Updated bootstrap after submodules update
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Execute bootstrap][Execute bootstrap:2]]
# -*- mode: fish -*-
# Execute bootstrap:2 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Decrypt private yadm files][Decrypt private yadm files:1]]
yadm decrypt
# Decrypt private yadm files:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Get a correct keyboard layout][Get a correct keyboard layout:1]]
set keyboardconf \
'Section "InputClass"
Identifier "system-keyboard"
@ -12,19 +17,27 @@ set keyboardconf \
Option "XkbVariant" "bepo,,"
Option "XkbOptions" "grp:menu_toggle"
# Get a correct keyboard layout:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Get a correct keyboard layout][Get a correct keyboard layout:2]]
printf "\n# Set keyboard layout #########################################################\n\n"
echo $keyboardconf | sudo tee /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf
# Get a correct keyboard layout:2 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Set our locale][Set our locale:1]]
set mylocales "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" "fr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8" "ja_JP.UTF-8 UTF-8"
# Set our locale:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Set our locale][Set our locale:2]]
printf "\n# Set our locale ##############################################################\n\n"
for item in $mylocales
if test (grep -e "#$item" /etc/locale.gen)
sudo sed -i "/$item/s/^#//g" /etc/locale.gen
# Set our locale:2 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Set our locale][Set our locale:3]]
set localeconf "LANG=en_US.UTF-8
@ -36,21 +49,33 @@ LC_PAPER=fr_FR.UTF-8
# Set our locale:3 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Set our locale][Set our locale:4]]
echo $localeconf | sudo tee /etc/locale.conf
# Set our locale:4 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Set our locale][Set our locale:5]]
printf "\n# Generate locale #############################################################\n\n"
sudo locale-gen
# Set our locale:5 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Create some folders][Create some folders:1]]
printf "\n# Create directories for mounting #############################################\n\n"
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/{USB,CD,Android}
sudo chown $USER:(id -g $USER) /mnt/{USB,CD,Android}
# Create some folders:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Create some folders][Create some folders:2]]
mkdir -p $HOME/.cache/nano/backups
# Create some folders:2 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Set user’s shell to fish][Set user’s shell to fish:1]]
printf "\n# Set fish as the default shell ###############################################\n\n"
chsh -s /usr/bin/fish
# Set user’s shell to fish:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Install =yay= if it isn’t already installed][Install =yay= if it isn’t already installed:1]]
if ! test (which yay)
printf "\n# Installing yay ##############################################################\n\n"
@ -62,7 +87,9 @@ if ! test (which yay)
printf "\n# yay already installed #######################################################\n\n"
# Install =yay= if it isn’t already installed:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Install basic packages][Install basic packages:1]]
acpilight adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts asar ascii aspell-en aspell-fr assimp \
awesome-terminal-fonts base-devel bat biber bleachbit bluez-firmware \
@ -97,11 +124,15 @@ typescript-language-server-bin unicode unicode-emoji unrar usbutils valgrind \
vscode-css-languageserver-bin vscode-html-languageserver-bin w3m wget \
x11-ssh-askpass xclip xdg-user-dirs-gtk xfsprogs xorg-apps xorg-drivers \
xorg-server xorg-xinit xss-lock xvkbd yaml-language-server-bin yapf
# Install basic packages:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Install basic packages][Install basic packages:2]]
printf "\n# Installing needed packages ##################################################\n\n"
sudo pacman -Syu
yay -S --needed $PACKAGES
# Install basic packages:2 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Tangle configuration files from Org files][Tangle configuration files from Org files:2]]
printf "\n# Tangling org files ##########################################################\n\n"
printf "\n\n==== Tangling bin.org\n\n"
emacs -q --batch --eval "(require 'ob-tangle)" --eval "(org-babel-tangle-file \"~/org/config/bin.org\")"
@ -119,101 +150,161 @@ printf "\n\n==== Tangling spacemacs.org\n\n"
emacs -q --batch --eval "(require 'ob-tangle)" --eval "(org-babel-tangle-file \"~/org/config/spacemacs.org\")"
printf "\n\n==== Tangling tmux.org\n\n"
emacs -q --batch --eval "(require 'ob-tangle)" --eval "(org-babel-tangle-file \"~/org/config/tmux.org\")"
# Tangle configuration files from Org files:2 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Tangle configuration files from Org files][Tangle configuration files from Org files:3]]
find ~/.local/bin -type f -exec chmod +x {} +
# Tangle configuration files from Org files:3 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Setting up Emacs: Installing Spacemacs][Setting up Emacs: Installing Spacemacs:1]]
printf "\n# Installing Spacemacs ########################################################\n\n"
rm -rf ~/.emacs.d
rm -rf ~/.config/emacs
# Setting up Emacs: Installing Spacemacs:1 ends here
git clone --single-branch --branch develop https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ~/.emacs.d
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Setting up Emacs: Installing Spacemacs][Setting up Emacs: Installing Spacemacs:2]]
git clone --single-branch --branch develop https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ~/.config/emacs
