updated README, added custom IDs
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#+TITLE: Phundrak’s dotfiles
#+AUTHOR: Lucien "Phundrak” Cartier-Tilet
#+EMAIL: phundrak@phundrak.fr
#+OPTIONS: H:4 broken_links:mark email:t ^:{} auto_id:t
#+OPTIONS: H:4 broken_links:mark email:t ^:{} auto-id:t
# ### LaTeX ####################################################################
#+LATEX_CLASS: conlang
@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: <script defer src="https://langue.phundrak.fr/js/main.js"></script>
* Table of Contents :TOC_4_gh:noexport:
:CUSTOM_ID: h-400070eb-725f-4416-a4c6-da3053df750b
- [[#presentation][Presentation]]
- [[#features][Features]]
- [[#screenshots][Screenshots]]
@ -81,6 +84,9 @@
- [[#licence][Licence]]
* Presentation
:CUSTOM_ID: h-536e69f5-c012-4b7d-8a45-3a340d3bc7ee
This is my collection of dotfiles for my daily GNU/Linux environment, tweaked
@ -95,12 +101,18 @@
the wallpapers using [[https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal][pywal]].
* Features
:CUSTOM_ID: h-8539dd6f-4fcb-4dc7-a3ef-b8ad198c91d4
- Emacs configuration perfectly tailored for my own use
- Beautiful and comfy i3 and polybar configuration
- And enough information below to get basically the same distro install as I
have on my main computer and my travel laptop.
* Screenshots
:CUSTOM_ID: h-ee37502b-09a4-4668-88e2-1d4406252bd2
#+ATTR_HTML: :width 100%
#+CAPTION: Desktop with Neofetch in the terminal
@ -115,6 +127,9 @@
* Dependencies
:CUSTOM_ID: h-5849dbcf-a650-4323-9a90-bec549a7b982
Of course, some dependencies are needed for my dotfiles to work well. Here is
a non-exhaustive list of software needed by these configuration files:
- [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][GNU/Emacs]] >= 26.2
@ -139,12 +154,18 @@
BTW, I use Arch.
* Installation
:CUSTOM_ID: h-bfb2e09b-d5d7-4d6f-8b29-763c49b3fd09
Here will be presented what I do to get my system up and running on a fresh
Arch Linux install. These installation instructions were written in order to
get an Arch Linux distribution up and running with the same configuration as
my main computer’s and my travelling laptop’s configuration.
** Install Arch Linux
:CUSTOM_ID: h-cfe21de6-15fa-477a-a5ff-6cd81dfead19
I usually install Arch from the [[https://www.archlinux.org/download/][vanilla ISO]], however I began using [[https://github.com/MatMoul/archfi][archfi]] to
install easily the distro (I’ve done it so many times, I know how it works
now). Usually, my distros will be installed on at least two partitions, one
@ -162,6 +183,9 @@
RAM and 4GB of swap, but on my thinkpad I have 4GB of RAM and 8GB of swap.
*** Get the latest live system with fast mirrors
:CUSTOM_ID: h-da7951ee-e39a-4a59-a05d-7b7fffdc7825
When you boot into the live ISO, execute the following command:
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports code :tangle no
pacman -Sy reflector
@ -174,6 +198,9 @@
to your location.
*** Install the system
:CUSTOM_ID: h-9f9e1fe5-4726-486b-9875-5fcfd91d0bb0
Then you can use a custom script to ease your installation of Arch if you do
not wish to do it manually. Personally, I’ve done it several times already,
I know how the distro works, I just want to be able to install my distro
@ -192,6 +219,9 @@
from your computer.
** Install basic packages
:CUSTOM_ID: h-d2485595-3014-4151-a76c-63bc353359a8
We will need some basic packages in order to run the bootstrap file. So,
let’s install =fish= (our shell running the script) and =git=.
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports code :tangle no
@ -199,6 +229,9 @@
** Execute bootstrap
:CUSTOM_ID: h-c13d132f-9e69-4bb0-838b-29c7c5611f11
=yadm= comes with a very handy feature: its bootstrap script. We can
execute it by running the following command:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle no
@ -214,6 +247,9 @@
Let’s take a look at what it does.
