[Sxiv] Upgrade from sxiv to nsxiv

The PKGBUILD file creates a symlink to sxiv in case scripts and
programs still try to refer to it instead of nsxiv
This commit is contained in:
Lucien Cartier-Tilet 2022-02-18 13:29:01 +01:00
parent 7d48b240f8
commit 490772669b
Signed by: phundrak
GPG Key ID: BD7789E705CB8DCA
4 changed files with 249 additions and 201 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# Maintainer: Lucien Cartier-Tilet <lucien@phundrak.com>
# Original Maintainer: Sanjay Pavan <withercubes@protonmail.com>
pkgdesc='New Simple X Image Viewer'
conflicts=("$_pkgname" "${_pkgname}-git")
depends=('imlib2' 'desktop-file-utils' 'xdg-utils' 'hicolor-icon-theme' 'libexif' 'libxft' 'giflib' 'libwebp')
source=("${_pkgname}::git+$url" config.h)
pkgver() {
cd "$srcdir/${_pkgname}"
git describe --long --tags | sed 's/^v//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
prepare() {
cd "$srcdir/${_pkgname}"
[[ -f $srcdir/config.h ]] && cp $srcdir/config.h .
build() {
make -C "$_pkgname"
package() {
cd "$srcdir/${_pkgname}"
make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install-all
ln -s /usr/bin/nsxiv "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/sxiv"
# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
/* default window dimensions (overwritten via -g option): */
static const int WIN_WIDTH = 800;
static const int WIN_HEIGHT = 600;
/* colors and font can be overwritten via X resource properties.
* See nsxiv(1), X(7) section Resources and xrdb(1) for more information.
static const char *DEFAULT_WIN_BG = "nord0";
static const char *DEFAULT_WIN_FG = "nord4";
static const char *DEFAULT_MARK_COLOR = NULL; /* NULL means it will default to window foreground */
static const char *DEFAULT_BAR_BG = NULL; /* NULL means it will default to window background */
static const char *DEFAULT_BAR_FG = NULL; /* NULL means it will default to window foreground */
static const char *DEFAULT_FONT = "monospace-8";
/* default title prefix */
static const char *TITLE_PREFIX = "nsxiv - ";
/* default title suffixmode, available options are:
static const suffixmode_t TITLE_SUFFIXMODE = SUFFIX_BASENAME;
/* levels (in percent) to use when zooming via '-' and '+':
* (first/last value is used as min/max zoom level)
static const float zoom_levels[] = {
12.5, 25.0, 50.0, 75.0,
100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 400.0, 800.0
/* default slideshow delay (in sec, overwritten via -S option): */
static const int SLIDESHOW_DELAY = 5;
/* gamma correction: the user-visible ranges [-GAMMA_RANGE, 0] and
* (0, GAMMA_RANGE] are mapped to the ranges [0, 1], and (1, GAMMA_MAX].
static const double GAMMA_MAX = 10.0;
static const int GAMMA_RANGE = 32;
/* command i_scroll pans image 1/PAN_FRACTION of screen width/height */
static const int PAN_FRACTION = 5;
/* if false, pixelate images at zoom level != 100%,
* toggled with 'a' key binding
static const bool ANTI_ALIAS = true;
/* if true, use a checkerboard background for alpha layer,
* toggled with 'A' key binding
static const bool ALPHA_LAYER = false;
/* percentage of memory to use for imlib2's cache size.
* 3 means use 3% of total memory which is about 245MiB on 8GiB machine.
* 0 or less means disable cache.
* 100 means use all available memory (but not above CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT).
