[Bin] remove scripts I don’t use anymore

This commit is contained in:
Lucien Cartier-Tilet 2023-06-03 23:10:08 +02:00
parent 05dcd7067b
commit 9ffe84d760
Signed by: phundrak
GPG Key ID: BD7789E705CB8DCA
1 changed files with 0 additions and 122 deletions

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@ -166,128 +166,6 @@ governor=$(printf "%s\n" "${governors[@]}" | rofi -dmenu)
sudo -A cpupower frequency-set -g "$governor"
** Development
:CUSTOM_ID: cli-utilities-Development-baec808a
*** Cppnew :noexport:
:HEADER-ARGS: :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env fish" :tangle no
:CUSTOM_ID: Cppnew-964e697b
=cppnew= is a small utility that helps you create a new C++ project. Several
templates are available, the default one using CMake, and three others that are
a bit more advances, based on:
- CMake + [[https://conan.io/][Conan]]
- [[https://mesonbuild.com/][Meson]] + [[https://ninja-build.org/][Ninja]]
- Meson + Ninja + Conan
There is also a default [[http://doxygen.nl/][Doxygen]] file included for your documentation, ready to
go. I even made it so that you can execute it as an executable file, like
=./doc/Doxyfile= from the project root.
The choice is given to the user which of them to use with options that will be
given to =cppnew=.
First, if no arguments were passed, return an error.
#+begin_src fish
if ! count $argv >/dev/null
echo "Missing argument: PROJECT" && return -1
Now, lets set a couple of variables which will prove useful later on when
trying to set up our project.
*** Cnew
:HEADER-ARGS: :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env fish" :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.local/bin/cnew
:CUSTOM_ID: Cnew-d9ec9cc4
=cnew= is a small utility script similar to but simpler than cppnew that creates
a CMake template C project from the template that already exists in
[[file:~/dev/templateC][~/dev/templateC]]. If no argument was passed, display an error message and exit.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
if ! count $argv > /dev/null
echo "Missing argument: PROJECT" && return -1
Pass the first argument to a switch statement.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
switch "$argv[1]"
If the argument is =-h= or =--help=, then display the help message and exit the
script normally.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
case -h --help
man ~/dev/fishfunctions/cnew.man
exit 0
Else, the argument is the name of the project the user wants to create.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
case '*'
set -g project_name $argv[1]
Lets close the switch statement.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
Now, lets copy the template where the user is executing =cnew= from, give it
the name of the project and move to the project.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
cp -r ~/dev/templateC $argv[1]
cd $argv[1]
The default files have a placeholder for the name of the project. Lets replace
these placeholders with the projects name.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
sed -i "s/PROJECTNAME/$argv[1]/g" CMakeLists.txt
sed -i "s/PROJECTNAME/$argv[1]/g" README.org
sed -i "s/CPROJECTNAME/$argv[1]/g" doc/Doxyfile
Now, lets create a git repository and initialize it.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
And were done!
*** Dart Language Server
:HEADER-ARGS: :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env fish" :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.local/bin/dart_language_server
:CUSTOM_ID: Dart_Language_Server-18c256b1
Spacemacs' recommendations on how to use Dart with LSP is outdated, since
[[https://github.com/natebosch/dart_language_server][=dart_language_server=]] is obsolete. As recommended by the repo owner, we should
launch instead the following code:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
/usr/bin/dart $DART_SDK/snapshots/analysis_server.dart.snapshot --lsp
So, instead of using the obsolete executable, instead we will be calling the
analysis server as requested.
*** UpdateFlutter
:HEADER-ARGS: :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env fish" :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.local/bin/UpdateFlutter
:CUSTOM_ID: UpdateFlutter-1e8fbeb7
This is a simple utility to run when the ~flutter~ package is updated.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
sudo chown -R :flutterusers /opt/flutter
sudo chmod -R g+w /opt/flutter
sudo chmod a+rw /opt/flutter/version
sudo chown $USER:(id -g $USER) /opt/flutter/bin/cache
** docker-running
:CUSTOM_ID: cliutilitiesdockerrunning-awb2jbx09rj0