*** Get a correct keyboard layout
:CUSTOM_ID: h-89fb8f3a-6ec4-4701-a5d9-3e593c47ece9
I use mainly the [[https://bepo.fr/wiki/Accueil][bépo]] layout, a French keyboard layout inspired by Dvorak
layouts, however I sometimes need to switch back to the standard French
AZERTY or the American QWERTY layout, so I make it so the Menu key switches
@ -237,6 +273,9 @@
*** Set our locale
:CUSTOM_ID: h-48678405-93ae-41b6-b44b-285ab0da4e92
I use two main locales, the French and US UTF-8 locales, and I like to keep
the Japanese locale activated just in case.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
@ -277,6 +316,9 @@
*** Create some folders
:CUSTOM_ID: h-85ce90ff-56dc-469b-bf08-480ecf27acc4
Let’s create some folders we might need for mounting our drives, Android
devices and CDs.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
@ -286,6 +328,9 @@
*** Set user’s shell to fish
:CUSTOM_ID: h-c1a78394-c156-4a03-ae82-e5e9d4090dab
First of all, the bootstrap shell will set the user’s shell to fish.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
printf "\n# Set fish as the default shell ###############################################\n\n"
@ -293,6 +338,9 @@
*** Install =yay= if it isn’t already installed
:CUSTOM_ID: h-fef57cea-cf1d-4900-9d90-ec6353ea9661
Now we’ll need to be sure =yay=, our AUR helper, is installed on our system.
If it is, we don’t need to to anything. However, if it isn’t, we’ll install
it manually.
@ -311,6 +359,9 @@
*** Setting up Emacs: Installing Spacemacs
:CUSTOM_ID: h-bd5a92c4-1a4f-49ea-a447-050a4ff0301c
Now, the first thing we want to do with Emacs is install its Spacemacs
distribution. We’ll clone its =develop= branch into =~/.emacs.d=. We need to
do this prior to our dotfiles’ cloning because of some submodules that are
@ -332,7 +383,13 @@
*** Set up dotfiles
:CUSTOM_ID: h-cf2c3a24-b08e-4b07-9d51-31f6df781e62
**** Update our dotfiles’ remotes
:CUSTOM_ID: h-18967335-2637-44d6-b407-bb1d2d2718b9
This line in the bootstrap script will test if the current user is using my
username. If yes, it’s probably me.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
@ -356,6 +413,9 @@
**** Get =envtpl=
:CUSTOM_ID: h-39034878-7864-4a1c-855d-d9882795aac0
Before we set our dotfiles up, let’s make sure =envtpl= is correctly
installed. This package will be needed for generating our alt dotfiles.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
@ -364,6 +424,9 @@
**** Update our submodules
:CUSTOM_ID: h-ae2f8ccb-a8f3-4699-832c-52cbc8b6d081
Now we can download the various dependencies of our dotfiles. To do so,
let’s run the following command:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
@ -372,6 +435,9 @@
**** Generate our alt files
:CUSTOM_ID: h-f924c003-a15c-4132-891f-36cd3948a7c1
Now this should be the last manipulation on our dotfiles: let’s create our
alternate files:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
@ -380,6 +446,9 @@
**** Symlink some system config files
:CUSTOM_ID: h-b14d7d03-da49-4a7b-ba05-1c0848bd8e44
We have some files in [[file:ect/][etc/]] that are to be symlinked to =/etc=.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
for f in (find ~/etc -type f)
@ -399,6 +468,9 @@
*** Install basic packages
:CUSTOM_ID: h-887ec6d4-535d-4363-a0a7-884717b87a47
Let’s set in a custom varible what packages we’ll be needing.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
@ -439,6 +511,9 @@
*** Installing Tryone’s Compton fork
:CUSTOM_ID: h-aecf9f01-268c-40cd-8fc3-622c6ce822e4
For some reason, I found installing directly this fork does not work, and I
need to install it after I installed the regular compton packages.
=compton-tryone-git= will replace =compton= which will be removed.
@ -448,10 +523,16 @@
*** Enable some of our services
:CUSTOM_ID: h-1044da09-e992-4dcb-90ff-513725e1d450
We have installed some packages which require some services to run. Let’s
enable them.
