#+TITLE: Phundrak’s executable scripts #+AUTHOR: Lucien "Phundrak” Cartier-Tilet #+EMAIL: phundrak@phundrak.fr #+OPTIONS: H:4 broken_links:mark email:t ^:{} auto-id:t # ### LaTeX #################################################################### #+LATEX_CLASS: conlang #+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper,twoside] #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \usepackage{tocloft} \setlength{\cftchapnumwidth}{3em} #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \usepackage{xltxtra,fontspec,xunicode,svg} #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \usepackage[total={17cm,24cm}]{geometry} #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \setromanfont{Charis SIL} #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \usepackage{xcolor} #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \usepackage{hyperref} #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \hypersetup{colorlinks=true,linkbordercolor=red,linkcolor=blue,pdfborderstyle={/S/U/W 1}} #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \usepackage{multicol} #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \usepackage{indentfirst} #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \sloppy # ### HTML ##################################################################### #+HTML_DOCTYPE: html5 #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+INFOJS_OPT: view:info toc:1 home:https://phundrak.fr/ toc:t #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: * Table of Contents :TOC_4_gh:noexport: :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-400070eb-725f-4416-a4c6-da3053df750b :END: - [[#presentation][Presentation]] - [[#askpass][Askpass]] - [[#dmenu][Dmenu]] - [[#emoji-picker][Emoji picker]] - [[#rofimount][Rofimount]] - [[#get-the-mountable-elements][Get the mountable elements]] - [[#get-the-drive-to-mount][Get the drive to mount]] - [[#mount-a-usb-drive-hard-drive-or-partition][Mount a USB drive, hard drive or partition]] - [[#mount-an-android-device][Mount an Android device]] - [[#mount-a-cd-drive][Mount a CD drive]] - [[#ask-what-type-of-drive-we-want-to-mount][Ask what type of drive we want to mount]] - [[#launch-the-mounting-functions][Launch the mounting functions]] - [[#rofiumount][Rofiumount]] - [[#get-the-unmountable-drives][Get the unmountable drives]] - [[#unmount-disk-partitions][Unmount disk partitions]] - [[#unmount-android-device][Unmount Android device]] - [[#unmount-cd-drive][Unmount CD drive]] - [[#ask-what-type-of-drive-to-unmount][Ask what type of drive to unmount]] - [[#launch-the-unmounting-functions][Launch the unmounting functions]] - [[#starwars][Starwars]] - [[#wacom-setup][Wacom setup]] - [[#set-our-variables][Set our variables]] - [[#select-our-screen][Select our screen]] - [[#adjust-the-tablet][Adjust the tablet]] - [[#lauch-the-functions][Lauch the functions]] * Presentation :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-309d8596-c35e-4700-a174-13f40884940d :END: This file will present all the executable scripts I wrote. It is also their original source code, all the following code snippets are exported and tangled from this file to the actual executables. Please do not forget to run the following before tangling files from this file to make sure the tangled files will be executables. #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports code (defun phundrak/make-tangled-files-executable () (set-file-modes (buffer-file-name) #o755)) (add-hook 'org-babel-post-tangle-hook 'phundrak/make-tangled-files-executable) #+end_src * Askpass :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-b2bef089-69e3-4efb-ac2f-a5eb6a3a80e8 :HEADER-ARGS: :tangle askpass :exports code :END: Askpass is a simple script that invokes =rofi= as a way to get from a GUI the user’s sudo password. It is inspired by [[https://github.com/ODEX-TOS/tools/blob/master/rofi/askpass][this original tool]], rewritten in fish and with [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Rofi][rofi]] support instead of [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dmenu][dmenu]]. As you can see, this is a oneliner if we ignore the initial shebang. This executable is pointed at by the #+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code #!