static const int CACHE_SIZE_MEM_PERCENTAGE = 3; /* use 3% of total memory for cache */
static const int CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT = 256 * 1024 * 1024; /* but not above 256MiB */
static const int CACHE_SIZE_FALLBACK = 32 * 1024 * 1024; /* fallback to 32MiB if we can't determine total memory */
/* thumbnail sizes in pixels (width == height): */
static const int thumb_sizes[] = { 32, 64, 96, 128, 160 };
/* thumbnail size at startup, index into thumb_sizes[]: */
static const int THUMB_SIZE = 3;
/* these modifiers will be used when processing keybindings */
static const unsigned int USED_MODMASK = ShiftMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask;
/* abort the keyhandler */
static const KeySym KEYHANDLER_ABORT = XK_Escape;
/* keyboard mappings for image and thumbnail mode: */
static const keymap_t keys[] = {
/* modifiers key function argument */
{ 0, XK_q, g_quit, 0 },
{ 0, XK_Return, g_switch_mode, None },
{ 0, XK_f, g_toggle_fullscreen, None },
{ 0, XK_b, g_toggle_bar, None },
{ 0, XK_space, g_prefix_external, None },
{ 0, XK_g, g_first, None },
{ 0, XK_G, g_n_or_last, None },
{ 0, XK_h, g_reload_image, None },
{ 0, XK_D, g_remove_image, None },
{ ControlMask, XK_c, g_scroll_screen, DIR_LEFT },
{ ControlMask, XK_Left, g_scroll_screen, DIR_LEFT },
{ ControlMask, XK_t, g_scroll_screen, DIR_DOWN },
{ ControlMask, XK_Down, g_scroll_screen, DIR_DOWN },
{ ControlMask, XK_s, g_scroll_screen, DIR_UP },
{ ControlMask, XK_Up, g_scroll_screen, DIR_UP },
{ ControlMask, XK_r, g_scroll_screen, DIR_RIGHT },
{ ControlMask, XK_Right, g_scroll_screen, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_plus, g_zoom, +1 },
{ 0, XK_KP_Add, g_zoom, +1 },
{ 0, XK_minus, g_zoom, -1 },
{ 0, XK_KP_Subtract, g_zoom, -1 },
{ 0, XK_m, g_toggle_image_mark, None },
{ 0, XK_M, g_mark_range, None },
{ ControlMask, XK_m, g_reverse_marks, None },
{ ControlMask, XK_u, g_unmark_all, None },
{ 0, XK_N, g_navigate_marked, +1 },
{ 0, XK_P, g_navigate_marked, -1 },
{ 0, XK_braceleft, g_change_gamma, -1 },
{ 0, XK_braceright, g_change_gamma, +1 },
{ ControlMask, XK_g, g_change_gamma, 0 },
{ 0, XK_c, t_move_sel, DIR_LEFT },
{ 0, XK_Left, t_move_sel, DIR_LEFT },
{ 0, XK_t, t_move_sel, DIR_DOWN },
{ 0, XK_Down, t_move_sel, DIR_DOWN },
{ 0, XK_s, t_move_sel, DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_Up, t_move_sel, DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_r, t_move_sel, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_Right, t_move_sel, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_H, t_reload_all, None },
{ 0, XK_n, i_navigate, +1 },
{ 0, XK_n, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_LEFT | DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_p, i_navigate, -1 },
{ 0, XK_p, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_LEFT | DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_BackSpace, i_navigate, -1 },
{ 0, XK_bracketright, i_navigate, +10 },
{ 0, XK_bracketleft, i_navigate, -10 },
{ ControlMask, XK_6, i_alternate, None },
{ ControlMask, XK_n, i_navigate_frame, +1 },
{ ControlMask, XK_p, i_navigate_frame, -1 },
{ ControlMask, XK_space, i_toggle_animation, None },
{ ControlMask, XK_a, i_toggle_animation, None },
{ 0, XK_c, i_scroll, DIR_LEFT },
{ 0, XK_Left, i_scroll, DIR_LEFT },
{ 0, XK_t, i_scroll, DIR_DOWN },
{ 0, XK_Down, i_scroll, DIR_DOWN },
{ 0, XK_s, i_scroll, DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_Up, i_scroll, DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_r, i_scroll, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_Right, i_scroll, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_C, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_LEFT },
