#+TITLE: StumpWM config #+setupfile: headers #+OPTIONS: auto-id:t #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: #+property: header-args:emacs-lisp :tangle no :exports results :cache yes :noweb yes [[file:img/stumpwm.png]] * Introduction :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Introduction-9vda1z81u5j0 :END: ** What is StumpWM? :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Introduction-What-is-StumpWM-oyycyb91u5j0 :END: [[https://stumpwm.github.io/][StumpWM]] is a tiling window manager inheriting from [[http://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison/][RatPoison]], written entirely in [[https://common-lisp.net/][Common Lisp]] and compiled with [[http://www.sbcl.org/][SBCL]]. While it is not an dynamic tiling window manager like [[file:Deprecated/awesome.org][Awesome]] is, its ability of managing windows in frames and using keychords with keymaps like Emacs does is a huge plus for me, not to mention the fact its configuration file is written in Common Lisp, a general programming language, a bit like Awesome. This makes it an [[file:Deprecated/i3.org][i3]] on steroids, sort of. It also uses a lot of Emacs’ concepts, which is great for an Emacs user such as myself. ** Why not EXWM then? :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Introduction-Why-not-EXWM-then-670dyb91u5j0 :END: Sometimes, some actions within Emacs are blocking actions, making the computer not usable while the command runs. It also does not play nice with video games (pun intended), which is also a negative point for me. And I also find EXWM more confusing overall than StumpWM. ** What this file is for :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Introduction-What-this-file-is-for-pnyg92a1u5j0 :END: This file has two main goals: - This will be the actual source code of my StumpWM configuration, thanks to Emacs’ org-mode, and thanks to org-mode’s literate config capabilities. Almost all of the visible source blocks if not all will be included in my configuration files through tangling, which can be done in Emacs when this file is opened through ~M-x org-babel-tangle~, which will write my configuration files based on the source blocks present in this document. This file is not only my config’s documentation, it /*is*/ my configuration. - Be my documentation on my StumpWM configuration. That way, I’ll never forget which block of code does what. And maybe, hopefully, someone could learn a thing or two if they want to get into StumpWM but don’t know where to begin. You should be able to read this document as a book, with each chapter dedicated to a different aspect of StumpWM. ** Organization of my files :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Introduction-Organization-of-my-files-40vjne91u5j0 :END: While I could make this file write everything to the same file (the actual source will be in a single file after all), I find it easier to debug StumpWM if everything’s split up. For now, my configuration follows this architecture: - ~init.el~ :: My main configuration file, glues everything together. It loads all of my configuration files as well as some modules I find useful; - ~colors.lisp~ :: This file defines colors that will be used in my ~theme.lisp~ and ~modeline.lisp~ files. Let’s make my code DRY, or as I prefer to say, DRYD (/Don’t Repeat Yourself Dummy/). - ~commands.lisp~ :: Lisp commands, in case I want to bind some complicated actions to a keybind that is not just a simple shell command; - ~keybindings.lisp~ :: My list of keymaps and keybinds which make StumpWM actually usable; - ~modeline.lisp~ :: This defines the modeline, a concept taken from Emacs which can display various information such as a list of workspaces, including the current one; - ~placement.lisp~ :: This file manages my workspaces and the default placement of various windows; - ~utilities.lisp~ :: Here you can find my StumpWM configuration that isn’t really related to the rest of the config, for instance utility code for connecting by SSH to some host. - ~theme.lisp~ :: manages the color theme of StumpWM, the default placement of some windows and StumpWM’s gaps. You will also find below my ~xinit~ file for StumpWM, exported to ~$HOME/.xinitrc.stumpwm~, which I use to start Stump through ~startx ~/.xinitrc.stumpwm~. #+begin_src sh :tangle ~/.xinitrc.stumpwm :shebang "#!/bin/sh" # this makes it work in Ubuntu xhost +SI:localuser:$USER # Set fallback pointer xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr # Fix scrolling on some GTK3 applications export GDK_CORE_DEVICE_EVENTS=1 # in case Java applications display /nothing/ # wmname LG3D # export _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1 autorandr -l home exec stumpwm #+end_src * Init file :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Init-file-l3q4snd1u5j0 :header-args:lisp: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/init.lisp :END: As mentioned in [[https://stumpwm.github.io/git/stumpwm-git_1.html#Init-File][the documentation]], the configuration files can be in different locations, but I chose an Emacs-like configuration: put everything in ~~/.stumpwm.d/~. We begin by indicating quicklisp how to properly initialize: #+begin_src lisp #-quicklisp (let ((quicklisp-init (merge-pathnames "quicklisp/setup.lisp" (user-homedir-pathname)))) (when (probe-file quicklisp-init) (load quicklisp-init))) #+end_src Then, our first StumpWM-related code is declaring we are using the ~stumpwm~ package, and this is also our default package. This will allow us to avoid using the prefix ~stumpwm:~ each time we are using a function or a variable from this package. #+begin_src lisp (in-package :stumpwm) (setf *default-package* :stumpwm) #+end_src Since I install StumpWM with my package manager (I use the AUR’s ~stumpwm-git~ package), StumpWM’s modules are installed to ~/usr/share/stupmwm/contrib/utils/~, let’s indicate that to StumpWM. #+begin_src lisp (set-module-dir "/usr/share/stupmwm/contrib/") #+end_src A startup message can be used when initializing StumpWM. For now, let’s set it to ~nil~. #+begin_src lisp (setf *startup-message* nil) #+end_src The first thing I want to do after that is to set some decent cursor pointer as well as get a bunch of stuff started. To see what’s in the ~autostart~ script, [[file:bin.org::#Autostart-a99e99e7][see here]]. #+begin_src lisp (run-shell-command "autostart") #+end_src Next I need to register the AltGr key so it works correctly when used. On my system, the value of ~*altgr-offset*~ is 4, but on yours it might be 6, so be careful and refer to the manual on that matter. #+begin_src lisp (setf *altgr-offset* 4) (register-altgr-as-modifier) #+end_src Now, we’ll load a couple of my custom files that will be described below: #+name: first-loaded-files | File to be loaded | |-------------------| | bluetooth.lisp | | commands.lisp | | placement.lisp | | keybindings.lisp | | theme.lisp | | utilities.lisp | | modeline.lisp | #+name: gen-load-files #+header: :wrap src lisp #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var files=first-loaded-files (mapconcat (lambda (file) (format "(load \"~/.stumpwm.d/%s\")" (car file))) files "\n") #+end_src This is equivalent to the Common Lisp code: #+RESULTS[29848aaa616d9b2a828a5602ea6b42dd344efaf2]: gen-load-files #+begin_src lisp (load "~/.stumpwm.d/bluetooth.lisp") (load "~/.stumpwm.d/commands.lisp") (load "~/.stumpwm.d/placement.lisp") (load "~/.stumpwm.d/keybindings.lisp") (load "~/.stumpwm.d/theme.lisp") (load "~/.stumpwm.d/utilities.lisp") (load "~/.stumpwm.d/modeline.lisp") #+end_src Once the modeline file is loaded, let’s indicate StumpWM to activate it: #+begin_src lisp (when *initializing* (mode-line)) #+end_src Another thing I want to set is how focus is linked to my mouse: only on click. I /HATE/ it when focus follows my mouse like some damn dog after its ball. Also, the super key will be used to move floating windows. #+begin_src lisp (setf *mouse-focus-policy* :click ,*float-window-modifier* :SUPER) #+end_src Next, some modules will be loaded from the ~stumpwm-contrib~ package (which is included in ~stumpwm-git~ in the AUR). Here is a short list including a short description of what they are for: #+name: loaded-modules | Module Name | Why It Is Loaded | |-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------| | beckon | Bring the mouse cursor to the current window | | end-session | Gracefully end programs when ending user session | | globalwindows | Navigate between windows from all workspaces | | mpd | Interact with MPD | | stump-backlight | Native management of backlight in StumpWM | | urgentwindows | Get urgent windows | #+name: gen-load-modules #+header: :wrap src lisp #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var modules=loaded-modules (mapconcat (lambda (module) (format "(load-module \"%s\")" (car module))) modules "\n") #+end_src #+RESULTS[0cbba236372280cb2eb6a1e277cda84938e15d46]: gen-load-modules #+begin_src lisp (load-module "beckon") (load-module "end-session") (load-module "globalwindows") (load-module "mpd") (load-module "stump-backlight") (load-module "urgentwindows") #+end_src In order to be able to use MPD from StumpWM itself, we’ll need to connect to it. #+begin_src lisp (mpd:mpd-connect) #+end_src Finally, we can notify the user everything is ready. #+begin_src lisp (setf *startup-message* "StumpWM is ready!") #+end_src And it’s done! We can now move on to the creation of the other CLisp files. * Commands :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Commands-1wagy001v5j0 :header-args:lisp: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/commands.lisp :END: The first command I declare in this file is a command that will avoid me invoking too many Firefox instances. Either Firefox is not already running and an instance is launched, or one already is and we are brought to it. This is done like so: #+begin_src lisp (defcommand firefox () () "Run or raise Firefox." (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (run-or-raise "firefox" '(:class "Firefox") t nil)))) #+end_src Next, this command will not only close the current window, but it will also close the current frame. #+begin_src lisp (defcommand delete-window-and-frame () () "Delete the current frame with its window." (delete-window) (remove-split)) #+end_src The two following commands will create a new frame to the right and below the current frame respectively, then focus it. #+begin_src lisp (defcommand hsplit-and-focus () () "Create a new frame on the right and focus it." (hsplit) (move-focus :right)) (defcommand vsplit-and-focus () () "Create a new frame below and move focus to it." (vsplit) (move-focus :down)) #+end_src Now, let’s create a command for invoking the terminal, optionally with a program. #+begin_src lisp (defcommand term (&optional program) () "Invoke a terminal, possibly with a @arg{program}." (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (run-shell-command (if program (format nil "kitty ~A" program) "kitty"))))) #+end_src And done! Next! * Colors :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Colors-w5493d01v5j0 :header-args:lisp: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/colors.lisp :END: If you’ve taken a look at the rest of my dotfiles, you may have noticed I really like the [[https://www.nordtheme.com/][Nord theme]]. No wonder we can find it here again! Here is a small table listing the Nord colors: #+name: nord-colors | Name | Value | |--------+---------| | nord0 | #2e3440 | | nord1 | #3b4252 | | nord2 | #434c5e | | nord3 | #4c566a | | nord4 | #d8dee9 | | nord5 | #e5e9f0 | | nord6 | #eceff4 | | nord7 | #8fbcbb | | nord8 | #88c0d0 | | nord9 | #81a1c1 | | nord10 | #5e81ac | | nord11 | #bf616a | | nord12 | #d08770 | | nord13 | #ebcb8b | | nord14 | #a3be8c | | nord15 | #b48ead | I’ll prefix the variables’ name with ~phundrak-~ just in case it might conflict with another package I might use in the future, so the CLisp code looks like so: #+name: gen-colors #+header: :wrap src lisp #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var colors=nord-colors (mapconcat (lambda (color) (format "(defvar phundrak-%s \"%s\")" (car color) (cadr color))) colors "\n") #+end_src #+RESULTS[08b3db7a2b4f31d641bcd096ff265eae06879244]: gen-colors #+begin_src lisp (defvar phundrak-nord0 "#2e3440") (defvar phundrak-nord1 "#3b4252") (defvar phundrak-nord2 "#434c5e") (defvar phundrak-nord3 "#4c566a") (defvar phundrak-nord4 "#d8dee9") (defvar phundrak-nord5 "#e5e9f0") (defvar phundrak-nord6 "#eceff4") (defvar phundrak-nord7 "#8fbcbb") (defvar phundrak-nord8 "#88c0d0") (defvar phundrak-nord9 "#81a1c1") (defvar phundrak-nord10 "#5e81ac") (defvar phundrak-nord11 "#bf616a") (defvar phundrak-nord12 "#d08770") (defvar phundrak-nord13 "#ebcb8b") (defvar phundrak-nord14 "#a3be8c") (defvar phundrak-nord15 "#b48ead") #+end_src Finally, let’s also modify the default colors StumpWM has. I’ll try to respect the original colors while converting them to Nord. We also need to reload them now that we modified them. #+begin_src lisp (setq *colors* `(,phundrak-nord1 ;; 0 black ,phundrak-nord11 ;; 1 red ,phundrak-nord14 ;; 2 green ,phundrak-nord13 ;; 3 yellow ,phundrak-nord10 ;; 4 blue ,phundrak-nord14 ;; 5 magenta ,phundrak-nord8 ;; 6 cyan ,phundrak-nord5)) ;; 7 white (when *initializing* (update-color-map (current-screen))) #+end_src And with that we’re done! * Mode-Line :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Modeline-g2ofyw01v5j0 :header-args:lisp: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/modeline.lisp :END: The timeout of the modeline indicates how often it refreshes in seconds. I think two seconds is good. #+begin_src lisp (setf *mode-line-timeout* 2) #+end_src ** Formatting Options :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Mode-Line-Formatting-Options-3n494y814aj0 :END: Next we get to the content of the modeline. This format follows the format indicated in the manpage of ~date~. #+begin_src lisp (setf *time-modeline-string* "%F %H:%M") #+end_src Let’s also indicate how the groupname is displayed. #+begin_src lisp (setf *group-format* "%t") #+end_src The window format should display first its window number, then its titled, limited to 30 characters. #+begin_src lisp (setf *window-format* "%n: %30t") #+end_src ** Mode-Line Theme :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Mode-Line-Mode-Line-Theme-4mm37x814aj0 :END: The modeline is pretty easy. First, let’s load the ~colors.lisp~ file we just created: #+begin_src lisp (load "~/.stumpwm.d/colors.lisp") #+end_src Next, we can set some colors for the modeline. Let’s set the background of the modeline to Nord1 and the foreground to Nord5, I think this is a pretty good combination. #+begin_src lisp (setf *mode-line-background-color* phundrak-nord1 ,*mode-line-foreground-color* phundrak-nord5) #+end_src We /could/ also use some borders in the modeline. But we won’t. Let’s still set its color to Nord1, just in case. #+begin_src lisp (setf *mode-line-border-color* phundrak-nord1 ,*mode-line-border-width* 0) #+end_src ** Mode-Line Modules :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Mode-Line-Mode-Line-Modules-tlihmy814aj0 :END: Here are some modules that we will load for the modeline: #+name: modeline-modules | Module Name | Why Do I Need It? | |------------------+--------------------------------------------------| | battery-portable | Get information on the battery level of a laptop | | cpu | Get the CPU usage | | mpd | Display MPD’s status | | mem | Get the memory usage | #+name: gen-load-modeline-modules #+header: :wrap src lisp #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var modules=modeline-modules (mapconcat (lambda (module) (format "(load-module \"%s\")" (car module))) modules "\n") #+end_src #+RESULTS[20a1d5d9c6e0136d6a130b1c1b4bd4d742aead8a]: gen-load-modeline-modules #+begin_src lisp (load-module "battery-portable") (load-module "cpu") (load-module "mpd") (load-module "mem") #+end_src We need to set some variables so modules can be displayed correctly. Note that the character between the font switchers in the second CPU formatter is U+E082, which symbolizes the CPU. #+begin_src lisp (setf cpu::*cpu-modeline-fmt* "%c" cpu::*cpu-usage-modeline-fmt* "^f2^f0^[~A~2D%^]" mem::*mem-modeline-fmt* "%a%p" mpd:*mpd-modeline-fmt* "%a - %t" mpd:*mpd-status-fmt* "%a - %t" ,*hidden-window-color* "^**" ,*mode-line-highlight-template* "«~A»") #+end_src ** Generating the Mode-Line :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Modeline-Generating-the-Mode-Line-daw8qp814aj0 :END: We can indicate what to display in our modeline. Each formatter will be separated by a Powerline separator with the code point ~0xE0B0~ in the font I am using (see §[[#Theme-Fonts-28pc8141v5j0]]). #+name: modeline-format | Formatter | What it does | Command? | |-----------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------| | ~%g~ | Display list of groups | | | ~%W~ | Display list of windows in the current group and head | | | ~^>~ | Rest of the modeline align to the right | | | ~mu-unread~ | Display number of unread emails | yes | | ~%m~ | Display current MPD song | | | ~%C~ | Display CPU usage | | | ~%M~ | Display RAM usage | | | ~%B~ | Display battery status | | | ~%d~ | Display date | | #+name: modeline-format-gen #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var elements=modeline-format :exports none (mapcar (lambda (element) (cons (format "\"%s\"" (string-replace (regexp-quote "~") "" (car element))) (string= "yes" (caddr element)))) elements) #+end_src #+RESULTS[89f2af6e60ba033da3f22eb62c229293103fe266]: modeline-format-gen : (("%g") ("%W") ("^>") ("mu-unread" . t) ("%m") ("%C") ("%M") ("%B") ("%d")) #+begin_src lisp :noweb yes (defvar *mode-line-formatter-list* '<> "List of formatters for the modeline.") #+end_src As you can see, ~generate-modeline~ generates the string defining ~*screen-mode-line-format*~ from the list of formatters we gave it with the table [[modeline-format]]. #+begin_src lisp (defun generate-modeline (elements &optional not-invertedp rightp) "Generate a modeline for StumpWM. ELEMENTS should be a list of `cons'es which `car' is the modeline formatter or the shell command to run, and their `cdr' is either nil when the `car' is a formatter and t when it is a shell command." (when elements (cons (format nil " ^[~A^]^(:bg \"~A\") " (format nil "^(:fg \"~A\")^(:bg \"~A\")^f1~A^f0" (if (xor not-invertedp rightp) phundrak-nord1 phundrak-nord3) (if (xor not-invertedp rightp) phundrak-nord3 phundrak-nord1) (if rightp "" "")) (if not-invertedp phundrak-nord3 phundrak-nord1)) (let* ((current-element (car elements)) (formatter (car current-element)) (commandp (cdr current-element))) (cons (if commandp `(:eval (run-shell-command ,formatter t)) (format nil "~A" formatter)) (generate-modeline (cdr elements) (not not-invertedp) (if (string= "^>" (caar elements)) t rightp))))))) #+end_src It is then easy to define a command that can call this function and set this variable so we can sort of reload the mode-line. #+begin_src lisp (defcommand reload-modeline () () "Reload modeline." (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (setf *screen-mode-line-format* (cdr (generate-modeline *mode-line-formatter-list*)))))) #+end_src And actually, let’s reload the modeline immediately. #+begin_src lisp (reload-modeline) #+end_src ** TODO Investigate why ~stumptray~ acts up :noexport: :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Modeline-Investigate-why-stumptray-doesn-t-work-0juh13g0m6j0 :END: Systray overlaps with the far-right part of the modeline. # Also, let’s enable a system tray. # #+begin_src lisp # (load-module "stumptray") # (stumptray::stumptray) # #+end_src # Don’t forget to run src_lisp[:exports code]{(ql:quickload :xembed)} in # ~sbcl~ at least once to install its dependencies. * Groups and placement :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Placement-mhc3sr21v5j0 :header-args:lisp: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/placement.lisp :noweb yes :END: I’ve been used to ten groups, or workspaces, or tags, since I began using tiling window managers. I shall then continue this habit. Here is the list of groups I will be using: #+name: list-groups | Groups | Number | Windows | Type | |---------+--------+---------+------| | [TERM] | 1 | | | | [EMACS] | 2 | | | | [WWW] | 3 | | | | [PRIV] | 4 | | | | [FILES] | 5 | Nemo | | #+name: gen-groups #+header: :exports none #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var groups=list-groups (let ((make-group (lambda (group &optional first-p) (let ((group-name (car group)) (group-type (nth 3 group))) (format "%S" `(,(if first-p 'grename (pcase group-type ("Dynamic" 'gnewbg-dynamic) ("Floating" 'gnewbg-float) (otherwise 'gnewbg))) ,group-name)))))) (string-join `(,(funcall make-group (car groups) t) ,@(mapcar (lambda (group) (funcall make-group group)) (cdr groups))) "\n")) #+end_src #+RESULTS[80f994f9e2436c4c5e2f9916b93813083135c1d2]: gen-groups : (grename "[TERM]") : (gnewbg "[EMACS]") : (gnewbg "[WWW]") : (gnewbg "[PRIV]") : (gnewbg "[FILES]") Groups are specified this way: #+begin_src lisp (when *initializing* <>) #+end_src By default, if nothing is specified as per the group type, my groups are manual tiling groups. Otherwise, as you can see above, they can also be dynamic tiling groups or floating groups. Next, let’s make sure no previous window placement rule is in place, this will avoid unexpected and hard-to-debug behavior. #+begin_src lisp (clear-window-placement-rules) #+end_src As you can see in the table [[list-groups]] above, I also indicated my window placement preferences. For now, they all rely on the window’s class, so it will be pretty straightforward to the corresponding code. #+name: gen-rules #+header: :wrap src lisp #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var rules=list-groups (require 'seq) (let ((output "") (rules (seq-filter (lambda (rule) rule) (mapcar (lambda (line) (let ((classes (caddr line))) (unless (string= "" classes) (cons (split-string classes "," t "[[:space:]]*") (car line))))) rules)))) (progn (seq-do (lambda (rule) (let ((classes (car rule)) (group (cdr rule))) (dolist (class classes) (setf output (format "%s\n%s" `(define-frame-preference ,(format "\"%s\"" group) (nil t t :class ,(format "\"%s\"" class))) output))))) rules) output)) #+end_src This can be written this way: #+RESULTS[6121129a3a3aa07c6decc78cb46a1520dcae1156]: gen-rules #+begin_src lisp (define-frame-preference "[FILES]" (nil t t :class "Nemo")) #+end_src Dynamic groups, if any is created, should have a split ratio of half of the available space. #+begin_src lisp (setf *dynamic-group-master-split-ratio* 1/2) #+end_src * Theme :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Theme-1x3c2u31v5j0 :header-args:lisp: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/theme.lisp :noweb yes :END: As in the modeline file, the first thing we’ll do is to load our colors. #+begin_src lisp (load "~/.stumpwm.d/colors.lisp") #+end_src We can now go onto more serious business. ** Fonts :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Theme-Fonts-28pc8141v5j0 :END: This gave me quite the headache when I tried to set this up: in order to use TTF or OTF fonts, we need to use the ~ttf-fonts~ module which relies on the ~clx-truetype~ library. A few years back, it should have been possible to get it installed with a call to src_lisp[:exports code]{(ql:quickload :clx-truetype)}, but it is no longer available! There’s a quickfix available while we wait for ~clx-truetype~ to be once again available: clone it in quicklisp’s local projects. You will obviously need to have quicklisp installed (for that, follow the [[https://www.quicklisp.org/beta/#installation][official instructions]]), then execute the following shell commands: #+begin_src sh :dir ~/quicklisp/local-projects cd ~/quicklisp/local-projects/ git clone https://github.com/lihebi/clx-truetype.git #+end_src This will make ~clx-truetype~ available to quicklisp, and you can run again src_lisp[:exports code]{(ql:quickload :clx-truetype)} without an issue (running it again is necessary to install its dependencies). In order for it to work, install [[https://www.quicklisp.org/beta/][quicklisp]] and don’t forget to run src_lisp[:exports code]{(ql:add-to-init-file)} so it is loaded each time you start your Lisp interpreter. ~SBCL~ should be your CommonLisp interpreter of choice since StumpWM is generally compiled with it. The main advantage is also that SBCL supports multithreading, unlike clisp. In case StumpWM doesn’t find your font, spin up SBCL and execute the