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@ -2,5 +2,4 @@
;;; For more information see (info "(emacs) Directory Variables")
((org-mode . ((org-list-allow-alphabetical . nil)
(org-confirm-babel-evaluate . nil)
(eval . (add-hook 'after-save-hook #'org-babel-tangle)))))
(org-confirm-babel-evaluate . nil))))

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@ -25,9 +25,54 @@ loaded, speeding Emacs up a bit.
(set-fringe-mode 10) ; give some breathing room
(menu-bar-mode -1) ; disable menubar
(blink-cursor-mode 0) ; disable blinking cursor
(setq gc-cons-threshold (* 1024 1024 1024))
*** Better garbage collection
Emacs sometimes freezes up a bit when doing some garbage collection,
which is not super. So, in order to fix that, I do two things:
1. Set up a really high threshold (I have a lot of RAM to spare, so I
dont really care),
2. Hook garbage collection thirty seconds after Emacs loses focus and
every thirty seconds after that,
3. Cancel garbage collection if Emacs gains focus back within this
thirty seconds window.
With a garbage collection threshold, Emacs should never garbage
collect on its own, and Emacs is free to freeze up for a few seconds
when it loses focus since Im looking away.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq garbage-collection-messages t ;; tell me when garbage collecting
gc-cons-threshold (* 16 1024 1024 1024)) ;; 16GiB of RAM
(defmacro my/time (&rest body)
`(let ((time (current-time)))
(float-time (time-since time))))
(defun my/garbage-collect ()
"Garbage collect and tell the user how much time it took."
(message "Garbage collector ran for %.06fs"
(my/time (garbage-collect))))
(defvar my/gc-timer nil
"Timer for garbage collection. See
(defun my/garbage-collect-on-focus-lost ()
"Garbage collect when Emacs loses focus.
Garbage collection is only triggered thirty seconds after losing
focus, and only once."
(if (frame-focus-state
(cancel-timer my/gc-timer))
(setq my/gc-timer (run-with-idle-timer 30 nil #'my/garbage-collect))))
(add-function :after after-focus-change-function #'my/garbage-collect-on-focus-lost)
To write this, I mostly based myself on [[][this HackerNews thread]] and [[][its
related article]].
** Emacs Behavior
*** Editing Text in Emacs
I *never* want to keep trailing spaces in my files, which is why Im

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@ -23,102 +23,6 @@ buffer in new Emacs buffers.
** Switch between buffers
Two default shortcuts I really like from Spacemacs are ~SPC b m~ and ~SPC
b s~, which bring the user directly to the ~*Messages*~ buffer and the
~*scratch*~ buffer respectively. These functions do exactly this.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun switch-to-messages-buffer ()
"Switch to Messages buffer."
(switch-to-buffer (messages-buffer)))
(defun switch-to-scratch-buffer ()
"Switch to Messages buffer."
(switch-to-buffer "*scratch*"))
** Screenshots
Since Emacs27, it is possible for Emacs to take screenshots of itself
in various formats. Im mainly interested in the SVG and PNG format,
so Ill only write functions for these. It isnt really redundant with
the ~screenshot.el~ package used [[file:./packages/][here]] since these functions take a
screenshot of Emacs as a whole rather than of a code snippet.
First, we have a general function which is a slight modification of
the function shared by Alphapapa in [[][this Reddit comment]]. I modified it
to make it possible to pass as an argument the format the screenshot
will be taken as or ask the user which format they would like to save
it as.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun self-screenshot (&optional type)
"Save a screenshot of type TYPE of the current Emacs frame.
As shown by the function `', type can wield the value `svg',
`png', `pdf'.
This function will output in /tmp a file beginning with \"Emacs\"
and ending with the extension of the requested TYPE."
(interactive (list
(intern (completing-read "Screenshot type: "
'(png svg pdf postscript)))))
(let* ((extension (pcase type
('png ".png")
('svg ".svg")
('pdf ".pdf")
('postscript ".ps")
(otherwise (error "Cannot export screenshot of type %s" otherwise))))
(filename (make-temp-file "Emacs-" nil extension))
(data (x-export-frames nil type)))
(with-temp-file filename
(insert data))
(kill-new filename)
(message filename)))
I used this function to take the screenshots you can see in this
** Handle new windows
The two functions below allow the user to not only create a new window
to the right or below the current window (respectively), but also to
focus the new window immediately.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun split-window-right-and-focus ()
"Spawn a new window right of the current one and focus it."
(defun split-window-below-and-focus ()
"Spawn a new window below the current one and focus it."
(defun kill-buffer-and-delete-window ()
"Kill the current buffer and delete its window."
** Resize windows
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(with-eval-after-load 'hydra
(defhydra windows-adjust-size ()
_s_: enlarge
_c_: enlarge _r_: right
_t_: shrink
("c" enlarge-window-horizontally)
("t" shrink-window)
("s" enlarge-window)
("r" shrink-window-horizontally)))
** Extend ~add-to-list~
One function I find missing regarding ~add-to-list~ is ~add-all-to-list~
which enables the user to add multiple elements to a list at once.
@ -164,3 +68,99 @@ APPEND and COMPARE-FN, see `add-to-list'."
** Handle new windows
The two functions below allow the user to not only create a new window
to the right or below the current window (respectively), but also to
focus the new window immediately.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun split-window-right-and-focus ()
"Spawn a new window right of the current one and focus it."
(defun split-window-below-and-focus ()
"Spawn a new window below the current one and focus it."
(defun kill-buffer-and-delete-window ()
"Kill the current buffer and delete its window."
** Resize windows
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(with-eval-after-load 'hydra
(defhydra windows-adjust-size ()
_s_: enlarge
_c_: enlarge _r_: right
_t_: shrink
("c" enlarge-window-horizontally)
("t" shrink-window)
("s" enlarge-window)
("r" shrink-window-horizontally)))
** Screenshots
Since Emacs27, it is possible for Emacs to take screenshots of itself
in various formats. Im mainly interested in the SVG and PNG format,
so Ill only write functions for these. It isnt really redundant with
the ~screenshot.el~ package used [[file:./packages/][here]] since these functions take a
screenshot of Emacs as a whole rather than of a code snippet.
First, we have a general function which is a slight modification of
the function shared by Alphapapa in [[][this Reddit comment]]. I modified it
to make it possible to pass as an argument the format the screenshot
will be taken as or ask the user which format they would like to save
it as.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun self-screenshot (&optional type)
"Save a screenshot of type TYPE of the current Emacs frame.
As shown by the function `', type can wield the value `svg',
`png', `pdf'.
This function will output in /tmp a file beginning with \"Emacs\"
and ending with the extension of the requested TYPE."
(interactive (list
(intern (completing-read "Screenshot type: "
'(png svg pdf postscript)))))
(let* ((extension (pcase type
('png ".png")
('svg ".svg")
('pdf ".pdf")
('postscript ".ps")
(otherwise (error "Cannot export screenshot of type %s" otherwise))))
(filename (make-temp-file "Emacs-" nil extension))
(data (x-export-frames nil type)))
(with-temp-file filename
(insert data))
(kill-new filename)
(message filename)))
I used this function to take the screenshots you can see in this
** Switch between buffers
Two default shortcuts I really like from Spacemacs are ~SPC b m~ and ~SPC
b s~, which bring the user directly to the ~*Messages*~ buffer and the
~*scratch*~ buffer respectively. These functions do exactly this.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun switch-to-messages-buffer ()
"Switch to Messages buffer."
(switch-to-buffer (messages-buffer)))
(defun switch-to-scratch-buffer ()
"Switch to Messages buffer."
(switch-to-buffer "*scratch*"))

