diff --git a/org/config/emacs.org b/org/config/emacs.org index f048295..68b6e54 100644 --- a/org/config/emacs.org +++ b/org/config/emacs.org @@ -3882,7 +3882,7 @@ The Scheme configuration will be very short, I just need to tell Emacs the name :END: Projectile is an awesome utility which helps managing projects within Emacs. It will automatically detect version controlled directories, and will by default assume this is a project I can be working on. However, there are some directories that are version controlled that I do not want to see in my list of projects, namely all the cached AUR packages from my AUR helper, ~yay~. They are all stored in the same parent directory, so let’s ignore that. I will also make Emacs ignore all ~node_modules~ directories it could encounter. And for some reason, =~/.config/emacs= is always in my projects list (I now use XDG-compliant directories), so let’s also ignore that. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp - (setq projectile-ignored-projects '("~/.cache/yay" "~/.config/emacs" "/tmp" "/rsync:Tilo:/home/phundrak/www/phundrak.com/config/")) + (setq projectile-ignored-projects '("~/.cache/yay" "~/.config/emacs" "/tmp")) (add-to-list 'projectile-globally-ignored-directories "node_modules") #+END_SRC