{ 0, XK_T, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_DOWN },
{ 0, XK_S, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_R, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_z, i_scroll_to_center, None },
{ 0, XK_equal, i_set_zoom, 100 },
{ 0, XK_w, i_fit_to_win, SCALE_DOWN },
{ 0, XK_W, i_fit_to_win, SCALE_FIT },
{ 0, XK_F, i_fit_to_win, SCALE_FILL },
{ 0, XK_e, i_fit_to_win, SCALE_WIDTH },
{ 0, XK_E, i_fit_to_win, SCALE_HEIGHT },
{ 0, XK_less, i_rotate, DEGREE_270 },
{ 0, XK_greater, i_rotate, DEGREE_90 },
{ 0, XK_question, i_rotate, DEGREE_180 },
{ 0, XK_bar, i_flip, FLIP_HORIZONTAL },
{ 0, XK_underscore, i_flip, FLIP_VERTICAL },
{ 0, XK_a, i_toggle_antialias, None },
{ 0, XK_A, i_toggle_alpha, None },
{ 0, XK_k, i_slideshow, None },
/* mouse button mappings for image mode: */
static const button_t buttons_img[] = {
/* modifiers button function argument */
{ 0, 1, i_cursor_navigate, None },
{ ControlMask, 1, i_drag, DRAG_RELATIVE },
{ 0, 2, i_drag, DRAG_ABSOLUTE },
{ 0, 3, g_switch_mode, None },
{ 0, 4, g_zoom, +1 },
{ 0, 5, g_zoom, -1 },
/* mouse button mappings for thumbnail mode: */
static const button_t buttons_tns[] = {
/* modifiers button function argument */
{ 0, 1, t_select, None },
{ 0, 3, t_drag_mark_image, None },
{ 0, 4, t_scroll, DIR_UP },
{ 0, 5, t_scroll, DIR_DOWN },
{ ControlMask, 4, g_scroll_screen, DIR_UP },
{ ControlMask, 5, g_scroll_screen, DIR_DOWN },
/* true means NAV_WIDTH is relative (33%), false means absolute (33 pixels) */
static const bool NAV_IS_REL = true;
/* width of navigation area, 0 disables cursor navigation, */
static const unsigned int NAV_WIDTH = 33;
/* mouse cursor on left, middle and right part of the window */
static const cursor_t imgcursor[3] = {

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
# Maintainer: Jason Ryan <jasonwryan@gmail.com>
# Contributor: Steven Allen <steven@stebalien.com>
# Contributor: Army
# Contributor: Bastien Dejean <baskerville@lavabit.com>
pkgdesc="Simple (or small or suckless) X Image Viewer"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
depends=('imlib2' 'libexif' 'libxft' 'hicolor-icon-theme')
conflicts=("${_name}" "${_name}-git" "${__name}" "${__name}-git")
source=("${_name}::git+${url}.git" config.h)
pkgver() {
cd "${srcdir}/${_name}"
git log -1 --format="%cd" --date=short | sed 's/-/./g'
prepare() {
cd "${srcdir}/${_name}"
[[ -f $srcdir/config.h ]] && cp $srcdir/config.h .
# Allow custom FLAGS
sed -i Makefile -e 's|^CFLAGS\s*=|CFLAGS +=|' -e 's|^LDFLAGS\s*=|LDFLAGS +=|'
build() {
cd "$srcdir/${_name}"
make PREFIX="/usr"
package() {
cd "$srcdir/${_name}"
make PREFIX="/usr" DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
make -C icon PREFIX="/usr" DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
install -Dm644 sxiv.desktop "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/${_name}.desktop"
# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

View File

@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
/* default window dimensions (overwritten via -g option): */
enum {
WIN_WIDTH = 800,
/* colors and font are configured with 'background', 'foreground' and
* 'font' X resource properties.
* See X(7) section Resources and xrdb(1) for more information.
/* levels (in percent) to use when zooming via '-' and '+':
* (first/last value is used as min/max zoom level)
static const float zoom_levels[] = {
12.5, 25.0, 50.0, 75.0,
100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 400.0, 800.0
/* default slideshow delay (in sec, overwritten via -S option): */
enum { SLIDESHOW_DELAY = 5 };
/* gamma correction: the user-visible ranges [-GAMMA_RANGE, 0] and
* (0, GAMMA_RANGE] are mapped to the ranges [0, 1], and (1, GAMMA_MAX].