/usr/bin/fish rofi -dmenu -font 'DejaVu Sans 10' -password -no-fixed-num-lines \ -p (printf $argv[1] | sed s/://) #+END_SRC * Dmenu :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-50623ecd-b633-4af7-9cc4-5a032f01d1ee :HEADER-ARGS: :tangle dmenu :exports code :END: I wrote this very simple script in order to replace =dmenu= with rofi’s emulation of dmenu, since I prefer rofi’s appearance. It basically calls rofi’s dmenu emulation with the arguments initially passed to dmenu. #+BEGIN_SRC fish #!/usr/bin/fish /usr/bin/rofi -dmenu $argv #+END_SRC * Emoji picker :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-477cd486-c9a6-4d59-bd9d-62d8f08ee62d :HEADER-ARGS: :tangle rofi-emoji :exports code :END: The emoji picker is a simple fish script that uses rofi and [[file:~/.config/emoji.txt][~/.config/emoji.txt]] to provide a small, local search for emojis. Once the emoji is selected, it is copied to the clipboard using =xclipboard=. #+BEGIN_SRC fish #!/usr/bin/fish grep -v "#" ~/.config/emoji.txt | rofi -dmenu -i | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d '\n' | xclip -selection clipboard #+END_SRC Also, let’s send a notification telling the user the emoji has been copied! #+BEGIN_SRC fish set emoji (xclip -o -selection clipboard | tr -d '\n') test -z "$emoji" && notify-send "No emoji copied" && exit set -a emoji "copied to clipboard" pgrep -x dunst >/dev/null && notify-send $emoji #+END_SRC It is inspired from [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCEXY46t3OA][this video]] from [[https://lukesmith.xyz/][Luke Smith]], rewritten in Fish. * Rofimount :PROPERTIES: :HEADER-ARGS: :tangle rofi-mount :exports code :CUSTOM_ID: h-32ee4a66-e7fb-4abf-a168-fa259efdb1f4 :END: =rofimount= is a script inspired by [[https://github.com/ihebchagra/dotfiles/blob/master/.local/bin/dmount][this one]], based on dmenu, which interactively asks the user what to mount, and where to mount it. What I did was replace dmenu with rofi, and fix a couple of bugs I encountered in the original script. For the record, this is a fish script. Let’s declare our shebang. #+BEGIN_SRC fish #!/usr/bin/fish #+END_SRC ** Get the mountable elements :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-2307005f-385e-4149-b885-55e699c822bb :END: #+BEGIN_SRC fish begin #+END_SRC What the script does first is detect everything that can be mounted. Between a =begin= and =end=, let’s set =LFS= as a local variable. This si in order to get sane variables in the current block. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set -l LFS #+END_SRC Now, let’s detect the amount of mountable Android filesystems, and if any are detected, let’s read them into a global variable. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set -l a (math (jmtpfs -l | wc -l) - 2) test $a -ge 0 && jmtpfs -l 2> /dev/null | tail -n $a | read -zg anddrives #+END_SRC We’ll do the same for external and internal drives and partitions that can be mounted here. #+BEGIN_SRC fish lsblk -rpo "name,type,size,mountpoint" | \ awk '$2=="part"&&$4==""{printf "%s (%s)\n",$1,$3}' | \ read -zg usbdrives #+END_SRC Finally, we look for any CD drive that could be mounted on our device. #+BEGIN_SRC fish blkid /dev/sr0 | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/://' | read -z cddrives #+END_SRC And that’s the end of our first block! #+BEGIN_SRC fish end #+END_SRC Alright, we’ll save what kind on drives we can mount in a temporary file called =/tmp/drives=. We’ll make sure it’s blank by erasing it then creating it again with =touch=, like so. The =-f= flag on =rm= is here so we get no error if we try to delete a file that doesn’t exist (yet). #+BEGIN_SRC fish set -g TMPDRIVES /tmp/drives rm -f $TMPDRIVES touch $TMPDRIVES #+END_SRC Now, let’s write what type of drives we can mount in this temporary file. #+BEGIN_SRC fish test -n "$usbdrives" && echo "USB" >> $TMPDRIVES test -n "$cddrives" && echo "CD" >> $TMPDRIVES test -n "$anddrives" && echo "Android" >> $TMPDRIVES #+END_SRC Now, we want to declare where to look for mount directories. For now, we’ll only look in =/mnt=, but you can add more if you wish. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set -g basemount /mnt #+END_SRC ** Get the drive to mount :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-a17825bd-96e2-4c90-99ef-b0f2895cffb6 :END: Now, let’s declare a function that will allow us to chose the drive we want to mount. #+BEGIN_SRC fish function getmount #+END_SRC First, we want to get our mount point. We’ll run a =find= command on each of the directories listed in =$basemount= to look for folders on which our drive could be mounted. This list will be passed to rofi from which we will chose our mount point. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set -g mp (for d in $basemount find $d -maxdepth 5 -type d end | rofi -dmenu -i -p 'Type in mount point.') #+END_SRC We should verify that something has been actually selected, otherwise we should abort the script. #+BEGIN_SRC fish if test -z $mp || test $mp = "" return 1 end #+END_SRC Now, if the selected mount point does not exist, we’ll ask the user whether the directory should be created. If no, the script will abort. If yes, an attempt will be made at creating the directory as the user; if that fails, a new attempt will be made as sudo. #+BEGIN_SRC fish if test ! -d $mp switch (printf "No\\nYes" | rofi -dmenu -i -p "$mp does not exist. Create it?") case 'Yes' mkdir -p $mp || sudo -A mkdir -p $mp case '*' return 1 end end #+END_SRC Finally, let’s close the function #+BEGIN_SRC fish end #+END_SRC ** Mount a USB drive, hard drive or partition :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-72781187-ebf2-418c-99b3-bba44922fc60 :END: Alright, we want to mount a partition that answers by the name of =/dev/sdXX=, how do we do that? Let’s create first the function =mountusb= that will take care of it for us. #+BEGIN_SRC fish function mountusb #+END_SRC Now, the first thing we want to do is select the partition we want to mount. Remember, we stored those in =$usbdrives= earlier, so let’s pipe them into rofi so we can chose from it. Also, =awk= will get their path in =/dev=. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set -g chosen (echo $usbdrives | \ rofi -dmenu -i -p "Mount which drive?" | \ awk '{print $1}') #+END_SRC As usual after a user selection, let’s verify something has actually been selected. If not, let’s abort the script. #+BEGIN_SRC fish test -z $chosen && return 1 #+END_SRC Now, let’s select the mount point of our partition. We’ll call the function =getmount= described in [[#get-the-drive-to-mount][Get the drive to mount]] to select it. #+BEGIN_SRC fish getmount #+END_SRC Let’s verify the variable =mp= set in =getmount= is not empty, otherwise abort the script. #+BEGIN_SRC fish test -z $mp && return 1 #+END_SRC Now, let’s mount it! We’ll use a switch which will detect the filesystem used so we know how to mount the partition. #+BEGIN_SRC fish switch (lsblk -no "fstype" $chosen) #+END_SRC We have two named case: =vfat= filesystems. #+BEGIN_SRC fish case "vfat" sudo -A mount -t vfat $chosen $mp -o rw,umask=0000 #+END_SRC And =ntfs= filesystems. #+BEGIN_SRC fish case "ntfs" sudo -A mount -t ntfs $chosen $mp -o rw,umask=0000 #+END_SRC Else, we’ll let =mount= determine which filesystem is used by the partition (generally =ext4=). #+BEGIN_SRC fish case '*' sudo -A mount $chosen $mp #+END_SRC We’ll also run a =chown= on this newly mounted filesystem so the user can access it without any issues. #+BEGIN_SRC fish sudo -A chown -R $USER:(id -g $USER) $mp #+END_SRC Let’s close the switch block and send a notification the partition has been mounted. #+BEGIN_SRC fish end && notify-send -a "dmount" "💻 USB mounting" "$chosen mounted to $mp." #+END_SRC And let’s close the function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish end #+END_SRC ** Mount an Android device :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-af36260f-2c00-43b7-9383-5235ebac9b51 :END: The function that manages to mount Android filesystems is =mountandroid=. Let’s declare it. #+BEGIN_SRC fish function mountandroid -d "Mount an Android device" #+END_SRC We’ll select which Android we want to mount. We will be asked through rofi. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set chosen (echo $anddrives | rofi -dmenu -i -p "Which Android device?" | awk '{print $1 $2}' | sed 's/,$//') #+END_SRC Now, we need to get the bus of the Android device we want to mount. It will be useful later, after we authorized mounting from our device, to get the path to our partition. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set bus (echo $chosen | sed 's/,.