user-p) "Collect all systemd services running. If USER-P is t, collect user services, otherwise collect system services. The value returned is a list of lists. The first element is the service’s name, the second is its load state, the third the high-level activation state of the service, and the fourth its low-level activation state." (mapcar (lambda (elt) (multiple-value-bind (_ result) (ppcre:scan-to-strings "(.*\\.service) *([^ ]+) *([^ ]+) *([^ ]+).*" elt) result)) (ppcre:split " *\\n●? *" (ppcre:regex-replace "^ *" (run-shell-command (concat "systemctl list-units --type service --all -q" (if user-p " --user" "")) t) "")))) #+end_src The only command I have right now is for listing the system or user services with ~message~. Unfortunately, if there are too many services, the list will overflow the screen. I do not know how to fix that yet. I set the timeout to 600 seconds in order to have all the time in the world to read the services list. It goes away as soon as something else appears, such as a ~s-SPC C-g~ since I have ~which-key-mode~ enabled. #+begin_src lisp (defcommand systemd-list-services (user-p) ((:y-or-n "User services? ")) (let ((stumpwm::*timeout-wait* 600)) (message (format nil "~{~a~^~&~}" (mapcar (lambda (service) (let ((name (aref service 0)) (load (aref service 1)) (active (aref service 2)) (sub (aref service 3))) (cond ((member load '("not-found" "bad-setting" "error" "masked") :test #'string=) (format nil "^~A~A^0 ^> Load: ~12@A" (if (string= "masked" load) 4 1) name load)) ((member active '("failed" "reloading" "activating" "deactivating" "inactive") :test #'string=) (format nil "^~A~A^0 ^>Active: ~12@A" (case active ("failed" 1) ("inactive" 0) (t 3)) name active)) (t (format nil "^2~A^0 ^> Sub: ~12@A" name sub))))) (systemd-get-services :user-p user-p)))))) #+end_src * PRIVATE org functions :noexport: #+name: keybinds-gen #+header: :wrap "src lisp :exports none" :exports none :noweb yes #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var map="m" keybinds=bluetooth-keymap (mapconcat (lambda (keybind) (format "%s" (let* ((filter (lambda (str) (replace-regexp-in-string "^~\\|~$" "" str))) (key (funcall filter (car keybind))) (function (funcall filter (cadr keybind)))) `(define-key ,map (my/kbd ,(format "\"%s\"" key)) ,(if (string-prefix-p "'" function t) function (format "\"%s\"" function)))))) keybinds "\n") #+end_src