* */
static const double GAMMA_MAX = 10.0;
static const int GAMMA_RANGE = 32;
/* command i_scroll pans image 1/PAN_FRACTION of screen width/height */
static const int PAN_FRACTION = 5;
/* if false, pixelate images at zoom level != 100%,
* toggled with 'a' key binding
static const bool ANTI_ALIAS = true;
/* if true, use a checkerboard background for alpha layer,
* toggled with 'A' key binding
static const bool ALPHA_LAYER = false;
/* thumbnail sizes in pixels (width == height): */
static const int thumb_sizes[] = { 32, 64, 96, 128, 160 };
/* thumbnail size at startup, index into thumb_sizes[]: */
static const int THUMB_SIZE = 3;
/* keyboard mappings for image and thumbnail mode: */
static const keymap_t keys[] = {
/* modifiers key function argument */
{ 0, XK_q, g_quit, None },
{ 0, XK_Return, g_switch_mode, None },
{ 0, XK_f, g_toggle_fullscreen, None },
{ 0, XK_b, g_toggle_bar, None },
{ 0, XK_space, g_prefix_external, None },
{ 0, XK_g, g_first, None },
{ 0, XK_G, g_n_or_last, None },
{ 0, XK_h, g_reload_image, None },
{ 0, XK_D, g_remove_image, None },
{ ControlMask, XK_c, g_scroll_screen, DIR_LEFT },
{ ControlMask, XK_Left, g_scroll_screen, DIR_LEFT },
{ ControlMask, XK_t, g_scroll_screen, DIR_DOWN },
{ ControlMask, XK_Down, g_scroll_screen, DIR_DOWN },
{ ControlMask, XK_s, g_scroll_screen, DIR_UP },
{ ControlMask, XK_Up, g_scroll_screen, DIR_UP },
{ ControlMask, XK_r, g_scroll_screen, DIR_RIGHT },
{ ControlMask, XK_Right, g_scroll_screen, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_plus, g_zoom, +1 },
{ 0, XK_KP_Add, g_zoom, +1 },
{ 0, XK_minus, g_zoom, -1 },
{ 0, XK_KP_Subtract, g_zoom, -1 },
{ 0, XK_m, g_toggle_image_mark, None },
{ 0, XK_M, g_mark_range, None },
{ ControlMask, XK_m, g_reverse_marks, None },
{ ControlMask, XK_u, g_unmark_all, None },
{ 0, XK_N, g_navigate_marked, +1 },
{ 0, XK_P, g_navigate_marked, -1 },
{ 0, XK_braceleft, g_change_gamma, -1 },
{ 0, XK_braceright, g_change_gamma, +1 },
{ ControlMask, XK_g, g_change_gamma, 0 },
{ 0, XK_c, t_move_sel, DIR_LEFT },
{ 0, XK_Left, t_move_sel, DIR_LEFT },
{ 0, XK_t, t_move_sel, DIR_DOWN },
{ 0, XK_Down, t_move_sel, DIR_DOWN },
{ 0, XK_s, t_move_sel, DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_Up, t_move_sel, DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_r, t_move_sel, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_Right, t_move_sel, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_H, t_reload_all, None },
{ 0, XK_n, i_navigate, +1 },
{ 0, XK_n, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_LEFT | DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_p, i_navigate, -1 },
{ 0, XK_p, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_LEFT | DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_BackSpace, i_navigate, -1 },
{ 0, XK_bracketright, i_navigate, +10 },
{ 0, XK_bracketleft, i_navigate, -10 },
{ ControlMask, XK_6, i_alternate, None },
{ ControlMask, XK_n, i_navigate_frame, +1 },
{ ControlMask, XK_p, i_navigate_frame, -1 },
{ ControlMask, XK_space, i_toggle_animation, None },
{ 0, XK_c, i_scroll, DIR_LEFT },
{ 0, XK_Left, i_scroll, DIR_LEFT },
{ 0, XK_t, i_scroll, DIR_DOWN },
{ 0, XK_Down, i_scroll, DIR_DOWN },
{ 0, XK_s, i_scroll, DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_Up, i_scroll, DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_r, i_scroll, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_Right, i_scroll, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_C, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_LEFT },
{ 0, XK_T, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_DOWN },
{ 0, XK_S, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_UP },
{ 0, XK_R, i_scroll_to_edge, DIR_RIGHT },
{ 0, XK_equal, i_set_zoom, 100 },
{ 0, XK_w, i_fit_to_win, SCALE_DOWN },
{ 0, XK_W, i_fit_to_win, SCALE_FIT },
{ 0, XK_e, i_fit_to_win, SCALE_WIDTH },
{ 0, XK_E, i_fit_to_win, SCALE_HEIGHT },
{ 0, XK_less, i_rotate, DEGREE_270 },
{ 0, XK_greater, i_rotate, DEGREE_90 },
{ 0, XK_question, i_rotate, DEGREE_180 },
{ 0, XK_bar, i_flip, FLIP_HORIZONTAL },
{ 0, XK_underscore, i_flip, FLIP_VERTICAL },
{ 0, XK_a, i_toggle_antialias, None },
{ 0, XK_A, i_toggle_alpha, None },
{ 0, XK_k, i_slideshow, None },
/* mouse button mappings for image mode: */
static const button_t buttons[] = {
/* modifiers button function argument */
{ 0, 1, i_cursor_navigate, None },
{ 0, 2, i_drag, DRAG_ABSOLUTE },
{ 0, 3, g_switch_mode, None },
{ 0, 4, g_zoom, +1 },
{ 0, 5, g_zoom, -1 },