following lines: #+begin_src lisp :tangle no (ql:quickload :clx-truetype) (xft:cache-fonts) #+end_src If you want a list of font families available, you can execute the following: #+begin_src lisp :tangle no (clx-truetype:get-font-families) #+end_src If you want to know the subfamilies of a certain family, you can execute this: #+begin_src lisp :tangle no (clx-truetype:get-font-subfamilies "Family Name") #+end_src Now that this is out of the way, let’s add two lines so we can use TTF fonts: #+begin_src lisp (ql:quickload :clx-truetype) (load-module "ttf-fonts") #+end_src The documentation says we should be able to also use OTF fonts, but so far I’ve had no luck loading one. Loading more than one font to use some fallback fonts also doesn’t seem to work, unlike specified in the documentation (I wanted to use a CJK font, but it doesn’t appear to work), we need to manually change the font used which isn’t very user-friendly, especially if you might have CJK characters appear in otherwise regular text. Something that didn’t click immediately for me (and I think StumpWM’s documentation on this could be improved) is that ~set-font~ can be used to set either one main font for StumpWM, as one might guess reading the documentation --- or you can set a list of them! And this is great, since my main font does not support some characters I regularly have in my windows’ title, such as CJK characters! However, be aware *the second font and further aren’t fallback fonts*. They are additional fonts you can switch to manually through the use of ~^f~ (~~ being the desired’s font index in the 0-indexed font list). But if a font cannot render a character, it will simply display an empty rectangle instead of falling back to another font. That’s annoying… Here is my list of fonts I want loaded: #+name: list-fonts | Family | Subfamily | Size | |--------------------------------+-----------+------| | Unifont-JP | Regular | 10 | | DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline | Book | 8.5 | | siji | Medium | 10 | #+name: gen-fonts #+header: :wrap src lisp #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var fonts=list-fonts (format "(set-font `(%s))" (mapconcat (lambda (font) (let ((family (nth 0 font)) (subfamily (nth 1 font)) (size (nth 2 font))) (format ",%s" `(make-instance 'xft:font :family ,(format "\"%s\"" family) :subfamily ,(format "\"%s\"" subfamily) :size ,size :antialias t)))) fonts "\n ")) #+end_src The code equivalent of this table can be seen below: #+RESULTS[8f33434f3332d94fa0d7306c1233c824a26fde93]: gen-fonts #+begin_src lisp (set-font `(,(make-instance 'xft:font :family "Unifont-JP" :subfamily "Regular" :size 10 :antialias t) ,(make-instance 'xft:font :family "DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline" :subfamily "Book" :size 8.5 :antialias t) ,(make-instance 'xft:font :family "siji" :subfamily "Medium" :size 10 :antialias t))) #+end_src As far as I know, Unifont is the only font I’ve tested that displays monospaced Japanese characters in StumpWM. I tried DejaVu, IBM Plex, and a couple of others but only this one works correctly. DejaVu is here for the Powerline separator. If you know of another monospaced font that displays Japanese characters, or even better CJK characters, please tell me! My email address is at the bottom of this webpage. ** Colors :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Theme-Colors-ctlclb51v5j0 :END: We can now set a couple of colors for StumpWM. Not that we will see them often since I don’t like borders on my windows, but in case I want to get them back, they’ll be nice to have. #+begin_src lisp (set-border-color phundrak-nord1) (set-focus-color phundrak-nord1) (set-unfocus-color phundrak-nord3) (set-float-focus-color phundrak-nord1) (set-float-unfocus-color phundrak-nord3) #+end_src Let’s also set the colors of the message and input windows: #+begin_src lisp (set-fg-color phundrak-nord4) (set-bg-color phundrak-nord1) #+end_src As I said, I don’t like borders, so I’ll remove them. I’ll still keep the window’s title bar available when it’s floating, and this is also where I can set the format of its title: its number as well as its name, limited to thirty characters. #+begin_src lisp (setf *normal-border-width* 0 ,*float-window-border* 0 ,*float-window-title-height* 15 ,*window-border-style* :none ,*window-format* "%n:%t") #+end_src I also have a [[https://github.com/Phundrak/stumpwm/tree/feature/no-hardcoded-which-key-format][StumpWM fork]] that introduces two new variables for customizing which-key keybindings. I submitted a [[https://github.com/stumpwm/stumpwm/pull/931][pull request]], so it might come one day to StumpWM. #+begin_src lisp (setf *key-seq-color* "^2") (setf *which-key-format* (concat *key-seq-color* "*~5a^n ~a")) #+end_src ** Message and Input Windows :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Theme-Message-and-Input-Windows-jxwhch51v5j0 :END: The Input windows as well as the message windows should both be at the top of my screen. And I believe a padding of five pixels for the message windows is good. #+begin_src lisp (setf *input-window-gravity* :top ,*message-window-padding* 10 ,*message-window-y-padding* 10 ,*message-window-gravity* :top) #+end_src ** Gaps Between Frames :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Theme-Gaps-Between-Frames-bqngnt51v5j0 :END: I love gaps. When I was using i3, I used the ~i3-gaps~ package, not just plain ~i3~. In Awesome, I still have gaps. And in StumpWM, I shall still use gaps. In order to use them, let’s load a module dedicated to gaps in StumpWM: #+begin_src lisp (load-module "swm-gaps") #+end_src Now that this is done, I can now set some variables bound to this package. #+begin_src lisp (setf swm-gaps:*head-gaps-size* 0 swm-gaps:*inner-gaps-size* 5 swm-gaps:*outer-gaps-size* 40) #+end_src Finally, let’s enable our gaps: #+begin_src lisp (when *initializing* (swm-gaps:toggle-gaps)) #+end_src * Keybinds :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Keybinds-c6wgf961v5j0 :header-args:lisp: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/keybindings.lisp :noweb yes :END: Buckle up, this chapter is going to be *long*, because me loves LOTS of keybinds. First, let’s declare again we are using the default package ~stumpwm~: #+begin_src lisp (in-package :stumpwm) #+end_src This will avoid us always repeating ~stumpwm:define-key~ or ~stumpwm:kbd~ instead of simply ~define-key~ and ~kbd~. StumpWM behaves a bit like Emacs in terms of keybinds. You have keymaps, which are a collection of keybinds, which in turn call CLisp functions. However, unlike Emacs, you have to declare a lot of keymaps, because StumpWM cannot (/yet/) understand keybinds such as src_lisp[:exports code]{(kbd "C-x c l")}, so you end up creating a keybind to a keymap which contains other keybinds, which might contain a couple of keybinds to other keymaps. I hope this will get improved soon. There are also two keymaps you need to be aware of: - ~*top-map*~ :: This is the keymap available litteraly everywhere. With this keymap, you can emulate most of your keybinds you have in other window managers. For instance, I cannot live without ~s-RET~ for creating new shells, so I’ll bind it to ~*top-map*~. But it’s good practice to avoid polluting ~*top-map*~ with too many keybinds. - ~*root-map*~ :: This keymap is the default keymap that is already somewhat populated. It is available after hitting the prefix key set with ~set-prefix-key~ which we will see just below. It is interesting to note that once you entered any keymap, except ~*top-map*~, if you hit ~?