[Misc] Move files to XDG user dirs
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ alias exti exit
alias exi exit
alias clean clear
alias vi emacs
alias vim emacs
alias ed emacs
alias nano emacs
alias vi find-file
alias vim find-file
alias ed find-file
alias nano find-file
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ of said command running.
| ~pactl~ | ~load-module module-switch-on-connect~ | |
| ~mpc~ | ~stop~ | no |
| ~xrdb~ | ~-merge "$HOME"/.Xresources~ | no |
| ~xrdb~ | ~-merge "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/X11/Xresources~ | no |
| ~picom~ | ~--experimental-backends~ | yes |
| ~set-screens~ | | no |
| ~numlockx~ | ~on~ | yes |
@ -409,12 +409,13 @@ Below you will find my window management keybinds.
**** General configuration
:HEADER-ARGS: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.gtkrc-2.0
:HEADER-ARGS: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
:CUSTOM_ID: Theme-and-graphical-tweaks-GTK-Settings-GTK2-General-configuration-xod7gbc0l9j0
This file is tangled at ~$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0~. This is an equivalent for the GTK3
configuration file you will see below, and it shares most of its settings.
First, let’s select the Nordic theme for GTK2. Let’s also set the icon theme.
This file is tangled at ~$HOME/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkrc~. This is an
equivalent for the GTK3 configuration file you will see below, and it
shares most of its settings. First, let’s select the Nordic theme for
GTK2. Let’s also set the icon theme.
#+BEGIN_SRC conf-unix
# -*- mode: unix-config -*-
@ -555,7 +556,7 @@ You can find my Picom configuration [[file:picom.org][here]].
** Xresources
:HEADER-ARGS: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.Xresources :exports code
:HEADER-ARGS: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.config/X11/Xresources :exports code
:CUSTOM_ID: Theme-and-graphical-tweaks-Xresources-4dr7gbc0l9j0
The main body in my Xresources declaration is the declaration of my
@ -35,6 +35,173 @@ if test -n "$EMACS"
* Global variables
:CUSTOM_ID: Global_variables-1c84df8b
In order to keep some other code clean, I set the ~$BROWSER~ variable so I don’t
have to call my web browser directly but rather with this variable.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx BROWSER firefox
Sometimes, software will rely on =SUDO_ASKPASS= to get a GUI from which it can
get the sudo password. So, let’s declare it.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx SUDO_ASKPASS ~/.local/bin/askpass
In general, I prefer using ~bat~ to ~less~, although the former relies on the
latter, but ~bat~ provides nice wrapping around ~less~, including syntax
highlighting. Let’s set the manpager to bat then:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -x MANPAGER "sh -c 'col -bx | bat -l man -p'"
~XMODIFIERS~ is set to nothing as to not impede Emacs’ inputs.
#+begin_src fish
Let’s start the Gnome keyring daemon. It will return a variable which must be set.
#+begin_src fish
if test -n "$DESKTOP_SESSION"
set -x (gnome-keyring-daemon --start | string split "=")
** XDG user directories
:CUSTOM_ID: Global-variables-XDG-user-directories-ata8fwf0bhj0
There’s a couple of XDG user directories that are not set, let’s fix
#+begin_src fish
set -x XDG_CACHE_HOME $HOME/.cache
set -x XDG_CONFIG_HOME $HOME/.config
set -x XDG_DATA_HOME $HOME/.local/share
set -x XDG_STATE_HOME $HOME/.local/state
Now, let's clean the ~$HOME~ directory. Be aware it will require quite a
few lines.
#+begin_src fish
set -x HISTFILE "$XDG_STATE_HOME"/bash/history
set -x _Z_DATA "$XDG_DATA_HOME"/z
set -x TEXMFVAR "$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/texlive/texmf-var
set -x RUSTUP_HOME "$XDG_DATA_HOME"/rustup
set -x PYENV_ROOT "$XDG_DATA_HOME"/pyenv
set -x _JAVA_OPTIONS -Djava.util.prefs.userRoot="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/java
set -x NVM_DIR "$XDG_DATA_HOME"/nvm
set -x TERMINFO "$XDG_DATA_HOME"/terminfo
set -x TERMINFO_DIRS "$XDG_DATA_HOME"/terminfo:/usr/share/terminfo
set -x LESSHISTFILE "$XDG_CACHE_HOME"/less/history
set -x GTK2_RC_FILES "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
set -x GEM_HOME "$XDG_DATA_HOME"/gem
set -x CARGO_HOME "$XDG_DATA_HOME"/cargo
** Development
:CUSTOM_ID: Global_variables-Development-76b3ff13
Now, let’s declare our editor of choice, EmacsClient; not Emacs itself since it
will most often be just quick edits, nothing too heavy, if it is called from the
~EDITOR~ variable (from Git, for example), or from the ~VISUAL~ variable.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx EDITOR emacsclient -c
set -gx VISUAL emacsclient -c
We also need to set the path to the Dart SDK.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx DART_SDK /opt/dart-sdk/bin
And we also need to specify where the Android SDK it located.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx ANDROID_HOME $HOME/Android/Sdk
Still related to Dart and Flutter development,
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx CHROME_EXECUTABLE /usr/bin/chromium
Next, we have two variables from Deno, the Node.js destroyer. Its base directory
will be set in my XDG config directory, and its binaries will be located in my
local binaries directory (see below).
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx DENO_DIR $HOME/.config/deno
set -gx DENO_INSTALL_ROOT $HOME/.local/bin/deno
Finally, some development packages require the =PKG_CONFIG_PATH= to be set, so
let’s do so.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx PKG_CONFIG_PATH /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/ $PKG_CONFIG_PATH
** ~$PATH~
:CUSTOM_ID: Global_variables-$PATH-e1320303
A variable available with the fish shell is ~fish_user_paths~ which lists custom
paths to binaries specified by the user. Using this variable ensures they are
included in the ~$PATH~ variable only once without the need to set it directly.