# Setting up Emacs: Installing Spacemacs:2 ends here
yadm checkout -- ~/.emacs.d/private/
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Setting up Emacs: Installing Spacemacs][Setting up Emacs: Installing Spacemacs:3]]
yadm checkout -- ~/.config/emacs/private/
# Setting up Emacs: Installing Spacemacs:3 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Update our dotfiles’ remotes][Update our dotfiles’ remotes:1]]
if ! test (echo "phundrak" | sed -e "s/^.*$USER//I")
# Update our dotfiles’ remotes:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Update our dotfiles’ remotes][Update our dotfiles’ remotes:2]]
printf "\n# Update yadm’s remotes #######################################################\n\n"
yadm remote set-url origin git@labs.phundrak.com:phundrak/dotfiles.git
yadm remote add github git@github.com:phundrak/dotfiles.git
# Update our dotfiles’ remotes:2 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Update our dotfiles’ remotes][Update our dotfiles’ remotes:3]]
printf "\n# Decrypt encrypted dotfiles ##################################################\n\n"
yadm decrypt
# Update our dotfiles’ remotes:3 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Update our dotfiles’ remotes][Update our dotfiles’ remotes:4]]
# Update our dotfiles’ remotes:4 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Get =envtpl=][Get =envtpl=:1]]
printf '\n# Install envtpl ##############################################################\n\n'
yay -Syu python-envtpl-git
# Get =envtpl=:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Update our submodules][Update our submodules:1]]
printf "\n# Getting yadm susbmodules ####################################################\n\n"
yadm submodule update --init --recursive
# Update our submodules:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Generate our alt files][Generate our alt files:1]]
printf "\n# Generating alt files ########################################################\n\n"
yadm alt
# Generate our alt files:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Installing Tryone’s Compton fork][Installing Tryone’s Compton fork:1]]
printf "\n# Installing tryone’s compton fork ############################################\n\n"
yay -S compton-tryone-git
# Installing Tryone’s Compton fork:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Docker][Docker:1]]
printf "\n# Enabling and starting Docker ################################################\n\n"
sudo systemctl enable --now docker
# Docker:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Docker][Docker:2]]
read --prompt "echo 'Do you wish to be added to the `docker` group? (Y/n): ' " -l adddockergroup
if test $adddockergroup = 'y' || test $adddockergroup = "Y" || test $adddockergroup = ''
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
# Docker:2 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Emacs][Emacs:1]]
printf "\n# Enabling Emacs as user service ##############################################\n\n"
systemctl --user enable --now emacs
# Emacs:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*SSH server][SSH server:1]]
read --prompt "echo 'Do you want to activate the ssh server? (Y/n): ' " -l sshdserver
if test $sshdserver = 'y' || test $sshdserver = "Y" || test $sshdserver = ''
printf "\n# Enabling ssh server #########################################################\n\n"
sudo systemctl enable --now sshd
# SSH server:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Ly][Ly:1]]
sudo systemctl enable --now ly
sudo systemctl disable getty@tty2
# Ly:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Acpilight][Acpilight:1]]
sudo usermod -aG video $USER
# Acpilight:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*NordVPN][NordVPN:1]]
sudo systemctl enable --now nordvpnd
# NordVPN:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Symlink some system config files][Symlink some system config files:1]]
for f in (find ~/.etc -type f)
set dest (echo $f | sed -n 's/^.*etc\(.*\)$/\/etc\1/p')
sudo ln -s $f $dest
# Symlink some system config files:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Symlink some system config files][Symlink some system config files:2]]
read --prompt "echo 'Symlink .nanorc to root’s .nanorc? (Y/n): ' " -l nanoroot
if test $nanoroot = 'y' || test $nanoroot = "Y" || test $nanoroot = ''
printf "\n# Symlinking .nanorc to root’s .nanorc ########################################\n\n"
sudo ln -s $HOME/.nanorc /root/.nanorc
# Symlink some system config files:2 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Polybar Battery][Polybar Battery:1]]
printf "\n# Install polybar-battery #####################################################\n\n"
cd ~/fromGIT
git clone https://github.com/drdeimos/polybar_another_battery.git
cd polybar_another_battery
go get -u github.com/distatus/battery/cmd/battery
make build
# Polybar Battery:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Polybar Battery][Polybar Battery:2]]
ln -s polybar-ab ~/.local/bin/polybar-ab
# Polybar Battery:2 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Reveal.JS][Reveal.JS:1]]
printf "\n# Install Reveal.JS ###########################################################\n\n"
cd ~/fromGIT
git clone https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js.git
# Reveal.JS:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Install the toolchains][Install the toolchains:1]]
printf "\n# Install the rust toolchains, nightly is the default one #####################\n\n"
rustup default nightly
# Install the toolchains:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Install the toolchains][Install the toolchains:2]]
rustup toolchain install stable
# Install the toolchains:2 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Install some utilities][Install some utilities:1]]
printf "\n# Add rust utilities ##########################################################\n\n"