~ you will see the list of available keybinds. I’d like it if something similar to ~general~ in Emacs too could be implemented: give any arbitrary name to the keybind you just declared which would be displayed instead of the actual function or keymap called by keybind. It would be nicer to see ~frames~ rather than ~*my-frames-management-keymap*~. Anyways, as mentionned above, ~*root-map*~ is already pre-populated with some cool stuff for you, and you can access it with a prefix which is by default ~C-t~. But if this doesn’t suit you, you can always redefine it with ~set-prefix-key~. I personally like to have my space key as a leader key, but in order to not have it conflict with Emacs, I also need to press the super key too. #+begin_src lisp (set-prefix-key (my/kbd "s-SPC")) #+end_src Also, let’s enable ~which-key~: #+begin_src lisp (which-key-mode) #+end_src Lastly, before we get more into details, keep in mind that I use the [[https://bepo.fr][bépo]] layout, as I often say in my different documents. This means the characters found in the numbers’ row when pressing shift are actually the numbers themselves. Also, some characters are not recognized as is by ~kbd~, so we need to use a special name (not fun…). Below are the following characters: #+name: number-to-char-table | Number | Character | |--------+-----------| | 1 | ~"~ | | 2 | ~«~ | | 3 | ~»~ | | 4 | ~(~ | | 5 | ~)~ | | 6 | ~@~ | | 7 | ~+~ | | 8 | ~-~ | | 9 | ~/~ | | 0 | ~*~ | So if you see any weird keybind involving these characters, this is because of my layout. Something a bit annoying though is Lisp doesn’t know some characters by their actual name, rather by another one that I find too long and too bothersome to remember. So here’s a list, if you see any of the characters on the left column in my config, with the function described below, my actual config will use their name as specified in the right column. #+name: tbl-char-to-name | Character | Name | |-----------+------------------| | ~«~ | ~guillemotleft~ | | ~»~ | ~guillemotright~ | #+name: chars-table-to-list #+header: :exports none :noweb yes :results verbatim #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var chars=tbl-char-to-name ;; chars (let ((filter (lambda (str) (replace-regexp-in-string "^~\\|~$" "" str)))) (mapcar (lambda (row) `(,(apply filter `(,(car row))) . ,(apply filter `(,(cadr row))))) chars)) #+end_src #+RESULTS[8ceb9b882276931ad0dba7dcf38d163f7674f547]: chars-table-to-list : (("«" . "guillemotleft") ("»" . "guillemotright")) To convert these characters, I have my own macro which is a wrapper around the function ~kbd~. #+name: my-kbd-defun #+begin_src lisp :noweb yes (defun my/kbd (keys) "Prepares KEYS for function `stumpwm:kbd'. If a character declared in the car of a member of the variable char, it is replaced with its cdr. This allows the user to input characters such as « or » and have them replaced with their actual name when `stumpwm:kbd' is called." (kbd (let ((chars '<>)) (dolist (row chars keys) (setf keys (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all (car row) keys (cdr row))))))) #+end_src #+header: :exports none #+begin_src lisp :noweb yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/bluetooth.lisp <> #+end_src #+header: :exports none #+begin_src lisp :noweb yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/utilities.lisp <> #+end_src ** Applications :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Keybinds-Applications-2t512k00w5j0 :END: When I speak about applications, I speak about programs and scripts in general. With these keymaps, I can launch programs I often have use for, but I can also launch some scripts as well as take screenshots. First, let’s create my ~rofi~ scripts keymap. #+name: rofi-scripts #+caption: ~*my-rofi-keymap*~ | Keychord | Function | |----------+-----------------------------------------------| | ~a~ | ~exec awiki~ | | ~r~ | ~exec rofi -combi-modi drun,window -show combi~ | | ~s~ | ~exec rofi -show ssh~ | | ~p~ | ~exec rofi-pass -t~ | | ~P~ | ~exec rofi-pass~ | | ~e~ | ~exec rofi-emoji~ | | ~m~ | ~exec rofi-mount~ | | ~u~ | ~exec rofi-umount~ | | ~w~ | ~exec wacom-setup~ | | ~y~ | ~exec ytplay~ | | ~Y~ | ~exec rofi-ytdl~ | Here’s the equivalent in Common Lisp. #+begin_src lisp (defvar *my-rofi-keymap* (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap))) <> m)) #+end_src Let’s also create a keymap for screenshots. #+name: screenshot-keymap #+caption: ~*my-screenshot-keymap*~ | Keychord | Function | |----------+----------------------------| | ~d~ | ~exec flameshot gui -d 3000~ | | ~s~ | ~exec flameshot full~ | | ~S~ | ~exec flameshot gui~ | Here’s the equivalent in Common Lisp. #+begin_src lisp (defvar *my-screenshot-keymap* (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap))) <> m)) #+end_src We can now define our applications keymap which will reference both the above keymaps. #+name: application-keymap #+caption: ~*my-applications-keymap*~ | Keychord | Function | |----------+-------------------------| | ~b~ | ~firefox~ | | ~B~ | ~exec qutebrowser~ | | ~d~ | ~exec discord~ | | ~e~ | ~exec emacsclient -c~ | | ~g~ | ~exec gimp~ | | ~n~ | ~exec nemo~ | | ~r~ | ~'*my-rofi-keymap*~ | | ~s~ | ~'*my-screenshot-keymap*~ | | ~w~ | ~exec select-pape~ | This translates to: #+begin_src lisp (defvar *my-applications-keymap* (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap))) <> m)) #+end_src The application keymap can now be bound to the root map like so: #+begin_src lisp (define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "a") '*my-applications-keymap*) #+end_src I will also bind to the top map ~s-RET~ in order to open a new terminal window. The screenshot keymap is also bound to the ScreenPrint key, and the ~XF86Mail~ key opens mu4e in Emacs. #+begin_src lisp (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-RET") "term") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "Print") '*my-screenshot-keymap*) (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "XF86Mail") "exec emacsclient -c -e \"(mu4e)\"") #+end_src ** End of Session, Powering Off, and the Likes :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Keybinds-End-of-Session-Powering-Off-and-the-Likes-mgz02z40w5j0 :END: The module ~end-session~ provides functions for gracefully ending the user session, powering off, restarting, and suspending the computer. It also provides a function that interactively asks what the user whishes to do. #+name: end-session-keymap | Keychord | Function | |----------+-------------------| | ~q~ | ~end-session~ | | ~l~ | ~logout~ | | ~s~ | ~suspend-computer~ | | ~S~ | ~shutdown-computer~ | | ~r~ | ~loadrc~ | | ~R~ | ~restart-hard~ | | ~C-r~ | ~restart-computer~ | This translates to: #+begin_src lisp (defvar *my-end-session-keymap* (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap))) <> m)) #+end_src Which is bound in the root map to ~q~: #+begin_src lisp (define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "q") '*my-end-session-keymap*) #+end_src ** Groups :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Keybinds-Groups-daxfwu40a7j0 :END: A basic keybind I need for groups is to be able to switch from one another. I’m very used to the ability of being able to jump between them with the keybind Super + /number of the group/, so let’s define this: #+name: group-keybind-gen #+header: :noweb no :results verbatim :exports none :var convert="no" #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var groups=list-groups mod="s" action="gselect" map="*top-map*" convert="yes" (mapconcat (lambda (group) (let ((group-nbr (nth 1 group))) (format "%S" `(define-key ,(make-symbol map) (my/kbd ,(format "%s-%s" mod (if (string= "yes" convert) (format "<>" group-nbr) (number-to-string group-nbr)))) ,(format "%s %d" action group-nbr))))) groups "\n") #+end_src #+RESULTS[282113d17ea21f02dc7c87059d787e62b5886b16]: group-keybind-gen : "(define-key *top-map* (my/kbd \"s-1\") \"gselect 1\") : (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd \"s-2\") \"gselect 2\") : (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd \"s-3\") \"gselect 3\") : (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd \"s-4\") \"gselect 4\") : (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd \"s-5\") \"gselect 5\")" #+header: :cache yes :noweb yes :wrap src lisp #+begin_src emacs-lisp <> #+end_src #+RESULTS[35268fd11d1fe4fa4065c98a0b7bc723a56c09a7]: #+begin_src lisp (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-<>") "gselect 1") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-<>") "gselect 2") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-<>") "gselect 3") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-<>") "gselect 4") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-<>") "gselect 5") #+end_src Another batch of keybinds I use