[StumpWM] Move commands, better function for launching WM at work

This commit is contained in:
Lucien Cartier-Tilet 2023-06-15 14:19:49 +02:00
parent 47d63fedb4
commit 00ee413240
Signed by: phundrak
GPG Key ID: BD7789E705CB8DCA

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@ -258,107 +258,6 @@ Finally, we can notify the user everything is ready.
And its done! We can now move on to the creation of the other CLisp files.
* Commands
:CUSTOM_ID: Commands-1wagy001v5j0
:header-args:lisp: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/commands.lisp
The first command I declare in this file is a command that will avoid
me invoking too many Firefox instances. Either Firefox is not already
running and an instance is launched, or one already is and we are
brought to it. This is done like so:
#+begin_src lisp
(defcommand firefox () ()
"Run or raise Firefox."
(sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (run-or-raise "firefox" '(:class "Firefox") t nil))))
Next, this command will not only close the current window, but it will
also close the current frame.
#+begin_src lisp
(defcommand delete-window-and-frame () ()
"Delete the current frame with its window."
The two following commands will create a new frame to the right and
below the current frame respectively, then focus it.
#+begin_src lisp
(defcommand hsplit-and-focus () ()
"Create a new frame on the right and focus it."
(move-focus :right))
(defcommand vsplit-and-focus () ()
"Create a new frame below and move focus to it."
(move-focus :down))
Now, lets create a command for invoking the terminal, optionally with
a program.
#+begin_src lisp
(defcommand term (&optional program) ()
"Invoke a terminal, possibly with a @arg{program}."
(lambda ()
(run-shell-command (if program
(format nil "kitty ~A" program)
** At work
:CUSTOM_ID: CommandsAtwork-6u8lkt51vsj0
When Im at work, I have a desktop layout I always use. No need to
describe it here, but I want a quick command to save my layout in case
I change it a bit as well as a command to load it. That way, I can
automatically organize my screens. These command will save and load
the dump where the variable ~*my/desktop-dump-file*~ points at.
#+begin_src lisp
(defvar *my/desktop-dump-file* "~/.cache/stump-at-work"
"Where my desktop dump should go and be loaded from.")
To save the current desktop, I can write a wrapper around
#+begin_src lisp
(defcommand dump-work () ()
"Save desktop layout when at work."
(dump-desktop-to-file *my/desktop-dump-file*))
Basically the same goes for loading the desktop layout, but this time
its ~restore-from-file~ thats wrapped. I also want to launch Global
Protect at the same time, because I always forget to before launching
~launch-work~ described below, and automatically connect my bluetooth
#+begin_src lisp
(defcommand at-work () ()
"Restore desktop layout when at work."
(restore-from-file *my/desktop-dump-file*)
(run-shell-command "gpclient")
(run-shell-command "bluetoothctl power on && bluetoothctl connect 14:3F:A6:6D:E3:D9"))
If I want to quickly launch all programs I will need, I can also
invoke the command ~launch-work~.
#+begin_src lisp
(defcommand launch-work () ()
"Launch programs I need at work."
(run-shell-command "autorandr -l work; xwallpaper --zoom (cat $HOME/.cache/wallpaper)" t)
(run-shell-command "pkill picom")
(run-shell-command "firefox")
(run-shell-command "remmina")
(run-shell-command "kitty btop")
(run-shell-command "kitty")
(run-shell-command "kitty ncmpcpp -qs clock")
(run-shell-command "teams")
(run-shell-command "discord"))
* Colors
:CUSTOM_ID: Colors-w5493d01v5j0
@ -939,6 +838,109 @@ Finally, lets enable our gaps:
* Commands
:CUSTOM_ID: Commands-1wagy001v5j0
:header-args:lisp: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/commands.lisp
The first command I declare in this file is a command that will avoid
me invoking too many Firefox instances. Either Firefox is not already
running and an instance is launched, or one already is and we are
brought to it. This is done like so:
#+begin_src lisp
(defcommand firefox () ()
"Run or raise Firefox."
(sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (run-or-raise "firefox" '(:class "Firefox") t nil))))
Next, this command will not only close the current window, but it will
also close the current frame.
#+begin_src lisp
(defcommand delete-window-and-frame () ()
"Delete the current frame with its window."
The two following commands will create a new frame to the right and
below the current frame respectively, then focus it.
#+begin_src lisp
(defcommand hsplit-and-focus () ()
"Create a new frame on the right and focus it."
(move-focus :right))
(defcommand vsplit-and-focus () ()
"Create a new frame below and move focus to it."
(move-focus :down))
Now, lets create a command for invoking the terminal, optionally with
a program.
#+begin_src lisp
(defcommand term (&optional program) ()
"Invoke a terminal, possibly with a @arg{program}."
(lambda ()
(run-shell-command (if program
(format nil "kitty ~A" program)
** At work
:CUSTOM_ID: CommandsAtwork-6u8lkt51vsj0
When Im at work, I have a desktop layout I always use. No need to
describe it here, but I want a quick command to save my layout in case
I change it a bit as well as a command to load it. That way, I can
automatically organize my screens. These command will save and load
the dump where the variable ~*my/desktop-dump-file*~ points at.
#+begin_src lisp
(defvar *my/desktop-dump-file* "~/.cache/stump-at-work"
"Where my desktop dump should go and be loaded from.")
To save the current desktop, I can write a wrapper around
#+begin_src lisp
(defcommand dump-work () ()
"Save desktop layout when at work."
(dump-desktop-to-file *my/desktop-dump-file*))
Basically the same goes for loading the desktop layout, but this time
its ~restore-from-file~ thats wrapped. I also want to launch Global
Protect at the same time, because I always forget to before launching
~launch-work~ described below, and automatically connect my bluetooth
#+begin_src lisp
(load-module "swm-gaps")
(defcommand at-work () ()
"Restore desktop layout when at work."
(run-shell-command "pkill picom" t)
(run-shell-command "autorandr -l work" t)
(run-shell-command "xwallpaper --zoom $(cat $HOME/.cache/wallpaper)" t)
(run-shell-command "gpclient")
(run-shell-command "bluetoothctl power on && bluetoothctl connect 14:3F:A6:6D:E3:D9"))
If I want to quickly launch all programs I will need, I can also
invoke the command ~launch-work~.
#+begin_src lisp
(defcommand launch-work () ()
"Launch programs I need at work."
(run-shell-command "firefox")
(run-shell-command "remmina")
(run-shell-command "kitty tmux")
(run-shell-command "teams")
(run-shell-command "discord")
(restore-from-file *my/desktop-dump-file*)
(restore-window-placement-rules "~/.cache/placement-rules"))
* Keybinds
:CUSTOM_ID: Keybinds-c6wgf961v5j0