*//') #+END_SRC Let’s temporarily mount our device. #+BEGIN_SRC fish jmtpfs -device=$chosen $mp #+END_SRC Now, we need to allow our computer to mount our Android device. Depending on the Android version it is running on, we either need to specify our device is USB connected in order to exchange files, or Android will explicitely ask us if it is OK for our computer to access it. Let’s inform the user of that. #+BEGIN_SRC fish echo "OK" | \ rofi -dmenu -i -p "Press (Allow) on your phone screen, or set your USB settings to allow file transfert" #+END_SRC Now, let’s get the actual path of our Android filesystem we wish to mount, and let’s unmount the previous temporary filesystem. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set newchosen (jmtpfs -l | grep $bus | awk '{print $1 $2}' | sed 's/,$//') sudo -A umount $mp #+END_SRC Now we cam mount the new filesystem and send a notification if everything went well. #+BEGIN_SRC fish jmtpfs -device=$newchosen $mp && \ notify-send -a "dmount" "🤖 Android Mounting" "Android device mounted to $mp." #+END_SRC And now, we can close our function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish end #+END_SRC ** Mount a CD drive :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-73ff10ea-10aa-4044-9315-2321fff73c3f :END: This part is way easier than the previous functions. As we will see, the function =mountcd='s body is only three lines long. First, let’s declare the function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish function mountcd #+END_SRC Now, let’s chose the CD drive we want to mount using =rofi=. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set chosen (echo $cddrives | rofi -dmenu -i -p "Which CD drive?") #+END_SRC We’ll also get the mountpoint thanks to the =getmount= function described earlier. #+BEGIN_SRC fish getmount #+END_SRC And finally, let’s mount it and send the notification everything went well. #+BEGIN_SRC fish sudo -A mount $chosen $mp && \ notify-send -a "dmount" "💿 CD mounting" "$chosen mounted." #+END_SRC Finally, let’s close our function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish end #+END_SRC ** Ask what type of drive we want to mount :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-0bc6ffba-5c45-44e5-a3d3-039a8ea43905 :END: The first thing we will be asked if different types of drives are detected is which of these types the user wishes to mount. This is done with the function =asktype= which is declared below. #+BEGIN_SRC fish function asktype #+END_SRC We will use a switch statement which will use our anwser to rofi about what we wish to mount. #+BEGIN_SRC fish switch (cat $TMPDRIVES | rofi -dmenu -i -p "Mount which drive?") #+END_SRC If we chose the option "USB", we’ll mount a hard drive, partition or USB drive. In which case we’ll call the =mountusb= function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish case "USB" mountusb #+END_SRC If we chose the "Android" option, the =mountandroid= function is called. #+BEGIN_SRC fish case "Android" mountandroid #+END_SRC Else if we chose the "CD" option, we’ll call the =mountcd= function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish case "CD" mountcd #+END_SRC If nothing is selected, the function will naturally exit. Now, let’s close our switch statement and our function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish end end #+END_SRC ** Launch the mounting functions :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-646dc678-4d87-4fec-8130-5d7d0fc16756 :END: Now that we have declared our functions and set our variables, we’ll read the temporary file described in [[#get-the-mountable-elements][Get the mountable elements]]. The amount of lines is passed in a switch statement. #+BEGIN_SRC fish switch (wc -l < $TMPDRIVES) #+END_SRC If the file has no lines, i.e. it is empty, we have no mountable media. Let’s inform our user this is the case. #+BEGIN_SRC fish case 0 notify-send "No USB drive or Android device or CD detected" -a "dmount" #+END_SRC If we only have one line, we have only one type of mountable media. We’ll pass this line to a second switch statement. #+BEGIN_SRC fish case 1 switch (cat $TMPDRIVES) #+END_SRC This will allow the script to automatically detect what type of media it is, and mount the corresponding function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish case "USB" mountusb case "Android" mountandroid case "CD" mountCD #+END_SRC Let’s close this nested switch case. #+BEGIN_SRC fish end #+END_SRC If we have more than one line, we’ll have to ask the user what type of media they want to mount. #+BEGIN_SRC fish case '*' asktype #+END_SRC Now, let’s end our switch statement! #+BEGIN_SRC fish end #+END_SRC Finally, we’ll delete our temporary file. #+BEGIN_SRC fish rm -f $TMPDRIVES #+END_SRC And with that, this is the end of our script! * Rofiumount :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-68a1f671-5dc6-4120-81c8-c94fffa7d7a3 :HEADER-ARGS: :tangle rofi-umount :exports code :END: =rofiumount= is the counterpart of =rofimount= for unmounting our mounted partitions. It is a fish script, so let’s declare it as that with its shebang. #+BEGIN_SRC fish #!/usr/bin/fish #+END_SRC ** Get the unmountable drives :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-dab41471-4f69-4be8-8d77-58ccc604e4e2 :END: First, we will need to list all the drives that can be safely unmounted. Let’s run this. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set -g drives (lsblk -nrpo "name,type,size,mountpoint" | \ awk '$2=="part"&&$4!~/\/boot|\/home$|SWAP/&&length($4)>1{printf "%s (%s)\n",$4,$3}') #+END_SRC Now, let’s get the android devices that are mounted. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set -g androids (awk '/jmtpfs/ {print $2}' /etc/mtab) #+END_SRC And let’s get the CD drives that are mounted. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set -g cds (awk '/sr0/ {print $2}' /etc/mtab) #+END_SRC We’ll store all of our information in a temporary file, =/tmp/undrives=. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set -g undrivefile /tmp/undrives #+END_SRC Let’s make sure we begin with a clean, empty file. #+BEGIN_SRC fish rm -f $undrivefile touch $undrivefile #+END_SRC Depending on if the related variables are set, write the different types of mounted drives in the temporary file. #+BEGIN_SRC fish test -n "$drives" && echo "USB" >> $undrivefile test -n "$cds" && echo "CD" >> $undrivefile test -n "$androids" && echo "Android" >> $undrivefile #+END_SRC ** Unmount disk partitions :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-01c37335-5ae8-484f-911a-a08cc4679398 :END: The function =unmountusb= will take care of unmounting any drive we can safely unmount. First, let’s declare the function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish function unmountusb #+END_SRC Let’s chose the drive to unmount with rofi. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set chosen (echo $drives | \ rofi -dmenu -i -p "Unmount which drive?" | \ awk '{print $1}') #+END_SRC Let’s verify if the user actually selected any drive. If no, let’s abort the script. #+BEGIN_SRC fish test -z "$chosen" && exit 0 #+END_SRC Now, let’s unmount the chosen drive and send a notification if it has been done. Otherwise, a notification will be sent, saying the operation failed. #+BEGIN_SRC fish sudo -A umount $chosen && \ notify-send "💻 USB unmounting" "$chosen unmounted." -a "dumount" || \ notify-send "💻 USB unmounting" "$chosen unmounting failed." -a "dumount" #+END_SRC Now, let’s close the function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish end #+END_SRC ** Unmount Android device :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-d7d2a12e-c759-4dbe-a17b-bb90c514dca2 :END: The function =unmountandroid= will take care of unmounting any mounted Android device. First, let’s declare our function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish function unmountandroid #+END_SRC Let the user choose which Android device to unmount. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set chosen (echo $androids | rofi -dmenu -i -p "Unmount which device?") #+END_SRC We’ll verify the user chose any device. #+BEGIN_SRC fish test -z "$chosen" && exit 0 #+END_SRC If a device has been chosen, let’s unmount it and send a notification whether it has been successfuly unmounted. #+BEGIN_SRC fish sudo -A umount -l $chosen && | notify-send "🤖 Android unmounting" "$chosen unmounted." -a "dumount" || \ notify-send "🤖 Android unmounting" "$chosen failed to unmount." -a "dumount" #+END_SRC Finally, let’s close the function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish end #+END_SRC ** Unmount CD drive :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-ae7a8a83-f022-493c-8410-ad99abf42b89 :END: =unmountcd= will take care of unmounting any mounted CD drive. Let’s declare this function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish function unmountcd #+END_SRC As before, let the user chose which CD drive to unmount. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set chosen (echo "$cds" | rofi -dmenu -i -p "Unmount which CD?") #+END_SRC We’ll verify the user chose any device. #+BEGIN_SRC fish test -z "$chosen" && exit 0 #+END_SRC If a drive has been chosen, let’s unmount it and send a notification whether it has been successfuly unmounted. #+BEGIN_SRC fish sudo -A umount -l $chosen && \ notify-send "💿 CD unmounting" "$chosen unmounted." -a "dumount" || \ notify-send "💿 CD unmounting" "$chosen failed to unmount." -a "dumount" #+END_SRC Now, let’s close the function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish end #+END_SRC ** Ask what type of drive to unmount :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-4320a68b-8369-4ac5-a049-cfb12435e45e :END: If several types of unmountable drives are available, let’s ask the user which type to unmount based on the content of the temporary file declared in [[#get-the-unmountable-drives][Get the unmountable drives]]. First, let’s declare the function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish function asktype #+END_SRC Let’s create a switch statement to which will be passed the selection of the user from rofi. #+BEGIN_SRC fish switch (cat $undrivefile | rofi -dmenu -i -p "Unmount which type of device?") #+END_SRC Three types of values can be returned: "USB", "CD", or "Android". These values will be used to launch their corresponding function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish case 'USB' unmountusb case 'CD' unmountcd case 'Android' unmountandroid #+END_SRC Let’s close the switch statement. #+BEGIN_SRC fish end #+END_SRC Let’s now close the function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish end #+END_SRC ** Launch the unmounting functions :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-5880963f-1403-41dc-ae7a-3958e2013fa9 :END: Now back to the body of our script, let’s input in a switch case the number of lines contained in our temporary file. #+BEGIN_SRC fish switch (wc -l < $undrivefile) #+END_SRC If the file containes no lines. i.e. it is empty, nothing is to be unmounted. Let’s inform the user of that. #+BEGIN_SRC fish case 0 notify-send "No USB drive or Android device or CD to unmount" -a "dumount" #+END_SRC Else, if there is only one type of drive, we’ll automatically let our script choose based on the content of this sole line. #+BEGIN_SRC fish case 1 switch (cat $undrivefile) case 'USB' unmountusb case 'CD' unmountcd case 'Android' unmountandroid end #+END_SRC And if there are more types than one, let’s ask the user. #+BEGIN_SRC fish case '*' asktype #+END_SRC Let’s close our main switch statement. #+BEGIN_SRC fish end #+END_SRC And finally, let’s delete our temporary file. #+BEGIN_SRC fish rm -f $undrivefile #+END_SRC * Starwars :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-127de2b2-d84b-4508-89d2-b4577e8dbece :HEADER-ARGS: :tangle starwars :exports code :END: This is a one-liner that allows you to watch Star Wars episode 4 in ASCII art in your terminal. Here is the code: #+BEGIN_SRC fish #!/usr/bin/fish telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl #+END_SRC * Wacom setup :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-e407ceef-2f14-4474-916b-6b687cf9f2e9 :HEADER-ARGS: :tangle wacom-setup :exports code :END: I made a small and quick utility to set up my Wacom tablet so it is only bound to one screen. This is a fish script, so let’s insert the sheband. #+BEGIN_SRC fish #!/usr/bin/fish #+END_SRC ** Set our variables :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-c46f0eaf-ae46-4595-8d7a-944bc789cc06 :END: Let’s first declare our function that will be called to set our variables. #+BEGIN_SRC fish function set_device #+END_SRC We need some variables in order to correctly set our tablet. First, let’s get declare what the name of our tablet is, and what the name of its touchpad is. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set -g DEVICE "Wacom USB Bamboo PAD Pen stylus" set -g DEVICETOUCH "Wacom USB Bamboo PAD Finger touch" #+END_SRC We will also modify two settings: the speed of the cursor on the touchpad, and the scroll speed. Let’s declare the name of these two settings. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set -g WACOMPROPTOUCHSPEED "Device Accel Velocity Scaling" set -g WACOMPROPSCROLLPSEED "ScrollDistance" #+END_SRC To get the correct values for the area it can cover, we’ll need to reset our tablet. #+BEGIN_SRC fish xsetwacom set "$DEVICE" ResetArea #+END_SRC Now we can get the X and Y areas. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set -l AREATOT (xsetwacom get "$DEVICE" Area) set -g AREAX (echo $AREATOT | awk '{print $3}') set -g AREAY (echo $AREATOT | awk '{print $4}') #+END_SRC Now let’s close our function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish end #+END_SRC ** Select our screen :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-c81850ec-b2dd-4c57-8570-aca14ca4061b :END: This function will allow us to select the screen on which the tablet will be active. We can also select the option “desktop” so that all screens are selected. Let’s declare our function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish function set_screen #+END_SRC First, let’s set what screens are available, including the desktop option. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set CONNECTED_DISPLAYS (xrandr -q --current | \ sed -n 's/^\([^ ]\+\) connected .*/\1/p') desktop #+END_SRC Now, let’s select the one we wish to use using rofi. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set -g SCREEN (for d in $CONNECTED_DISPLAYS echo $d end | rofi -dmenu -i -p "Select your dispaly" | tr -d '\n') #+END_SRC Now, let’s get the resolution of our selected screen. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set -l LINE (xrandr -q --current | if [ "$SCREEN" = "desktop" ] sed -n 's/^Screen 0:.*, current \([0-9]\+\) x \([0-9]\+\),.*/\1 \2/p' else sed -n "s/^$SCREEN"' connected \(primary \)\{0,1\}\([0-9]\+\)x\([0-9]\+\)+.*/\2 \3/p' end) #+END_SRC From that, let’s get the vertical and horizontal resolution of our screen. #+BEGIN_SRC fish echo $LINE | read -g WIDTH HEIGHT #+END_SRC If any of our =WIDTH= ou =HEIGHT= it empty, we’ll have to abort the script. #+BEGIN_SRC fish if test -z $WIDTH || test -z $HEIGHT exit 1 end #+END_SRC Let’s close our function now. #+BEGIN_SRC fish end #+END_SRC ** Adjust the tablet :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-7e7bcdd1-dce8-43aa-b26e-cc4f38be2a1b :END: This function will take care of adjusting our tablet to our screen. Let’s declare our function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish function adjust_device #+END_SRC If our screen is too high or too wide for our tablet, we will have to adjust the height or width of the area used by the tablet. So let’s get the theoretical new height and width of the area. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set RATIOAREAY (math ceil \($AREAX \* $HEIGHT \/ $WIDTH\)) set RATIOAREAX (math ceil \($AREAY \* $WIDTH \/ $HEIGHT\)) #+END_SRC Now, if the current height of the tablet’s area is greater than the theoretical new area, it means the current area is too high. Otherwise, it should be the other way around. Let’s set =NEWAREAX= and =NEWAREAY= that will be used to set the new area for the tablet. #+BEGIN_SRC fish if test $AREAY -gt $RATIOAREAY set -g NEWAREAX $AREAX set -g NEWAREAY $RATIOAREAY else set -g NEWAREAX $RATIOAREAX set -g NEWAREAY $AREAY end #+END_SRC Alright, now let’s set the new area with these new variables. #+BEGIN_SRC fish xsetwacom set "$DEVICE" Area 0 0 $NEWAREAX $NEWAREAY xsetwacom set "$DEVICE" MapToOutput "$SCREEN" #+END_SRC Let’s slow down the cursor’s speed on the touchpad. #+BEGIN_SRC fish xinput set-float-prop $DEVICETOUCH $WACOMPROPTOUCHSPEED 0.5 #+END_SRC Let’s also slow down the scroll speed of the touchpad. #+BEGIN_SRC fish xsetwacom set $DEVICETOUCH $WACOMPROPSCROLLPSEED "90" #+END_SRC Now, let’s close the function. #+BEGIN_SRC fish end #+END_SRC ** Lauch the functions :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: h-e8699018-acf1-42f9-9ce7-4f7bd1a83f9c :END: Back to the main body of the script, we can now launch the functions sequencially. #+BEGIN_SRC fish set_device set_screen adjust_device #+END_SRC