a lot is keybinds to send the currently active window to another group, using Super + Shift + /number of the group/. As mentioned before, due to my keyboard layout Shift + /number/ is actually just /number/ for me (e.g. Shift + ~"~ results in ~1~), so there’s no need to convert the group number to another character. #+begin_src emacs-lisp :wrap src lisp <> #+end_src #+RESULTS[bd9b499dfad0fdf1f54db146ded1a60c6674f8ea]: #+begin_src lisp (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-1") "gmove-and-follow 1") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-2") "gmove-and-follow 2") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-3") "gmove-and-follow 3") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-4") "gmove-and-follow 4") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-5") "gmove-and-follow 5") #+end_src If I want to send a window to another group without following it, I’ll use ~s-S-C-~, which gives us the following: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :wrap src lisp <> #+end_src #+RESULTS[68f918c24a6cc0efa1503ed57841c40f4ec2ec4a]: #+begin_src lisp (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-1") "gmove-and-follow 1") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-2") "gmove-and-follow 2") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-3") "gmove-and-follow 3") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-4") "gmove-and-follow 4") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-5") "gmove-and-follow 5") #+end_src And if I want to bring the windows of another group into the current group, I’ll use ~s-C-~: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :wrap src lisp :exports results <> #+end_src #+RESULTS[36b3ded631cd0bad400c4847f6937cde4f11b4b7]: #+begin_src lisp (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-<>") "gmove-and-follow 1") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-<>") "gmove-and-follow 2") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-<>") "gmove-and-follow 3") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-<>") "gmove-and-follow 4") (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-C-<>") "gmove-and-follow 5") #+end_src StumpWM also has already a nice keymap for managing groups called ~*groups-map*~, so let’s bind it to ~*root-map*~ too! (It’s actually already bound, but since I plan on erasing ~*root-map*~ in the near future before binding stuff to it, I prefer to bind it already) #+begin_src lisp (define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "g") '*groups-map*) #+end_src And a binding to ~vgroups~ is done on ~*groups-map*~ in order to regroup similar keybinds. #+begin_src lisp (define-key *groups-map* (my/kbd "G") "vgroups") #+end_src I grew accustomed to ~s-ESC~ bringing me to the previous group when using AwesomeWM, so let’s define that: #+begin_src lisp (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-ESC") "gother") #+end_src ** Frames and Windows management :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Keybinds-Frames-and-Windows-management-g4s6j371v5j0 :END: As you’ll see, I have loads of keybinds related to frames and windows management. They are all categorized in a specific keymap, called ~*my-frames-management-keymap*~. But before that, let’s define the keymap ~*my-frames-float-keymap*~, with keybinds dedicated to actions related with floating windows and frames. #+name: frames-float #+caption: ~*my-frames-float-keymap*~ | Keychord | Function | |----------+----------------| | ~f~ | ~float-this~ | | ~F~ | ~unfloat-this~ | | ~u~ | ~unfloat-this~ | | ~C-f~ | ~flatten-floats~ | We can now pass onto ~*my-frames-management-keymap*~. My keybinds are organized this way: #+name: frames-and-window-management #+caption: ~*my-frames-management-keymap*~ | Keychord | Function | |----------+---------------------------| | ~c~ | ~move-focus left~ | | ~t~ | ~move-focus down~ | | ~s~ | ~move-focus up~ | | ~r~ | ~move-focus right~ | | ~C~ | ~move-window left~ | | ~T~ | ~move-window down~ | | ~S~ | ~move-window up~ | | ~R~ | ~move-window right~ | | ~C-c~ | ~exchange-direction left~ | | ~C-t~ | ~exchange-direction down~ | | ~C-s~ | ~exchange-direction up~ | | ~C-r~ | ~exchange-direction right~ | | ~/~ | ~hsplit-and-focus~ | | ~-~ | ~vsplit-and-focus~ | | ~h~ | ~hsplit~ | | ~v~ | ~vsplit~ | | ~H~ | ~hsplit-equally~ | | ~V~ | ~vsplit-equally~ | | ~.~ | ~iresize~ | | ~+~ | ~balance-frames~ | | ~d~ | ~remove-split~ | | ~D~ | ~only~ | | ~e~ | ~expose~ | | ~f~ | ~fullscreen~ | | ~F~ | ~'*my-frames-float-keymap*~ | | ~i~ | ~info~ | | ~I~ | ~show-window-properties~ | | ~m~ | ~meta~ | | ~s~ | ~sibling~ | | ~u~ | ~next-urgent~ | | ~U~ | ~unmaximize~ | As you can see, with the binding to ~F~, we make use of the ~*my-frames-float-keymap*~ keymap declared above, which means if we find ourselves in ~*my-frames-management-keymap*~, pressing ~F~ will bring us in ~*my-frames-float-keymap*~. #+begin_src lisp (defvar *my-frames-float-keymap* (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap))) <> m)) (defvar *my-frames-management-keymap* (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap))) <> m)) #+end_src Let’s bind ~*my-frames-management-keymap*~ in ~*root-keymap*~: #+begin_src lisp (define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "w") '*my-frames-management-keymap*) #+end_src That way, if we want for instance to split our current frame vertically, we’ll be able to type ~s-SPC w -~ and ~vsplit~ will be called. I also bound a couple of these functions to the top keymap for easier access: #+name: top-window-map | Keychord | Function | |----------+--------------------------| | ~s-c~ | ~move-focus left~ | | ~s-t~ | ~move-focus down~ | | ~s-s~ | ~move-focus up~ | | ~s-r~ | ~move-focus right~ | | ~s-C~ | ~move-window left~ | | ~s-T~ | ~move-window down~ | | ~s-S~ | ~move-window up~ | | ~s-R~ | ~move-window right~ | | ~s-M-c~ | ~exchange-direction left~ | | ~s-M-t~ | ~exchange-direction down~ | | ~s-M-s~ | ~exchange-direction up~ | | ~s-M-r~ | ~exchange-direction right~ | This translates to: #+begin_src lisp <> #+end_src Being a [[https://bepo.fr/wiki/Accueil][bépo layout]] user, the ~hjkl~ keys don’t exactly fit me, as you might have noticed with my use of ~ctsr~ which is its equivalent. Due to this, the interactive keymap for ~iresize~ is not ideal for me, let me redefine it: #+begin_src lisp (define-interactive-keymap (iresize tile-group) (:on-enter #'setup-iresize :on-exit #'resize-unhide :abort-if #'abort-resize-p) ((my/kbd "c") "resize-direction left") ((my/kbd "t") "resize-direction down") ((my/kbd "s") "resize-direction up") ((my/kbd "r") "resize-direction right")) #+end_src As with groups management, I grew used to ~s-TAB~ in AwesomeWM bringing me back to the previously focused window. #+begin_src lisp (define-key *top-map* (my/kbd "s-TAB") "other-window") #+end_src ** Windows management :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Keybinds-Windows-management-ylf903j0x5j0 :END: When it comes to windows management, I will treat them a bit like I do with Emacs’ buffers. #+name: window-management #+caption: ~*my-buffers-management-keymap*~ | Keychord | Function | |----------+-------------------------| | ~b~ | ~windowlist~ | | ~d~ | ~delete-window~ | | ~D~ | ~delete-window-and-frame~ | | ~k~ | ~kill-window~ | | ~n~ | ~next~ | | ~o~ | ~other-window~ | | ~p~ | ~prev~ | #+begin_src lisp (defvar *my-buffers-management-keymap* (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap))) <> m)) (define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "b") '*my-buffers-management-keymap*) #+end_src ** Media and Media Control :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Keybinds-Media-and-Media-Control-hbv5uk91z5j0 :END: My music is managed through MPD, and I often use ~mpc~ commands in order to interact with it without any GUI application. So, we’ll see a lot of its usage here, and numerous commands used here come from the ~mpd~ minor mode loaded [[#Init-file-l3q4snd1u5j0][above]]. First, let’s declare an interactive keymap in order to easily change several times in a row either the current song playing or the volume of MPD. #+name: inter-mpc #+caption: Interactive keybinds for ~mpc~ | Keychord | Function | |----------+-----------------| | ~c~ | ~mpd-prev~ | | ~t~ | ~mpd-volume-down~ | | ~s~ | ~mpd-volume-up~ | | ~r~ | ~mpd-next~ | This can be translated in CommonLisp as: #+begin_src lisp <> #+end_src We need to indicate also how much the volume is affected by ~mpd-volume-down~ and ~mpd-volume-up~. #+begin_src lisp (setf *mpd-volume-step* 2) #+end_src Another one will be defined for the general audio of my computer. And I know it isn’t technically media keybinds, but I’ll add in keybinds for my screen’s backlight. #+name: inter-media #+caption: Interactive keybinds for general media interaction | Keys | Function | |------+--------------------------------------| | ~c~ | ~exec xbacklight -perceived -dec 2~ | | ~t~ | ~exec amixer -q set Master 2%- unmute~ | | ~s~ | ~exec amixer -q set Master 2%+ unmute~ | | ~r~ | ~exec xbacklight -perceived -inc 2~ | | ~m~ | ~exec amixer -q set Master 1+ toggle~ | #+begin_src lisp <> #+end_src Then, let’s declare a keymap for our media controls. #+name: mpd-add-map #+caption: ~*my-mpd-add-map*~ | Keychord | Function | |----------+---------------------------| | ~a~ | ~mpd-search-and-add-artist~ | | ~A~ | ~mpd-search-and-add-album~ | | ~f~ | ~mpd-search-and-add-file~ | | ~F~ | ~mpd-add-file~ | | ~g~ | ~mpd-search-and-add-genre~ | | ~t~ | ~mpd-search-and-add-title~ | #+name: mpd-browse-map #+caption: ~*my-mpd-browse-map*~ | Keychord | Function | |----------+---------------------| | ~a~ | ~mpd-browse-artists~ | | ~A~ | ~mpd-browse-albums~ | | ~g~ | ~mpd-browse-genres~ | | ~p~ | ~mpd-browse-playlist~ | | ~t~ | ~mpd-browse-tracks~ | #+name: media-management #+caption: ~*my-media-keymap*~ | Keychord | Function | |----------+-----------------------------------| | ~.~ | ~media-interactive~ | | ~«~ | ~mpd-prev~ | | ~»~ | ~mpd-next~ | | ~a~ | ~'*my-mpd-add-map*~ | | ~b~ | ~'*my-mpd-browse-map*~ | | ~c~ | ~mpd-clear~ | | ~m~ | ~mpc-interactive~ | | ~p~ | ~mpd-toggle-pause~ | | ~s~ | ~mpd-stop~ | | ~u~ | ~mpd-update~ | | ~n~ | ~exec kitty ncmpcpp -q~ | | ~v~ | ~exec kitty ncmpcpp -qs visualizer~ | Let’s translate this table in CommonLisp: #+begin_src lisp (defvar *my-mpd-add-map* (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap))) <> m)) (defvar *my-mpd-browse-map* (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap))) <> m)) (defvar *my-media-keymap* (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap))) <> m)) (define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "m") '*my-media-keymap*) #+end_src I will also define on ~*top-map*~ some basic volume management keybinds so that they are immediately accessible. Again, this isn’t technically media-related, but I’ll add keybinds for my screen’s backlight. #+name: media-top-level #+caption: Top-level media keys | Keychord | Function | |-----------------------+-----------------------------------| | ~XF86AudioPlay~ | ~mpd-toggle-pause~ | | ~XF86AudioPause~ | ~exec mpc pause~ | | ~XF86AudioStop~ | ~mpd-stop~ | | ~XF86AudioPrev~ | ~mpd-prev~ | | ~XF86AudioNext~ | ~mpd-next~ | | ~XF86AudioRaiseVolume~ | ~exec pamixer -i 2~ | | ~XF86AudioLowerVolume~ | ~exec pamixer -d 2~ | | ~XF86AudioMute~ | ~exec pamixer -t~ | | ~XF86MonBrightnessDown~ | ~exec xbacklight -perceived -dec 2~ | | ~XF86MonBrightnessUp~ | ~exec xbacklight -perceived -inc 2~ | #+begin_src lisp <> #+end_src ** Misc :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Keybinds-Misc-455iuh50w5j0 :END: Finally, some misc keybinds on the root map which don’t really fit anywhere else: #+name: misc-root-map | Keychord | Function | |----------+------------| | ~SPC~ | ~colon~ | | ~B~ | ~beckon~ | | ~C-b~ | ~banish~ | | ~l~ | ~exec plock~ | | ~r~ | ~reload~ | #+begin_src lisp <> #+end_src From time to time, I need to switch between different keyboard layouts, especially to the US Qwerty layout when I’m playing some games and the bépo layout most of the time. I’ll use the command ~switch-layout~ defined above. #+name: keyboard-layout-map | Keychord | Function | |----------+------------------------------| | ~b~ | ~exec setxkbmap fr bepo_afnor~ | | ~u~ | ~exec setxkbmap us~ | #+begin_src lisp (defvar *my-keyboard-layout-keymap* (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap))) <> m)) (define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "k") '*my-keyboard-layout-keymap*) #+end_src * Utilities :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Utilities-vrggajs0z9j0 :header-args:lisp: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/utilities.lisp :noweb yes :END: Part of my configuration is not really related to StumpWM itself, or rather it adds new behavior StumpWM doesn’t have. ~utilities.lisp~ stores all this code in one place. ** Binwarp :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Utilities-Binwarp-0wrbg1v0z9j0 :END: Binwarp allows the user to control their mouse from the keyboard, basically eliminating the need for a physical mouse in daily usage of the workstation (though a physical mouse stays useful for games and such). #+begin_src lisp (load-module "binwarp") #+end_src Next, I’ll define my keybinds for when using Binwarp for emulating mouse clicks as well as bépo-compatible mouse movements. This new Binwarp mode is now available from the keybind ~s-m~ at top level. #+begin_src lisp (binwarp:define-binwarp-mode my-binwarp-mode "s-m" (:map *top-map*) ((my/kbd "SPC") "ratclick 1") ((my/kbd "RET") "ratclick 3") ((my/kbd "c") "binwarp left") ((my/kbd "t") "binwarp down") ((my/kbd "s") "binwarp up") ((my/kbd "r") "binwarp right") ((my/kbd "i") "init-binwarp") ((my/kbd "q") "exit-binwarp")) #+end_src ** Bluetooth :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Utilities-Bluetooth-rns0nr902aj0 :header-args:lisp: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/bluetooth.lisp :noweb yes :END: Although there is a bluetooth module for the modeline, this is about the extent to which StumpWM can interact with the system’s bluetooth. However, I wish for some more interecactivity, like powering on and off bluetooth, connecting to devices and so on. First, out code relies on ~cl-ppcre~, so let’s quickload it. #+begin_src lisp (ql:quickload :cl-ppcre) #+end_src Let’s indicate which command we’ll be using. #+begin_src lisp (defvar *bluetooth-command* "bluetoothctl" "Base command for interacting with bluetooth.") #+end_src *** Utilities :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Utilities-Bluetooth-Utilities-3zicf7k03aj0 :END: We’ll need a couple of functions that will take care of stuff for us so we don’t have to repeat ourselves. The first one is a way for us to share a message. The function ~bluetooth-message~ will first display ~Bluetooth:~ in green, then it will display the message we want it to display. #+begin_src lisp (defun bluetooth-message (&rest message) (message (format nil "^2Bluetooth:^7 ~{~A~^ ~}" message))) #+end_src This function is a builder function which will create our commands. For instance, src_lisp[:exports code]{(bluetooth-make-command "power" "on")} will return ~"bluetoothctl power on"~ with ~*bluetooth-ctl*~ set as ~"bluetoothctl"~ --- simply put, it joins ~*bluetooth-command*~ with ~args~ with a space as their separator. #+begin_src lisp (defun bluetooth-make-command (&rest args) (format nil "~a ~{~A~^ ~}" ,*bluetooth-command* args)) #+end_src Now we can put ~bluetooth-make-command~ to use with ~bluetooth-command~ which will actually run the result of the former. As you can see, it also collects the output so we can display it later in another function. #+begin_src lisp (defmacro bluetooth-command (&rest args) `(run-shell-command (bluetooth-make-command ,@args) t)) #+end_src Finally, ~bluetooth-message-command~ is the function that both executes and also displays the result of the bluetooth command we wanted to see executed. Each argument of the command is a separate string. For instance, if we want to power on the bluetooth on our device, we can call src_lisp[:exports code]{(bluetooth-message-command "power" "on")}. #+begin_src lisp (defmacro bluetooth-message-command (&rest args) `(bluetooth-message (bluetooth-command ,@args))) #+end_src *** Toggle Bluetooth On and Off :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Utilities-Bluetooth-Toggle-Bluetooth-On-and-Off-9pyfbtd02aj0 :END: This part is easy. Now that we can call our bluetooth commands easily, we can easily define how to turn on bluetooth. #+begin_src lisp (defcommand bluetooth-turn-on () () "Turn on bluetooth." (bluetooth-message-command "power" "on")) #+end_src And how to power it off. #+begin_src lisp (defcommand bluetooth-turn-off () () "Turn off bluetooth." (bluetooth-message-command "power" "off")) #+end_src *** Bluetooth Devices :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Utilities-Bluetooth-Bluetooth-Devices-196gbtd02aj0 :END: In order to manipulate bluetooth device, which we can represent as a MAC address and a name, we can create a structure that will make use of a constructor for simpler use. The constructor ~make-bluetooth-device-from-command~ expects an entry such as ~Device 00:00:00:00:00:00 Home Speaker~. The constructor discards the term ~Device~ and stores the MAC address separately from the rest of the string which is assumed to be the full name of the device. #+begin_src lisp (defstruct (bluetooth-device (:constructor make-bluetooth-device (&key (address "") (name nil))) (:constructor make-bluetooth-device-from-command (&key (raw-name "") &aux (address (cadr (cl-ppcre:split " " raw-name))) (full-name (format nil "~{~A~^ ~}" (cddr (cl-ppcre:split " " raw-name))))))) address (full-name (progn (format nil "~{~A~^ ~}" name)))) #+end_src We can now collect our devices easily. #+begin_src lisp (defun bluetooth-get-devices () (let ((literal-devices (bluetooth-command "devices"))) (mapcar (lambda (device) (make-bluetooth-device-from-command :raw-name device)) (cl-ppcre:split "\\n" literal-devices)))) #+end_src *** Connect to a device :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Utilities-Bluetooth-Connect-to-a-device-tjqcf7k03aj0 :END: When we want to connect to a bluetooth device, we always need bluetooth turned on, so ~bluetooth-turn-on~ will always be called. Then the function will attempt to connect to the device specified by the ~device~ argument, whether the argument is a bluetooth structure as defined above or a plain MAC address. #+begin_src lisp (defun bluetooth-connect-device (device) (progn (bluetooth-turn-on) (cond ((bluetooth-device-p device) ;; it is a bluetooth-device structure (bluetooth-message-command "connect" (bluetooth-device-address device))) ((stringp device) ;; assume it is a MAC address (bluetooth-message-command "connect" device)) (t (message (format nil "Cannot work with device ~a" device)))))) #+end_src The command to connect to a device displays a choice between the collected bluetooth device and the user only has to select it. It will then attempt to connect to it. #+begin_src lisp (defcommand bluetooth-connect () () (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (let* ((devices (bluetooth-get-devices)) (choice (cdr (stumpwm:select-from-menu (stumpwm:current-screen) (mapcar (lambda (device) `(,(bluetooth-device-full-name device) . ,device)) devices))))) (bluetooth-connect-device choice))))) #+end_src *** Keybinds :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Utilities-Bluetooth-Keybinds-gxjaagl05aj0 :END: It’s all nice and all, but typing manually the commands with ~s-SPC ;~ is a bit tiring, so let’s define our bluetooth keymap which we will bind to ~s-SPC B~. #+name: bluetooth-keymap | Keychord | Command | |----------+--------------------| | ~c~ | ~bluetooth-connect~ | | ~o~ | ~bluetooth-turn-on~ | | ~O~ | ~bluetooth-turn-off~ | #+begin_src lisp (defvar *my-bluetooth-keymap* (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap))) <> m)) (define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "B") '*my-bluetooth-keymap*) #+end_src ** NetworkManager integration :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Utilities-NetworkManager-integration-nm7jxbt0z9j0 :END: It is possible to have some kind of integration between StumpWM and NetworkManager. To do so, we have to load the related module, then create the two keybinds described in [[nm-keybinds]]. #+name: nm-keybinds #+caption: ~*my-nm-keybinds*~ | Keychord | Command | |----------+---------------------------| | ~W~ | ~nm-list-wireless-networks~ | A call to src_lisp[:exports code]{(ql:quickload :dbus)} is necessary for this module. Installing the ~dbus~ module in turn requires the library ~libfixposix~ installed on the user’s machine. On Arch, you can install it like so using ~paru~: #+begin_src fish paru -S libfixposix --noconfirm #+end_src #+begin_src lisp (ql:quickload :dbus) (load-module "stump-nm") <> #+end_src ** Pinentry :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Utilities-Pinentry-o6v95fu0z9j0 :END: Out with GTK2’s pinentry program! Let’s use StumpWM’s! At least that’s what I’d like to say, but unfortunately there is a bug in the text reading devices of StumpWM that prevent the user from using modifiers when entering a password such as AltGr, so I can’t use it : / #+begin_src lisp ;; (load-module "pinentry") #+end_src ** Sly :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Utilities-Sly-kkok6oi0yaj0 :END: [[https://github.com/joaotavora/sly][Sly]] is a fork of SLIME with which I can connect StumpWM and Emacs together. Technically this is already done to some level with ~stumpwm-mode~, but the latter doesn’t provide auto-completion or stuff like that. The first thing to do is load ~slynk~, SLY’s server: #+begin_src lisp (ql:quickload :slynk) #+end_src Now we can define a command to launch the server. I don’t want it to run all the time, just when I need it. #+begin_src lisp (stumpwm:defcommand sly-start-server () () "Start a slynk server for sly." (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (slynk:create-server :dont-close t)))) (stumpwm:defcommand sly-stop-server () () "Stop current slynk server for sly." (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (slynk:stop-server 4005)))) #+end_src ** ~swm-ssh~ :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: Utilities-swm-ssh-s14ahrs0z9j0 :END: This module from the contrib repository scans the user’s ssh configuration file and offers them a quick way of connecting to their remote hosts. #+begin_src lisp (load-module "swm-ssh") #+end_src The default terminal needs to be set, otherwise the module will try to call ~urxvtc~ which is not installed on my system. #+begin_src lisp (setq swm-ssh:*swm-ssh-default-term* "kitty") #+end_src Now, to call the main command of this module we can define the following keybind. #+begin_src lisp (define-key *root-map* (my/kbd "s") "swm-ssh-menu") #+end_src * org functions :noexport: :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: org-functions-syqgzgg0m6j0 :END: #+name: keybinds-gen #+header: :wrap "src lisp :exports none" :exports none :noweb yes #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var map="m" keybinds=media-management (mapconcat (lambda (keybind) (format "%s" (let* ((filter (lambda (str) (replace-regexp-in-string "^~\\|~$" "" str))) (key (funcall filter (car keybind))) (function (funcall filter (cadr keybind)))) `(define-key ,map (my/kbd ,(format "\"%s\"" key)) ,(if (string-prefix-p "'" function t) function (format "\"%s\"" function)))))) keybinds "\n") #+end_src #+name: interactive-gen #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var name="inter" keys=inter-mpc (format "%s" `(define-interactive-keymap ,name () "\n " ,(mapconcat (lambda (keybind) (format "%s" (let* ((filter (lambda (str) (replace-regexp-in-string "^~\\|~$" "" str))) (key (funcall filter (car keybind))) (command (funcall filter (cadr keybind)))) `((my/kbd ,(format "\"%s\"" key)) ,(format "\"%s\"" command))))) keys "\n "))) #+end_src #+RESULTS[5f0a947d35c7efa568ec89859bed9e9f6ed0fa51]: interactive-gen : (define-interactive-keymap inter nil : ((my/kbd "c") "mpd-prev") : ((my/kbd "t") "mpd-volume-down") : ((my/kbd "s") "mpd-volume-up") : ((my/kbd "r") "mpd-next")) #+name: num-to-char #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table=number-to-char-table num=2 (let* ((filter (lambda (str) (replace-regexp-in-string "^~\\|~$" "" str))) (char (funcall filter (cadr (assoc num table))))) (if (string= char "\"") "\\\"" char)) #+end_src #+RESULTS[f66a1c4f98f4e8def9867862da252249b6a65749]: num-to-char : «