2020-01-14 22:07:37 +00:00
#+TITLE : Install a Phundrak-flavored Arch Linux
2020-01-15 11:38:29 +00:00
#+INCLUDE : ~/org/config-website/headers.org
#+OPTIONS : auto-id:t
2020-01-14 22:07:37 +00:00
#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA : <meta name="description" content="Phundrak-flavored Arch Linux" />
#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA : <meta property="og:title" content="Phundrak-flavored Arch Linux" />
#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA : <meta property="og:description" content="How to install a Phundrak-flavored Arch Linux" />
* Table of Contents :TOC_4_gh:noexport:
:CUSTOM_ID: h-400070eb-725f-4416-a4c6-da3053df750b
- [[#introduction ][Introduction ]]
- [[#install-arch-linux ][Install Arch Linux ]]
- [[#get-the-latest-live-system-with-fast-mirrors ][Get the latest live system with fast mirrors ]]
- [[#install-the-system ][Install the system ]]
- [[#install-basic-packages ][Install basic packages ]]
- [[#execute-bootstrap ][Execute bootstrap ]]
- [[#decrypt-private-yadm-files ][Decrypt private yadm files ]]
- [[#get-a-correct-keyboard-layout ][Get a correct keyboard layout ]]
- [[#set-our-locale ][Set our locale ]]
- [[#create-some-folders ][Create some folders ]]
- [[#set-users-shell-to-fish ][Set user’ s shell to fish ]]
- [[#install-yay-if-it-isnt-already-installed ][Install =yay= if it isn’ t already installed ]]
- [[#install-basic-packages-1 ][Install basic packages ]]
- [[#setting-up-emacs-installing-spacemacs ][Setting up Emacs: Installing Spacemacs ]]
- [[#set-up-dotfiles ][Set up dotfiles ]]
- [[#update-our-dotfiles-remotes ][Update our dotfiles’ remotes ]]
- [[#get-envtpl ][Get =envtpl= ]]
- [[#update-our-submodules ][Update our submodules ]]
- [[#generate-our-alt-files ][Generate our alt files ]]
- [[#installing-tryones-compton-fork ][Installing Tryone’ s Compton fork ]]
- [[#enable-some-of-our-services ][Enable some of our services ]]
- [[#docker ][Docker ]]
- [[#emacs ][Emacs ]]
- [[#ssh-server ][SSH server ]]
- [[#ly ][Ly ]]
- [[#acpilight ][Acpilight ]]
- [[#nordvpn ][NordVPN ]]
- [[#symlink-some-system-config-files ][Symlink some system config files ]]
- [[#set-up-our-fish-shell ][Set up our fish shell ]]
- [[#install-fisher ][Install =fisher= ]]
- [[#install-our-extensions ][Install our extensions ]]
- [[#install-packages-from-git ][Install packages from git ]]
- [[#i3-gaps-rounded ][i3-gaps rounded ]]
- [[#polybar-battery ][Polybar Battery ]]
- [[#revealjs ][Reveal.JS ]]
- [[#install-rust ][Install Rust ]]
- [[#install-the-toolchains ][Install the toolchains ]]
- [[#install-some-utilities ][Install some utilities ]]
- [[#install-some-python-packages ][Install some python packages ]]
- [[#install-go-packages ][Install go packages ]]
- [[#set-up-chicken-scheme-interpretercompiler ][Set up Chicken (Scheme interpreter/compiler) ]]
- [[#clean-the-pacman-and-yay-cache ][Clean the =pacman= and =yay= cache ]]
* Introduction
:CUSTOM_ID: h-12a4ef6d-13b6-4d1f-9e0f-a060b63b12d4
Here will be presented what I do to get my system up and running on a fresh
Arch Linux install. These installation instructions were written in order to
get an Arch Linux distribution up and running with the same configuration as
my main computer’ s and my travelling laptop’ s configuration.
* Install Arch Linux
:CUSTOM_ID: h-cfe21de6-15fa-477a-a5ff-6cd81dfead19
I usually install Arch from the [[https://www.archlinux.org/download/ ][vanilla ISO ]], however I began using [[https://github.com/MatMoul/archfi ][archfi ]] to
install easily the distro (I’ ve done it so many times, I know how it works
now). Usually, my distros will be installed on at least two partitions, one
dedicated to =/home= , the other to the root partition =/= .