For instance, my ~PATH~ variable needs Rust’s Cargo’s binaries, Go’s binaries,
my own executables, and some more.
#+NAME: extra-paths
| additional path | what it leads to |
| $HOME/.local/bin | Custom executables, see [[file:bin.org]] |
| $GOPATH/bin | Go binaries and executables |
| $CARGO_HOME/bin | Rust binaries and executables |
| $GEM_HOME/ruby/3.0.0/bin | Ruby 3.0 binaries and executables |
| $GEM_HOME/ruby/2.6.0/bin | Ruby 2.6 binaries and executables |
| $HOME/.cabal/bin | Haskel binaries |
| /usr/lib/xfce-polkit | Path to XFCE’s PolKit |
#+NAME: generate-extra-paths
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var paths=extra-paths[,0] :exports none :cache yes
(mapconcat #'identity
paths " \\\n")
#+RESULTS[8fe70e73420376a50897de0f9518689ec3088288]: generate-extra-paths
: $HOME/.local/bin \
: $GOPATH/bin \
: $CARGO_HOME/bin \
: $GEM_HOME/ruby/3.0.0/bin \
: $GEM_HOME/ruby/2.6.0/bin \
: $HOME/.cabal/bin \
: /usr/lib/xfce-polkit
So, let’s set our user paths:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :noweb yes
set -g fish_user_paths \
* Tramp remote access
:CUSTOM_ID: Tramp_remote_access-72aedec2
@ -200,122 +367,6 @@ disable = true
zoxide init fish | source
* Global variables
:CUSTOM_ID: Global_variables-1c84df8b
In order to keep some other code clean, I set the ~$BROWSER~ variable so I don’t
have to call my web browser directly but rather with this variable.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx BROWSER firefox
Sometimes, software will rely on =SUDO_ASKPASS= to get a GUI from which it can
get the sudo password. So, let’s declare it.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx SUDO_ASKPASS ~/.local/bin/askpass
In general, I prefer using ~bat~ to ~less~, although the former relies on the
latter, but ~bat~ provides nice wrapping around ~less~, including syntax
highlighting. Let’s set the manpager to bat then:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -x MANPAGER "sh -c 'col -bx | bat -l man -p'"
#+begin_src fish
#+begin_src fish
if test -n "$DESKTOP_SESSION"
set -x (gnome-keyring-daemon --start | string split "=")
** Development
:CUSTOM_ID: Global_variables-Development-76b3ff13
Now, let’s declare our editor of choice, EmacsClient; not Emacs itself since it
will most often be just quick edits, nothing too heavy, if it is called from the
~EDITOR~ variable (from Git, for example), or from the ~VISUAL~ variable.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx EDITOR emacsclient -c
set -gx VISUAL emacsclient -c
We also need to set the path to the Dart SDK.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx DART_SDK /opt/dart-sdk/bin
And we also need to specify where the Android SDK it located.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx ANDROID_HOME $HOME/Android/Sdk
Still related to Dart and Flutter development,
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx CHROME_EXECUTABLE /usr/bin/chromium
Next, we have two variables from Deno, the Node.js destroyer. Its base directory
will be set in my XDG config directory, and its binaries will be located in my
local binaries directory (see below).
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx DENO_DIR $HOME/.config/deno
set -gx DENO_INSTALL_ROOT $HOME/.local/bin/deno
Finally, some development packages require the =PKG_CONFIG_PATH= to be set, so
let’s do so.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set -gx PKG_CONFIG_PATH /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/ $PKG_CONFIG_PATH
** ~$PATH~
:CUSTOM_ID: Global_variables-$PATH-e1320303
A variable available with the fish shell is ~fish_user_paths~ which lists custom
paths to binaries specified by the user. Using this variable ensures they are
included in the ~$PATH~ variable only once without the need to set it directly.
For instance, my ~PATH~ variable needs Rust’s Cargo’s binaries, Go’s binaries,
my own executables, and some more.
#+NAME: extra-paths
| additional path | what it leads to |
| $HOME/.local/bin | Custom executables, see [[file:bin.org]] |
| $HOME/go/bin | Go binaries and executables |
| $HOME/.cargo/bin | Rust binaries and executables |
| $HOME/.gem/ruby/3.0.0/bin | Ruby 3.0 binaries and executables |
| $HOME/.gem/ruby/2.6.0/bin | Ruby 2.6 binaries and executables |
| $HOME/.cabal/bin | Haskel binaries |
| /usr/lib/xfce-polkit | Path to XFCE’s PolKit |
#+NAME: generate-extra-paths
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var paths=extra-paths[,0] :exports none :cache yes
(mapconcat #'identity
paths " \\\n")
#+RESULTS[7d02a0a6d8acf31d148e071a87c69b5f944e0a5f]: generate-extra-paths
: $HOME/.local/bin \
: $HOME/go/bin \
: $HOME/.cargo/bin \
: $HOME/.gem/ruby/3.0.0/bin \
: $HOME/.gem/ruby/2.6.0/bin \
: $HOME/.cabal/bin \
: /usr/lib/xfce-polkit
So, let’s set our user paths:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :noweb yes
set -g fish_user_paths \
* Abbreviations
:CUSTOM_ID: Abbreviations-97537716
@ -734,7 +785,7 @@ the US.
By default, continue a download that was interupted.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
abbr wget 'wget -c'
abbr wget 'wget --hsts-file="$XDG_DATA_HOME/wget-hsts" -c'
* Last thing before we’re done
Reference in New Issue
Block a user