from __future__ import annotations from typing import Callable, Any import os import time import logging import psutil import subprocess import dbus import docker docker_client = docker.from_env() from newm.layout import Layout from newm.helper import BacklightManager, WobRunner, PaCtl logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) debug_windows = False def run_shell(command: str): """Run a shell command asynchronously If the shell command doesn’t already end with "&", add it. """ if not command.endswith("&"): command = command + " &" os.system(command) def command_is_running(command: str): for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: cmdline = proc.cmdline() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: continue if command in cmdline[0]: return True return False def on_reconfigure(): run_shell('notify-send newm "Reloaded config"') def on_startup(): run_shell("mpc stop") run_shell("dunst") run_shell("pactl load-module module-switch-on-connect") run_shell("xfce-polkit") run_shell("kdeconnectd") os.system( "systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY \ WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" ) os.system( "dbus-update-activation-environment && \ dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY \ WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" ) background = { "path": os.environ["HOME"] + "/Pictures/Wallpapers/1561879941868.jpg", "anim": True, } pywm = { "xkb_layout": "fr", "xkb_variant": "bepo_afnor", "xkb_options": "caps:ctrl_modifier", "enable_xwayland": True, "natural_scroll": False, "focus_follows_mouse": True, "encourage_csd": False, } outputs = [ {"name": "eDP-1"}, {"name": "HDMI-A-1", "pos_x": -2560, "pos_y": 0, "width": 2560, "height": 1080}, ] wob_runner = WobRunner("wob -a bottom -M 100") backlight_manager = BacklightManager(anim_time=1.0, bar_display=wob_runner) kbdlight_manager = BacklightManager( args="--device='*::kbd_backlight'", anim_time=1.0, bar_display=wob_runner ) def synchronous_update() -> None: backlight_manager.update() kbdlight_manager.update() def rules(m_view): blur_apps = ("kitty", "wofi", "emacsclient", "emacs") float_apps = ("Rofi", "xfce-polkit") nonfloat_apps = ("discord",) if debug_windows: with open("/tmp/newm_windows.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(str(m_view.app_id)) file.write("\n") m_rules = {} if m_view.app_id in blur_apps: m_rules.update({"blur": {"radius": 6, "passes": 2}}) if m_view.app_id in float_apps: m_rules.update({"float": True}) if m_view.app_id in nonfloat_apps: m_rules.update({"float": False}) return m_rules pactl = PaCtl(0, wob_runner) focus = { "animate_on_change": True, "distance": 4, "width": 2, "color": "#5E81ACDD", "anim_time": 0.1, } view = { "corner_radius": 8, "padding": 10, "rules": rules, } energy = {"idle_times": [5 * 60, 30 * 60, 24 * 60 * 60]} leader: str = "L-Spc " def key_bindings(layout: Layout) -> list[tuple[str, Callable[[], Any]]]: return [ ("L-Return", lambda: os.system("kitty &")), (leader + "a r", lambda: run_shell("wofi --show drun")), (leader + "a b", lambda: run_shell("firefox")), (leader + "a d", lambda: run_shell("discord")), (leader + "a e", lambda: run_shell("emacsclient -c")), (leader + "l", layout.ensure_locked), (leader + "w f", layout.toggle_fullscreen), (leader + "w v", layout.toggle_focused_view_floating), (leader + "w +", lambda: layout.basic_scale(1)), (leader + "w -", lambda: layout.basic_scale(-1)), ("L-o", layout.move_workspace), ("L-O", layout.move_workspace), (leader + "w c", lambda: layout.move(-1, 0)), (leader + "w t", lambda: layout.move(0, 1)), (leader + "w s", lambda: layout.move(0, -1)), (leader + "w r", lambda: layout.move(1, 0)), (leader + "w n", lambda: layout.move_in_stack(1)), ("L-Tab", lambda: layout.move_in_stack(1)), (leader + "w p", lambda: layout.move_in_stack(-1)), (leader + "w C", lambda: layout.move_focused_view(-1, 0)), (leader + "w T", lambda: layout.move_focused_view(0, 1)), (leader + "w S", lambda: layout.move_focused_view(0, -1)), (leader + "w R", lambda: layout.move_focused_view(1, 0)), (leader + "b d", layout.close_focused_view), (leader + "q l", lambda: layout.ensure_locked(dim=False)), (leader + "q q", layout.terminate), (leader + "u", layout.update_config), ("L-c", lambda: layout.move(-1, 0)), ("L-t", lambda: layout.move(0, 1)), ("L-s", lambda: layout.move(0, -1)), ("L-r", lambda: layout.move(1, 0)), ("L-plus", lambda: layout.basic_scale(-1)), ("L-minus", lambda: layout.basic_scale(1)), ("L-C", lambda: layout.move_focused_view(-1, 0)), ("L-T", lambda: layout.move_focused_view(0, 1)), ("L-S", lambda: layout.move_focused_view(0, -1)), ("L-R", lambda: layout.move_focused_view(1, 0)), (leader + "w r c", lambda: layout.resize_focused_view(-1, 0)), (leader + "w r t", lambda: layout.resize_focused_view(0, 1)), (leader + "w r s", lambda: layout.resize_focused_view(0, -1)), (leader + "w r r", lambda: layout.resize_focused_view(1, 0)), ("L-", lambda: layout.toggle_overview(only_active_workspace=True)), ( "XF86MonBrightnessUp", lambda: backlight_manager.set(backlight_manager.get() + 0.1), ), ( "XF86MonBrightnessDown", lambda: backlight_manager.set(backlight_manager.get() - 0.1), ), ( "XF86KbdBrightnessUp", lambda: kbdlight_manager.set(kbdlight_manager.get() + 0.1), ), ( "XF86KbdBrightnessDown", lambda: kbdlight_manager.set(kbdlight_manager.get() - 0.1), ), ("XF86AudioRaiseVolume", lambda: pactl.volume_adj(5)), ("XF86AudioLowerVolume", lambda: pactl.volume_adj(-5)), ("XF86AudioMute", pactl.mute), ("Print", lambda: run_shell("env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Sway flameshot gui")), ] battery_icons = { 100: {True: "", False: ""}, 90: {True: "", False: ""}, 80: {True: "", False: ""}, 70: {True: "", False: ""}, 60: {True: "", False: ""}, 50: {True: "", False: ""}, 40: {True: "", False: ""}, 30: {True: "", False: ""}, 20: {True: "", False: ""}, 10: {True: "", False: ""}, 0: {True: "", False: ""}, } def battery_status() -> str: battery = psutil.sensors_battery() percent = format(battery.percent, ".1f") minutes = battery.secsleft // 60 remaining = "{0:0>2}:{1:0>2}".format(minutes // 60, minutes % 60) icon = battery_icons[(int(float(percent)) // 10) * 10][battery.power_plugged] return f"{icon} {percent}% ({remaining})" def unread_emails() -> str: unread = ["mu", "find", "flag:unread AND (maildir:/Inbox OR maildir:/Junk)"], capture_output=True, text=True, check=True, ).stdout nbr_unread: int = len(str(unread).split("\n")) return f" {nbr_unread}" def cpu_usage() -> str: cpu: str = format(psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1), ".1f") return f" {cpu}%" def mem_usage() -> str: mem: str = format(psutil.virtual_memory().percent, ".1f") return f" {mem}%" def right_text() -> str: return " | ".join([unread_emails(), cpu_usage(), mem_usage(), battery_status()]) def get_bluetooth_devices() -> str: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET bus = dbus.SystemBus() service_name = "org.bluez" # Verify if bluetooth is turned on proxy = bus.get_object(service_name, "/org/bluez/hci0") props = dbus.Interface(proxy, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties") if not props.Get("org.bluez.Adapter1", "Powered"): return "" # Grab all known devices bt_intro_iface = dbus.Interface(proxy, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable") bt_intro = str(bt_intro_iface.Introspect()) root_node = ET.fromstring(bt_intro) known_devices = [n.get("name") for n in root_node.findall("node")] # Check if all devices are connected counter = 0 for device in known_devices: object_path = f"/org/bluez/hci0/{device}" proxy = bus.get_object(service_name, object_path) props = dbus.Interface(proxy, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties") if props.Get("org.bluez.Device1", "Connected"): counter = counter + 1 return f" {counter}" def display_docker() -> str: containers = docker_client.containers.list(sparse=True) return f" {len(containers)}" def get_time() -> str: return time.strftime("%a %Y-%m-%d %X") def center_text() -> str: return f"{get_time()}" def max_width(strings: list[str]) -> int: r_max_width: int = 0 for s in strings: if len(s) > r_max_width: r_max_width = len(s) return r_max_width panels = { "lock": { "cmd": "kitty -e newm-panel-basic lock", }, "launcher": {"cmd": "kitty -e newm-panel-basic launcher"}, "top_bar": { "native": { "font": "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font", "enabled": True, "texts": lambda: [ "", center_text(), right_text(), ], }, }, "bottom_bar": { "native": { "enabled": False, "texts": lambda: ["newm", "powered by pywm"], "color": (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1), } }, } energy = {"idle_callback": backlight_manager.callback}