**** Docker
:CUSTOM_ID: h-429cb31a-fccb-420f-a5aa-21054c45fb38
First, let’s activate Docker.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
printf "\n# Enabling and starting Docker ################################################\n\n"
@ -468,6 +549,9 @@
**** Emacs
:CUSTOM_ID: h-7131fa13-3c6e-4cfc-b8e8-c880de9d380f
Emacs will run as a user service, which means it won’t be launched until we
log in.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
@ -476,6 +560,9 @@
**** SSH server
:CUSTOM_ID: h-1f355779-f1dc-4c0f-9cf1-14724ce05f4d
Maybe we want to activate an SSH server on our machine. If so, we can
enable it. Let’s ask the question.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
@ -487,6 +574,9 @@
**** Ly
:CUSTOM_ID: h-2785fc5b-cd35-4c99-9f47-3dcbf1a7a870
Ly is a display manager based on ncurses which I find nice enough for me to
use (I generally don’t like using display managers). Let’s enable it, and
let’s disable tty2 while we’re at it (Ly uses it to run X).
@ -496,7 +586,13 @@
*** Set up our fish shell
:CUSTOM_ID: h-f6f4df67-b0de-40bf-95fb-888d42169088
**** Install =fisher=
:CUSTOM_ID: h-d6490ddc-c909-4713-b36a-19c25a79c7ac
We will be using =fisher= as our extensions manager for Fish. Let’s install
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
@ -505,6 +601,9 @@
**** Install our extensions
:CUSTOM_ID: h-3d540273-bdfb-4c63-a05f-2374a010dc29
I generally use the following extensions in my Fish shell.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
@ -518,9 +617,15 @@
*** Install packages from git
:CUSTOM_ID: h-e79da7b2-9286-4b66-812e-453e3b2505c7
Now, let’s install some packages from git directly.
**** i3-gaps rounded
:CUSTOM_ID: h-10e229f7-9a45-4401-a9c0-3f974482bb9f
I know we already installed =i3-gaps= from the AUR, why reinstall it? Well,
that is certainly bad practices, but this allowed me to already have the
needed dependencies for building =i3= installed. Now, let’s clone it, build
@ -540,6 +645,9 @@
**** Polybar Battery
:CUSTOM_ID: h-f228ec52-a7d0-4c16-adfa-75c544fcfa93
Now let’s install =polybar-battery=. This is a binary that I’ll use in my
[[file:.config/i3/config][i3 config]] to indicate my battery level. It also sends a notification on low
battery and on charging completed.
@ -559,6 +667,9 @@
**** Reveal.JS
:CUSTOM_ID: h-68d1cdb4-1447-420f-ab0c-53ef905e757b
I sometimes use Reveal.JS to make presentations, and I set its location in
my [[file:.spacemacs][dotspacemacs]] file to be in =~/fromGIT=, so let’s clone it there.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
@ -568,7 +679,13 @@
*** Install Rust
:CUSTOM_ID: h-57e8af4c-93f2-4145-9c39-a5f8d1c9f012
**** Install the toolchains
:CUSTOM_ID: h-05ee25dc-3885-46ca-afaf-35bfb2e385d4
When using rust, I bounce between two toolchains, the =stable= toolchain
and the =nightly= toolchain. To install them, I will use =rustup= which has
already been installed.
@ -584,6 +701,9 @@
**** Install some utilities
:CUSTOM_ID: h-f94f2e18-623f-4aa5-be99-6a7df6a9cbcd
We’ll need some utilities when developing Rust from Emacs, namely =rustfmt=
and =racer=. Let’s install them with =cargo=.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
@ -592,6 +712,9 @@
*** Clean the =pacman= and =yay= cache
:CUSTOM_ID: h-fa5307ec-065b-4d06-9d47-05ccde0da8ac
Finally, we are almost done! Let’s clean the cache of =pacman= and =yay=.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :exports code :tangle ~/.yadm/bootstrap
printf "\n# Clean the pacman and yay cache ##############################################\n\n"
@ -601,6 +724,9 @@
computer and my thinkpad.
* Licence
:CUSTOM_ID: h-a3438126-ee60-4f11-a2f6-f52e49dade59
All of my dotfiles (and my dotfiles only) are available under the GNU GPLv3
Licence. Please consult [[file:LICENCE.md]] for more information. In short: you
are free to access, edit and redistribute all of my dotfiles under the same
Reference in New Issue
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