#+title: P’undrak’s dotfiles #+html: #+html: #+html: #+html: * About the Project This repository holds my Linux dotfiles and other configuration files. The files I’m using are written in [[https://orgmode.org/][org-mode]] and exported in Markdown through [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][Emacs]]. These Markdown files are then compiled by [[https://v2.vuepress.vuejs.org/][Vuepress]] into a beautiful website available at [[https://beta.config.phundrak.com][config.phundrak.com]]. * Running the project In order to run the project, you need to export all =.org= files in the Markdown format. To do that easily, you can use an org project setup in Emacs, mine looks like this: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (require 'ox-gfm) (defvar phundrak--projects-config-common-root "~/org/config/docs/" "Points to the common root of my source and target for my config.phundrak.com org project.") (setq org-publish-project-alist `(("config-phundrak-com-md" :base-directory ,phundrak--projects-config-common-root :base-extension "org" :exclude ,(rx (* print (or "CONTRIB" "README" "site-map" "temp" "private" "svg-ink") (* print))) :publishing-directory ,phundrak--projects-config-common-root :recursive t :language "en" :publishing-function org-gfm-publish-to-gfm :headline-levels 5 :auto-sitemap nil :auto-preamble nil) ("config-phundrak-com" :components ("config-phundrak-com-md")))) #+end_src Once you have all the Markdown files generated correctly, you can install the dependencies of the project. #+begin_src shell yarn # or npm install # delete the yarn.lock file first #+end_src Once this is done, you can launch a preview of the project. #+begin_src shell yarn docs:dev # or npm run docs:dev #+end_src You can also compile the project to a static website. #+begin_src shell yarn docs:build # or npm run docs:build #+end_src