#+title: General Shell Configuration #+setupfile: headers #+PROPERTY: header-args:sh :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.profile :exports code :noweb yes :shebang #!/bin/sh #+PROPERTY: header-args :exports code :tangle no * General Shell Configuration As you may have noticed with my [[file:./fish.md][Fish configuration]], my main shell is Fish, not Bash or Zsh. But sometimes, I do need to use these instead of Fish. In order to share some common configuration, I have a rather rich =$HOME/.profile= file which mainly exports environment variables. Despite the fact Fish is not a POSIX shell and should not be able to read it, the plugin =foreign-env= comes in handy to load this =.profile= from fish, as you can see [[file:./fish.md#global-variables][in my fish config]]. The correctness and POSIX compatibility of this file is verified using [[https://www.shellcheck.net/][shellcheck]]. Before we go into the meaty stuff, let me first load some private configuration I cannot share online. #+begin_src sh # shellcheck source=/dev/null . "$HOME"/.profile.private #+end_src ** Personal Information First of all, here I set some information in order to make some stufff work. #+name: personal-info | Variable | Value | |----------+------------------------| | =EMAIL= | =lucien@phundrak.com= | | =NAME= | ="Lucien Cartier-Tilet"= | #+begin_src sh <> #+end_src ** XDG variables Then, let me set some XDG variables that may not be set by default, but are still quite useful. #+name: xdg-variables | Variable | Value | |-----------------+----------------------| | =XDG_CACHE_HOME= | ="$HOME"/.cache= | | =XDG_CONFIG_HOME= | ="$HOME"/.config= | | =XDG_DATA_HOME= | ="$HOME"/.local/share= | | =XDG_STATE_HOME= | ="$HOME"/.local/state= | #+begin_src sh <> #+end_src ** Dev Here are some variables that are quite useful. #+name: dev-variables | Variable | Value | Value is a command? | |-----------------+--------------------------------------+---------------------| | =SSH_AUTH_SOCK= | =gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket= | yes | | =LD_LIBRARY_PATH= | ="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH":/usr/local/lib= | | | =LSP_USE_PLISTS= | =true= | | | =DIFFPROG= | =ediff= | | | =SUDO_ASKPASS= | ="$HOME"/.local/bin/askpass= | | | =MANPAGER= | =less= | | - =SSH_AUTH_SOCK= :: allows me to use my local GPG keys when SSHing into a remote host that may not have a gpg agent. It tells SSH which sock to use, sock which allows SSH to interact with other software, here GPG. - =LD_LIBRARY_PATH= :: path of libraries that may be included by compilers such as GCC. - =LSP_USE_PLISTS= :: optimisation for LSP servers with Emacs. - =DIFFPROG= :: program used by software that wants to diff two files, such as git. It uses my script [[file:./scripts.md#ediff][ediff]]. - =SUDO_ASKPASS= :: which script to call when calling =sudo -A=. It uses my script [[file:./scripts.md#askpass][askpass]]. #+begin_src sh <> #+end_src *** Android development I’m not sure why I keep these, honestly. #+name: android | Variable | Value | |-------------------+---------------------| | =DART_SDK= | =/opt/dart-sdk/bin= | | =ANDROID_HOME= | ="$HOME"/Android/Sdk= | | =CHROME_EXECUTABLE= | =/usr/bin/chromium= | #+begin_src sh <> #+end_src *** Compatibility issues with =MANPAGER= Due to compatibility issues with using =less= as the pager for man, some variables must be redefined. #+name: less-termcap | Variable | Value | Value is a command? | |-----------------+---------------------+---------------------| | =LESS_TERMCAP_mb= | =printf '\e[1;32m'= | yes | | =LESS_TERMCAP_md= | =printf '\e[1;32m'= | yes | | =LESS_TERMCAP_me= | =printf '\e[0m'= | yes | | =LESS_TERMCAP_se= | =printf '\e[0m'= | yes | | =LESS_TERMCAP_so= | =printf '\e[01;33m'= | yes | | =LESS_TERMCAP_ue= | =printf '\e[0m'= | yes | | =LESS_TERMCAP_us= | =printf '\e[1;4;31m'= | yes | #+begin_src sh <> #+end_src ** Preferences *** Browser It’s always nice to have the =BROWSER= variable available in case you want to do stuff with scripts and your default browser. #+name: browser | Variable | Value | |----------+---------| | =BROWSER= | =firefox= | #+begin_src sh <> #+end_src *** Editor variables My favourite text editor is [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][Emacs]], in case [[file:emacs/index.md][you haven’t guessed already]]. It makes sense that both my =EDITOR= and =VISUAL= variables should be set to Emacs. #+name: editor | Variable | Value | |----------+------------------| | =EDITOR= | ="emacsclient -c"= | | =VISUAL= | ="emacsclient -c"= | #+begin_src sh <> #+end_src *** GTK Theme These are some important variables regarding the GTK theme I use. #+name: gtk | Variable | Value | |----------------+-------------------| | =GTK_THEME= | =Nordic= | | =GTK_ICON_THEME= | ="Flat-Remix-Dark"= | #+begin_src sh <> #+end_src ** Cleaning up my home directory Home directories tend to become cluttered over time, especially when developers tend to not care about the XDG standard and throw their app’s files into =$HOME= rather than in =XDG_CACHE_HOME=, =XDG_CONFIG_HOME=, and so on. Fortunately, some software allow us to move their data elsewhere, so let’s teach them some manners. #+name: cleanup-variables | Variable | Value | |-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------| | =__GL_SHADER_DISK_CACHE_PATH= | ="$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/nv= | | =_JAVA_OPTIONS= | ="-Djava.util.prefs.userRoot=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/java"= | | =_Z_DATA= | ="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/z= | | =BUNDLE_USER_CACHE= | ="$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/bundle= | | =BUNDLE_USER_CONFIG= | ="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/bundle= | | =BUNDLE_USER_PLUGIN= | ="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/bundle= | | =CARGO_HOME= | ="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/cargo= | | =CUDA_CACHE_PATH= | ="$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/nv= | | =DENO_DIR= | ="$HOME"/.config/deno= | | =DENO_INSTALL_ROOT= | ="$HOME"/.local/bin/deno= | | =DOCKER_CONFIG= | ="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/docker= | | =GEM_HOME= | ="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/gem= | | =GEM_SPEC_CACHE= | ="$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/gem= | | =GNUPGHOME= | ="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/gnupg= | | =GOPATH= | ="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/go= | | =GTK2_RC_FILES= | ="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/gtk-2.0/gtkrc= | | =HISTFILE= | ="$XDG_STATE_HOME/bash/history"= | | =ICEAUTHORITY= | ="$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/ICEauthority= | | =LESSHISTFILE= | ="$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/less/history= | | =MPLAYER_HOME= | ="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/mplayer= | | =NPM_CONFIG_USERCONFIG= | ="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/npm/npmrc= | | =NUGET_PACKAGES= | ="$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/NuGetPackages= | | =NVM_DIR= | ="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/nvm= | | =PARALLEL_HOME= | ="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/parallel= | | =PASSWORD_STORE_DIR= | ="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/pass= | | =PYENV_ROOT= | ="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/pyenv= | | =PYLINTHOME= | ="$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/pylint= | | =RUSTUP_HOME= | ="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/rustup= | | =TERMINFO= | ="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/terminfo= | | =TERMINFO_DIRS= | ="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/terminfo:/usr/share/terminfo= | | =TEXMFVAR= | ="$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/texlive/texmf-var= | | =WINEPREFIX= | ="$XDG_DATA_HOME"/wine= | | =XAUTHORITY= | ="$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"/Xauthority= | | =XCOMPOSEFILE= | ="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/X11/xcompose= | I