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@ -1245,6 +1245,18 @@ which is really nice! However, most of my configuration will be stolen
(org-present-mode-quit . my/org-present-quit)))
** Tangle config org files on save
Something really, really useful is tangling all my configuration files
on save. For this, a dedicated function will do the trick.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun my/tangle-config-file ()
(when (and (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
(f-ancestor-of-p (f-full "~/.nosync/org/config") default-directory))
(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'my/tangle-config-file)
** Visual Configuration
While most modes of Emacs are dedicated to development, and therefore
are much more comfortable with a fixed-pitch font, more literary modes

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@ -32,6 +32,21 @@ file (which you can find [[
fenv source ~/.profile
[[][Direnv]] is a really neat tool that allows you to load the content of a
dotenv file as environment variables. Its installation is quite simple
for fish.
#+begin_src fish
direnv hook fish | source
Since I dont really have a better place on this website to put it,
here is my direnv configuration located at
#+begin_src toml :tangle ~/.config/direnv/direnv.toml :mkdirp yes :exports code
load_dotenv = true
*** Development
Finally, some development packages require the =PKG_CONFIG_PATH= to be
set, so lets do so.
@ -302,23 +317,39 @@ Here is the corresponding fish configuration:
**** Docker
And of course, when it comes to Docker Compose, I don't have time to write the
full command, so I use these instead.
**** Docker and Podman
# And of course, when it comes to Docker Compose, I don't have time to write the
# full command, so I use these instead. Actually, let me rephrase that: I used to use
I used to use Docker on my machine, but I switched to Podman. Still,
my muscle memory is really strong and I keep trying to type my old
Docker abbreviations. So, I keep them, but I also have a slight
variation for each one of them for Podman.
#+NAME: abbr-docker
| abbreviation | command |
| dc | docker-compose |
| dcb | docker-compose build |
| dcd | docker-compose down |
| dcl | docker-compose logs |
| dclf | docker-compose logs -f |
| dcp | docker-compose pull |
| dcr | docker-compose run --rm |
| dcu | docker-compose up |
| dcub | docker-compose up --build |
| dcud | docker-compose up -d |
| dcudb | docker-compose up -d --build |
| dc | podman-compose |
| dcb | podman-compose build |
| dcd | podman-compose down |
| dcl | podman-compose logs |
| dclf | podman-compose logs -f |
| dcp | podman-compose pull |
| dcr | podman-compose run --rm |
| dcu | podman-compose up |
| dcub | podman-compose up --build |
| dcud | podman-compose up -d |
| dcudb | podman-compose up -d --build |
| pc | podman-compose |
| pcb | podman-compose build |
| pcd | podman-compose down |
| pcl | podman-compose logs |
| pclf | podman-compose logs -f |
| pcp | podman-compose pull |
| pcr | podman-compose run --rm |
| pcu | podman-compose up |
| pcub | podman-compose up --build |
| pcud | podman-compose up -d |
| pcudb | podman-compose up -d --build |
Here is the corresponding fish configuration:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish

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@ -550,6 +550,24 @@ in order to send to Emacs any ~mailto:~ requests made in my system.
emacsclient -c -n -a emacs -e "(browse-url-mail \"$*\")"
*** Restart Emacs
:HEADER-ARGS: :shebang "#!/bin/bash" :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.local/bin/restart-emacs
Believe me or not, it happens I restart Emacs. I generally start Emacs
manually with =emacs --daemon= because of an issue rendering =lsp-mode=
useless when started by the user systemd service.
#+begin_src bash
PID_EMACS=$(pidof emacs)
killall emacs
echo "Waiting for Emacs to be killed... (pid: $PID_EMACS)"
if timeout 30 tail --pid=$PID_EMACS -f /dev/null ; then
emacs --daemon
echo "Failed to kill Emacs after 30s"
** Media
*** mp42webm