cargo install rustfmt racer
# Install some utilities:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Install some utilities][Install some utilities:2]]
rustup component add src
rustup component add rls
# Install some utilities:2 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Install some python packages][Install some python packages:1]]
printf "\n# Installing Python packages ##################################################\n\n"
pip install --user pyls-isort pyls-mypy
# Install some python packages:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Install go packages][Install go packages:1]]
printf "\n# Installing Go packages ######################################################\n\n"
go get -v golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest
go get -u -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc
@ -231,19 +322,29 @@ go get -u -v github.com/mdempsky/gocode
go get -u -v github.com/rogpeppe/godef
go get -u -v github.com/zmb3/gogetdoc
go get -u -v golang.org/x/tools/gopls
# Install go packages:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Set up Chicken (Scheme interpreter/compiler)][Set up Chicken (Scheme interpreter/compiler):1]]
printf "\n# Setting up Chicken ##########################################################\n\n"
chicken-install -s apropos chicken-doc
# Set up Chicken (Scheme interpreter/compiler):1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Set up Chicken (Scheme interpreter/compiler)][Set up Chicken (Scheme interpreter/compiler):2]]
cd (chicken-csi -b -e "(import (chicken platform))" -p "(chicken-home)")
curl https://3e8.org/pub/chicken-doc/chicken-doc-repo.tgz | sudo tar zx
# Set up Chicken (Scheme interpreter/compiler):2 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Clean the =pacman= and =yay= cache][Clean the =pacman= and =yay= cache:1]]
printf "\n# Clean the pacman and yay cache ##############################################\n\n"
yay -Sc --noconfirm
# Clean the =pacman= and =yay= cache:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Install =fisher=][Install =fisher=:1]]
printf "\n# Installing fisher ###########################################################\n\n"
curl https://git.io/fisher --create-dirs -sLo ~/.config/fish/functions/fisher.fish
# Install =fisher=:1 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::*Install our extensions][Install our extensions:2]]
printf "\n# Installing Fisher Extensions ################################################\n\n"
fisher add oh-my-fish/theme-bobthefish
fisher add jorgebucaran/fish-bax
@ -254,7 +355,9 @@ fisher add jorgebucaran/fish-getopts
fisher add laughedelic/pisces
fisher add tuvistavie/fish-ssh-agent
fisher add acomagu/fish-async-prompt
# Install our extensions:2 ends here
# [[file:~/org/config/installation.org::generate-tangle][generate-tangle]]
files=["bin.org", "fish.org", "i3.org", "index.org", "nano.org", "polybar.org", "spacemacs.org", "tmux.org"]
result = ''
commandPrintf = 'printf "\\n\\n==== Tangling {0}\\n\\n"\n'
@ -262,3 +365,4 @@ commandEmacs = 'emacs -q --batch --eval "(require \'ob-tangle)" --eval "(org-bab
for file in files:
result += commandPrintf.format(file) + commandEmacs.format(file)
return result
# generate-tangle ends here
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: <meta name="description" content="Phundrak-flavored Arch Linux" />
#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: <meta property="og:title" content="Phundrak-flavored Arch Linux" />
#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: <meta property="og:description" content="How to install a Phundrak-flavored Arch Linux" />
#+PROPERTY: header-args :exports code
#+PROPERTY: header-args :exports code :comments link
* Table of Contents :TOC_4_gh:noexport:
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
* Execute bootstrap
:CUSTOM_ID: h-c13d132f-9e69-4bb0-838b-29c7c5611f11
:HEADER-ARGS: :tangle ~/.config/yadm/bootstrap
:HEADER-ARGS: :tangle ~/.config/yadm/bootstrap :comments link
=yadm= comes with a very handy feature: its bootstrap script. We can execute
it by running the following command:
@ -389,23 +389,24 @@
:CUSTOM_ID: h-bd5a92c4-1a4f-49ea-a447-050a4ff0301c
Now, the first thing we want to do with Emacs is install its Spacemacs
distribution. We’ll clone its =develop= branch into =~/.emacs.d=. We need to
do this prior to our dotfiles’ cloning because of some submodules that are
cloned within our =~/.emacs.d= directory, and git won’t let us clone
Spacemacs in an already existing and non-empty directory. To make sure it
isn’t one, let’s delete any potentially existing =~/.emacs.d= directory:
distribution. We’ll clone its =develop= branch into =~/.config/emacs=. We
need to do this prior to our dotfiles’ cloning because of some submodules
that are cloned within our =~/.config/emacs= directory, and git won’t let us
clone Spacemacs in an already existing and non-empty directory. To make sure
it isn’t one, let’s delete any potentially existing =~/.config/emacs=
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Installing Spacemacs ########################################################\n\n"
rm -rf ~/.emacs.d
rm -rf ~/.config/emacs
Now we can clone Spacemacs:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
git clone --single-branch --branch develop https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ~/.emacs.d
git clone --single-branch --branch develop https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ~/.config/emacs
And we can restore what might have been deleted in our =~/.emacs.d/private=
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
yadm checkout -- ~/.emacs.d/private/
yadm checkout -- ~/.config/emacs/private/
** Set up dotfiles
Reference in New Issue
Block a user