If the computer supports EFI bootloaders, the EFI partition will be mounted on
=/boot= . I generally use rEFInd as my boot manager, but if you are more
comfortable with another one, just install what you want. Be aware that if you
format your =/boot= partition, you will delete all boot managers that already
exist; so, if you are dual-booting, *DO NOT FORMAT IT* . Yes, I made the
mistake of wiping the Windows boot manager.
The swap partition is always at least 4GB large, and I should have a total of
12GB of combined RAM and swap. This means on my main computer I have 16GB of
RAM and 4GB of swap, but on my thinkpad I have 4GB of RAM and 8GB of swap.
** Get the latest live system with fast mirrors
:CUSTOM_ID: h-da7951ee-e39a-4a59-a05d-7b7fffdc7825
When you boot into the live ISO, execute the following command:
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports code
pacman -Sy reflector
reflector -c France -c Germany -l 200 -p http -p https --sort rate \
--save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist --verbose
This will update the packages from your live ISO, and you will get the best
mirrors for your installation. Of course, change the countries accordingly to
your location.
** Install the system
:CUSTOM_ID: h-9f9e1fe5-4726-486b-9875-5fcfd91d0bb0
Then you can use a custom script to ease your installation of Arch if you do
not wish to do it manually. Personally, I’ ve done it several times already, I
know how the distro works, I just want to be able to install my distro
quickly now.
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports code
wget archfi.sf.net/archfi
# Or from matmoul.github.io/archfi if SourceForge is down
sh archfi
Then, follow the instructions and install Arch Linux. Take the opportunity to
install as many packages as you need, mainly =yay= which I use as my package
manager (it is just a wrapper for =pacman= ) and AUR helper, and
=pacman-contrib= which will help us installing some packages later.
Once your system is installed, reboot and remove your installation media from
your computer.
* Install basic packages
:CUSTOM_ID: h-d2485595-3014-4151-a76c-63bc353359a8
We will need some basic packages in order to run the bootstrap file. So, let’ s
install =fish= (our shell running the script) and =git= .
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :exports code
sudo pacman -Sy fish git yadm
* Execute bootstrap
:CUSTOM_ID: h-c13d132f-9e69-4bb0-838b-29c7c5611f11
:HEADER-ARGS: :tangle ~/.config/yadm/bootstrap :exports code
=yadm= comes with a very handy feature: its bootstrap script. We can execute
it by running the following command:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish :tangle no
yadm bootstrap
Notice these two header files, we can see this is a fish script, hence why we
need fish (which is my daily shell anyway).
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
# -*- mode: fish -* -
Let’ s take a look at what it does.
** Decrypt private yadm files
:CUSTOM_ID: h-2ce7e756-3dab-4c12-a3b3-d1b6f8d4805d
Some private files are stored encrypted in the repository of my yadm
dotfiles. I will need them later on during the bootstrap execution.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
yadm decrypt
** Get a correct keyboard layout
:CUSTOM_ID: h-89fb8f3a-6ec4-4701-a5d9-3e593c47ece9
I use mainly the [[https://bepo.fr/wiki/Accueil ][bépo ]] layout, a French keyboard layout inspired by Dvorak
layouts, however I sometimes need to switch back to the standard French
AZERTY or the American QWERTY layout, so I make it so the Menu key switches
for me my layout between these three. This makes it so my xorg configuration
of my keyboard looks like this:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set keyboardconf \
'Section "InputClass"
Identifier "system-keyboard"
MatchIsKeyboard "on"
Option "XkbLayout" "fr,fr,us"
Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
Option "XkbVariant" "bepo,,"
Option "XkbOptions" "grp:menu_toggle"
So, let’ s set it as our keyboard configuration.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Set keyboard layout #########################################################\n\n"
echo $keyboardconf | sudo tee /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf
** Set our locale
:CUSTOM_ID: h-48678405-93ae-41b6-b44b-285ab0da4e92
I use two main locales, the French and US UTF-8 locales, and I like to keep
the Japanese locale activated just in case.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set mylocales "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" "fr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8" "ja_JP.UTF-8 UTF-8"
Let’ s enable these.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Set our locale ##############################################################\n\n"
for item in $mylocales
if test (grep -e "#$item" /etc/locale.gen)
sudo sed -i "/$item/s/ ^#//g" /etc/locale.gen
This is my configuration I usually use when it comes to my locale.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
set localeconf "LANG=en_US.UTF-8
Let’ s set it as our system’ s locale.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
echo $localeconf | sudo tee /etc/locale.conf
Now we can generate our locale!