also need to export this alias, because =wget= feels like it’s special. #+name: cleanup-aliases | Alias name | Expands to | |------------+------------------------------------------------| | =wget= | =wget --hsts-file=$XDG_DATA_HOME/wget-hsts= | | =yarn= | =yarn --use-yarnrc $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/yarn/config= | If you’re wondering how I got most of these variables, [[https://github.com/b3nj5m1n/xdg-ninja][xdg-ninja]] can help you with that. #+begin_src sh <> <> #+end_src ** PATH variable #+name: path-values | Additional =PATH= values | Comment | |----------------------------------------+------------------------------------------| | =/usr/lib/xfce-polkit/= | Lets me access more easily XFCE’s polkit | | =$HOME/.cabal/bin= | Haskell binaries | | =$GEM_HOME/ruby/2.6.0/bin= | Ruby 2.6.0 binaries | | =$GEM_HOME/ruby/3.0.0/bin= | Ruby 3 binaries | | =$GOPATH/bin= | Go binaries | | =${CARGO_HOME}/bin= | Cargo and Rust binaries | | =$HOME/Android/Sdk/tools/bin= | Android tools and binaries | | =$HOME/.local/bin= | Custom scripts | | =$HOME/.config/plover/plugins/linux/bin= | Plover binaries | | =$HOME/.nix-profile/bin= | Nix binaries | #+begin_src sh <> #+end_src * Functions :noexport: :PROPERTIES: :HEADER-ARGS:sh: :tangle no :END: #+name: trim-org #+begin_src emacs-lisp (lambda (str) (replace-regexp-in-string "=$" "" (replace-regexp-in-string "^=" "" str))) #+end_src #+name: export-variables #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table=dev-variables :wrap "src sh :exports none" (let ((trim-org <>)) (mapconcat (lambda (line) (let ((var (apply trim-org (list (car line)))) (value (apply trim-org (list (cadr line)))) (expressionp (and (not (null (nth 2 line))) (not (string= "" (nth 2 line)))))) (if expressionp (format "%s=$(%s)\nexport %s" var value var) (format "export %s=%s" var value)))) table "\n")) #+end_src #+RESULTS[1f66ed32a7001ef22dfa536e4747307767875fdb]: export-variables #+begin_src sh :exports none SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket) export SSH_AUTH_SOCK export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH":/usr/local/lib export LSP_USE_PLISTS=true export DIFFPROG=ediff export SUDO_ASKPASS="$HOME"/.local/bin/askpass export MANPAGER=less #+end_src #+name: aliases #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table=cleanup-aliases :wrap "src sh :exports none" (let ((trim-org <>)) (mapconcat (lambda (line) (let ((alias (apply trim-org (list (car line)))) (command (apply trim-org (list (cadr line))))) (format "alias %s='%s'" alias command))) table "\n")) #+end_src #+RESULTS[a7565ff6f7d8df1fe5854ceefb918aadc6a6a431]: aliases #+begin_src sh :exports none alias wget='wget --hsts-file=$XDG_DATA_HOME/wget-hsts' #+end_src #+name: path-concat #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table=path-values :wrap "src sh :exports none" (let ((trim-org <>)) (concat (mapconcat (lambda (line) (let ((new-path (apply trim-org (list (car line))))) (format "PATH=\"%s:$PATH\"" new-path))) table "\n") "\nexport PATH")) #+end_src #+RESULTS[cd8e62f27d5ef288dde8814e3a6f8b36b02f7a61]: path-concat #+begin_src sh :exports none PATH="/usr/lib/xfce-polkit/:$PATH:$PATH" PATH="$HOME/.cabal/bin:$PATH:$PATH" PATH="$GEM_HOME/ruby/2.6.0/bin:$PATH:$PATH" PATH="$GEM_HOME/ruby/3.0.0/bin:$PATH:$PATH" PATH="$GOPATH/bin:$PATH:$PATH" PATH="${CARGO_HOME}/bin:$PATH:$PATH" PATH="$HOME/Android/Sdk/tools/bin:$PATH:$PATH" PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH:$PATH" PATH="$HOME/.config/plover/plugins/linux/bin:$PATH:$PATH" PATH="$HOME/.nix-profile/bin:$PATH:$PATH" export PATH #+end_src