diff --git a/org/config/emacs.org b/org/config/emacs.org index 7b002e5..94b45d9 100644 --- a/org/config/emacs.org +++ b/org/config/emacs.org @@ -7741,7 +7741,8 @@ First, here is its major mode. "t" #'zig-test-buffer)) #+end_src -For LSP to work, we need ~zls~ to be installed. +For LSP to work, we need ~zls~ to be installed. In my case, as I am on +ArchLinux, I can install it from the AUR, and my AUR helper is ~paru~. #+begin_src fish :results raw :wrap "src text" :exports code paru --skipreview --noconfirm -S zls-bin 2>&1 #+end_src