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Generate locale #############################################################\n\n"
sudo locale-gen
** Create some folders
:CUSTOM_ID: h-85ce90ff-56dc-469b-bf08-480ecf27acc4
Let’ s create some folders we might need for mounting our drives, Android
devices and CDs.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Create directories for mounting #############################################\n\n"
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/ {USB,CD,Android}
sudo chown $USER:(id -g $USER) /mnt/ {USB,CD,Android}
We also need the following folder for our nano backups.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
mkdir -p $HOME/.cache/nano/backups
** Set user’ s shell to fish
:CUSTOM_ID: h-c1a78394-c156-4a03-ae82-e5e9d4090dab
First of all, the bootstrap shell will set the user’ s shell to fish.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Set fish as the default shell ###############################################\n\n"
chsh -s /usr/bin/fish
** Install =yay= if it isn’ t already installed
:CUSTOM_ID: h-fef57cea-cf1d-4900-9d90-ec6353ea9661
Now we’ ll need to be sure =yay= , our AUR helper, is installed on our system.
If it is, we don’ t need to to anything. However, if it isn’ t, we’ ll install
it manually.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
if ! test (which yay)
printf "\n# Installing yay ##############################################################\n\n"
mkdir -p fromGIT
cd fromGIT
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git
cd yay
makepkg -si --noconfirm
printf "\n# yay already installed #######################################################\n\n"
** Install basic packages
:CUSTOM_ID: h-887ec6d4-535d-4363-a0a7-884717b87a47
Let’ s set in a custom varible what packages we’ ll be needing.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
2020-01-15 17:58:27 +00:00
2020-01-14 22:07:37 +00:00
acpilight adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts asar ascii aspell-en aspell-fr assimp \
awesome-terminal-fonts base-devel bat biber bleachbit bluez-firmware \
bluez-utils bookworm boost bzip2 ccls chicken chromium clisp compton cppcheck \
cppreference cppreference-devhelp cpupower cronie cryptsetup device-mapper \
diffutils discord-canary discount ditaa dmenu dmenu-lpass docker \
docker-compose dockerfile-language-server-bin doxygen dunst dwarffortress \
emacs exfat-utils farbfeld feh ffmpegthumbnailer findutils firefox flake8 \
font-mathematica fontforge freeglut fzf gcc-libs gdb gimp glibc \
gnome-disk-utility gnome-epub-thumbnailer gnu-free-fonts gnuplot go-tools \
golangci-lint-bin graphviz htop i3-gaps i3lock-blur i3status igdm-bin \
inetutils j4-dmenu-desktop javascript-typescript-langserver js-beautify \
jfsutils jmtpfs lastpass-cli less linux-headers lldb logrotate lvm2 ly-git \
meson minted mpc mpd mpd-rich-presence-discord-git mpv mupdf-tools nano ncdu \
ncmpcpp nemo-fileroller nemo-preview neofetch neovim netctl networkmanager \
networkmanager-openvpn nm-connection-editor nnn nodejs-vmd nomacs nordvpn-bin \
noto-fonts-emoji npm ntfs-3g numlockx openssh otf-fandol otf-ipafont p7zip \
pacman-contrib pandoc-bin pavucontrol pciutils pcurses pdfpc polybar prettier \
pulseaudio-bluetooth python-autoflake python-envtpl-git python-epc \
python-importmagic python-language-server python-nose python-pip python-ptvsd \
python-pytest python-pywal qt5-imageformats qemu r raw-thumbnailer reflector \
rofi rofi-wifi-menu-git rsync rtv rustup s-nail samba scrot sent shadow \
siji-git simplescreenrecorder speedcrunch sshfs st-luke-git swi-prolog \
texlive-bin texlive-langchinese texlive-langcyrillic texlive-langgreek \
texlive-langjapanese texlive-langkorean texlive-latexextra \
texlive-localmanager-git texlive-most tmux tree ttf-arphic-uming ttf-baekmuk \
ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu ttf-google-fonts-opinionated-git ttf-hanazono \
ttf-joypixels ttf-koruri ttf-liberation ttf-material-design-icons-git \
ttf-monapo ttf-mplus ttf-ms-fonts ttf-sazanami ttf-symbola ttf-tibetan-machine \
ttf-twemoji-color ttf-unifont ttf-vlgothic typescript \
typescript-language-server-bin unicode unicode-emoji unrar usbutils valgrind \
vscode-css-languageserver-bin vscode-html-languageserver-bin w3m wget \
