[Awesome, Bin, Bootstrap] Replace nitrogen with xwallpaper

This commit is contained in:
Lucien Cartier-Tilet 2021-01-02 13:52:18 +01:00
parent 90028f1efa
commit 1d7cbe8915
Signed by: phundrak
GPG Key ID: BD7789E705CB8DCA
3 changed files with 8 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ inetutils isync inter-font javascript-typescript-langserver js-beautify \
jfsutils jmtpfs lain-git libxft-bgra linux-headers lldb logrotate ly meson \ jfsutils jmtpfs lain-git libxft-bgra linux-headers lldb logrotate ly meson \
minted man-db man-pages mpc mpd mpd-rich-presence-discord-git mpv mupdf-tools \ minted man-db man-pages mpc mpd mpd-rich-presence-discord-git mpv mupdf-tools \
nano ncdu ncmpcpp nemo-fileroller nemo-preview neofetch netctl \ nano ncdu ncmpcpp nemo-fileroller nemo-preview neofetch netctl \
network-manager-applet networkmanager networkmanager-openvpn nitrogen \ network-manager-applet networkmanager networkmanager-openvpn \
nm-connection-editor nodejs-vmd nomacs nordic-theme-git nordvpn-bin \ nm-connection-editor nodejs-vmd nomacs nordic-theme-git nordvpn-bin \
noto-fonts-emoji npm ntfs-3g numlockx obs-studio openssh otf-fandol \ noto-fonts-emoji npm ntfs-3g numlockx obs-studio openssh otf-fandol \
otf-ipafont p7zip pacman-contrib pandoc-bin pass pavucontrol pdfpc \ otf-ipafont p7zip pacman-contrib pandoc-bin pass pavucontrol pdfpc \
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ ttf-liberation ttf-monapo ttf-sazanami ttf-tibetan-machine typescript \
typescript-language-server-bin unicode-emoji unrar usbutils valgrind \ typescript-language-server-bin unicode-emoji unrar usbutils valgrind \
vscode-css-languageserver-bin vscode-html-languageserver-bin w3m wget \ vscode-css-languageserver-bin vscode-html-languageserver-bin w3m wget \
x11-ssh-askpass xclip xdg-user-dirs-gtk xfce-polkit xidlehook xfsprogs \ x11-ssh-askpass xclip xdg-user-dirs-gtk xfce-polkit xidlehook xfsprogs \
xorg-drivers xorg-server xorg-xinit xss-lock xvkbd yaml-language-server-bin \ xorg-drivers xorg-server xorg-xinit xss-lock xvkbd xwallpaper \
zeal yaml-language-server-bin zeal
printf "\n# Installing needed packages ##################################################\n\n" printf "\n# Installing needed packages ##################################################\n\n"
sudo pacman -Syu sudo pacman -Syu

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@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ The following declares the default Modkey. Usually, ~Mod4~ is the Super key, sit
:CUSTOM_ID: Custom_functions-Wallpaper-related_functions-Set_a_random_wallpaper-104bbeec :CUSTOM_ID: Custom_functions-Wallpaper-related_functions-Set_a_random_wallpaper-104bbeec
This function sets a random wallpaper from the directory =~/Pictures/Wallpapers=, see [[file:bin.org::#pape-update-bdecbadf][pape-update]] in my custom scripts. This depends on [[https://github.com/l3ib/nitrogen/][Nitrogen]]. This function sets a random wallpaper from the directory =~/Pictures/Wallpapers=, see [[file:bin.org::#pape-update-bdecbadf][pape-update]] in my custom scripts.
local function set_random_pape() local function set_random_pape()
awful.spawn.with_shell("pape-update") awful.spawn.with_shell("pape-update")
@ -939,6 +939,7 @@ Here will be declared some shortcuts directly related to Awesome itself.
| q | modkey, shift | no | awesome.quit | quit awesome | awesome | | q | modkey, shift | no | awesome.quit | quit awesome | awesome |
| r | modkey, shift, control | no | awesome.restart | reload awesome | awesome | | r | modkey, shift, control | no | awesome.restart | reload awesome | awesome |
| w | modkey | no | set_random_pape | set random wallpaper | awesome | | w | modkey | no | set_random_pape | set random wallpaper | awesome |
| w | modkey, shift | spawn | select-pape | set wallpaper | awesome |
| x | modkey | no | invoke_lua_execute_prompt | lua execute prompt | awesome | | x | modkey | no | invoke_lua_execute_prompt | lua execute prompt | awesome |
| F4 | modkey, control | spawn | systemctl hibernate | hibernate computer | awesome | | F4 | modkey, control | spawn | systemctl hibernate | hibernate computer | awesome |
| F4 | modkey, shift | spawn | systemctl suspend | suspend to RAM computer | awesome | | F4 | modkey, shift | spawn | systemctl suspend | suspend to RAM computer | awesome |

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@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ Lets set in a custom varible what packages well be needing.
jfsutils jmtpfs lain-git libxft-bgra linux-headers lldb logrotate ly meson \ jfsutils jmtpfs lain-git libxft-bgra linux-headers lldb logrotate ly meson \
minted man-db man-pages mpc mpd mpd-rich-presence-discord-git mpv mupdf-tools \ minted man-db man-pages mpc mpd mpd-rich-presence-discord-git mpv mupdf-tools \
nano ncdu ncmpcpp nemo-fileroller nemo-preview neofetch netctl \ nano ncdu ncmpcpp nemo-fileroller nemo-preview neofetch netctl \
network-manager-applet networkmanager networkmanager-openvpn nitrogen \ network-manager-applet networkmanager networkmanager-openvpn \
nm-connection-editor nodejs-vmd nomacs nordic-theme-git nordvpn-bin \ nm-connection-editor nodejs-vmd nomacs nordic-theme-git nordvpn-bin \
noto-fonts-emoji npm ntfs-3g numlockx obs-studio openssh otf-fandol \ noto-fonts-emoji npm ntfs-3g numlockx obs-studio openssh otf-fandol \
otf-ipafont p7zip pacman-contrib pandoc-bin pass pavucontrol pdfpc \ otf-ipafont p7zip pacman-contrib pandoc-bin pass pavucontrol pdfpc \
@ -228,8 +228,8 @@ Lets set in a custom varible what packages well be needing.
typescript-language-server-bin unicode-emoji unrar usbutils valgrind \ typescript-language-server-bin unicode-emoji unrar usbutils valgrind \
vscode-css-languageserver-bin vscode-html-languageserver-bin w3m wget \ vscode-css-languageserver-bin vscode-html-languageserver-bin w3m wget \
x11-ssh-askpass xclip xdg-user-dirs-gtk xfce-polkit xidlehook xfsprogs \ x11-ssh-askpass xclip xdg-user-dirs-gtk xfce-polkit xidlehook xfsprogs \
xorg-drivers xorg-server xorg-xinit xss-lock xvkbd yaml-language-server-bin \ xorg-drivers xorg-server xorg-xinit xss-lock xvkbd xwallpaper \
zeal yaml-language-server-bin zeal
These are the minimum I would have in my own installation. You can edit it however you want. Lets install those. These are the minimum I would have in my own installation. You can edit it however you want. Lets install those.