x11-ssh-askpass xclip xdg-user-dirs-gtk xfsprogs xorg-apps xorg-drivers \
xorg-server xorg-xinit xss-lock xvkbd yaml-language-server-bin yapf
These are the minimum I would have in my own installation. You can edit it
however you want. Let’ s install those.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Installing needed packages ##################################################\n\n"
sudo pacman -Syu
yay -S --needed $PACKAGES
** Setting up Emacs: Installing Spacemacs
:CUSTOM_ID: h-bd5a92c4-1a4f-49ea-a447-050a4ff0301c
Now, the first thing we want to do with Emacs is install its Spacemacs
distribution. We’ ll clone its =develop= branch into =~/.emacs.d= . We need to
do this prior to our dotfiles’ cloning because of some submodules that are
cloned within our =~/.emacs.d= directory, and git won’ t let us clone
Spacemacs in an already existing and non-empty directory. To make sure it
isn’ t one, let’ s delete any potentially existing =~/.emacs.d= directory:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Installing Spacemacs ########################################################\n\n"
rm -rf ~/.emacs.d
Now we can clone Spacemacs:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
git clone --single-branch --branch develop https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ~/ .emacs.d
And we can restore what might have been deleted in our =~/.emacs.d/private=
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
yadm checkout -- ~/.emacs.d/private/
** Set up dotfiles
:CUSTOM_ID: h-cf2c3a24-b08e-4b07-9d51-31f6df781e62
*** Update our dotfiles’ remotes
:CUSTOM_ID: h-18967335-2637-44d6-b407-bb1d2d2718b9
This line in the bootstrap script will test if the current user is using my
username. If yes, it’ s probably me.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
if ! test (echo "phundrak" | sed -e "s/^.*$USER/ /I")
If it is me installing and using these dotfiles, I want the remotes of my
dotfiles to be set to ssh remotes using my ssh keys.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Update yadm’ s remotes #######################################################\n\n"
yadm remote set-url origin git@labs.phundrak.com:phundrak/dotfiles.git
yadm remote add github git@github.com:phundrak/dotfiles.git
I will also want to decrypt my encrypted files, such as said ssh keys.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Decrypt encrypted dotfiles ##################################################\n\n"
yadm decrypt
Finally, let’ s close this =if= statement.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
*** Get =envtpl=
:CUSTOM_ID: h-39034878-7864-4a1c-855d-d9882795aac0
Before we set our dotfiles up, let’ s make sure =envtpl= is correctly
installed. This package will be needed for generating our alt dotfiles.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf '\n# Install envtpl ##############################################################\n\n'
yay -Syu python-envtpl-git
*** Update our submodules
:CUSTOM_ID: h-ae2f8ccb-a8f3-4699-832c-52cbc8b6d081
Now we can download the various dependencies of our dotfiles. To do so,
let’ s run the following command:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Getting yadm susbmodules ####################################################\n\n"
yadm submodule update --init --recursive
*** Generate our alt files
:CUSTOM_ID: h-f924c003-a15c-4132-891f-36cd3948a7c1
Now this should be the last manipulation on our dotfiles: let’ s create our
alternate files:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Generating alt files ########################################################\n\n"
yadm alt
** Installing Tryone’ s Compton fork
:CUSTOM_ID: h-aecf9f01-268c-40cd-8fc3-622c6ce822e4
For some reason, I found installing directly this fork does not work, and I
need to install it after I installed the regular compton packages.
=compton-tryone-git= will replace =compton= which will be removed.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Installing tryone’ s compton fork ############################################\n\n"
yay -S compton-tryone-git
** Enable some of our services
:CUSTOM_ID: h-1044da09-e992-4dcb-90ff-513725e1d450
We have installed some packages which require some services to run. Let’ s
enable them.
*** Docker
:CUSTOM_ID: h-429cb31a-fccb-420f-a5aa-21054c45fb38
First, let’ s activate Docker.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Enabling and starting Docker ################################################\n\n"
sudo systemctl enable --now docker
Now, if we wish it, we can be added to the =docker= group so we won’ t have
to type =sudo= each time we call Docker or Docker Compose.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
read --prompt "echo 'Do you wish to be added to the `docker` group? (Y/n): ' " -l adddockergroup
if test $adddockergroup = 'y' || test $adddockergroup = "Y" || test $adddockergroup = ''
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
*** Emacs
:CUSTOM_ID: h-7131fa13-3c6e-4cfc-b8e8-c880de9d380f
Emacs will run as a user service, which means it won’ t be launched until we
log in.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Enabling Emacs as user service ##############################################\n\n"
systemctl --user enable --now emacs
*** SSH server
:CUSTOM_ID: h-1f355779-f1dc-4c0f-9cf1-14724ce05f4d
Maybe we want to activate an SSH server on our machine. If so, we can enable
it. Let’ s ask the question.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
read --prompt "echo 'Do you want to activate the ssh server? (Y/n): ' " -l sshdserver
if test $sshdserver = 'y' || test $sshdserver = "Y" || test $sshdserver = ''
printf "\n# Enabling ssh server #########################################################\n\n"
sudo systemctl enable --now sshd
*** Ly
:CUSTOM_ID: h-2785fc5b-cd35-4c99-9f47-3dcbf1a7a870
Ly is a display manager based on ncurses which I find nice enough for me to
use (I generally don’ t like using display managers). Let’ s enable it, and
let’ s disable tty2 while we’ re at it (Ly uses it to run X).
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
sudo systemctl enable --now ly
sudo systemctl disable getty@tty2
*** Acpilight
:CUSTOM_ID: h-5423e2a7-d2ce-4bc3-9d5d-85677c18181e
=acpilight= is our utility managing the brightness of our screen. There is
actually no service to enable here, but we must ensure the user is part of
the =video= group so we can modify the brightness of our screen without
using =sudo= .
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
sudo usermod -aG video $USER
*** NordVPN
:CUSTOM_ID: h-49c24a3e-a496-4200-bf64-96e945c203a0
Thanks to the AUR package ~nordvpn-bin~ , I no longer have to manually
maintain my VPN connections manually with OpenVPN. However, it requires a
service that we should activate:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
sudo systemctl enable --now nordvpnd
** Symlink some system config files
:CUSTOM_ID: h-b14d7d03-da49-4a7b-ba05-1c0848bd8e44
We have some files in [[file:ect/ ][etc/ ]] that are to be symlinked to =/etc= .
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
for f in (find ~/.etc -type f)
set dest (echo $f | sed -n 's/^.*etc\(.*\)$/ \/etc\1/p')
sudo ln -s $f $dest
We may also want to symlink our [[file:.nanorc ][nanorc ]] to the =/root= directory for when we
use =nano= as =sudo= .
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
read --prompt "echo 'Symlink .nanorc to root’ s .nanorc? (Y/n): ' " -l nanoroot
if test $nanoroot = 'y' || test $nanoroot = "Y" || test $nanoroot = ''
printf "\n# Symlinking .nanorc to root’ s .nanorc ########################################\n\n"
sudo ln -s $HOME/.nanorc /root/ .nanorc
** Set up our fish shell
:CUSTOM_ID: h-f6f4df67-b0de-40bf-95fb-888d42169088
*** Install =fisher=
:CUSTOM_ID: h-d6490ddc-c909-4713-b36a-19c25a79c7ac
We will be using =fisher= as our extensions manager for Fish. Let’ s install
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Installing fisher ###########################################################\n\n"
curl https://git.io/fisher --create-dirs -sLo ~/ .config/fish/functions/fisher.fish
*** Install our extensions
:CUSTOM_ID: h-3d540273-bdfb-4c63-a05f-2374a010dc29
I generally use the following extensions in my Fish shell.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
edc/bass franciscolourenco/done jethrokuan/fzf jethrokuan/z \
jorgebucaran/fish-getopts laughedelic/pisces matchai/spacefish \
Let’ s install these:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
** Install packages from git
:CUSTOM_ID: h-e79da7b2-9286-4b66-812e-453e3b2505c7
Now, let’ s install some packages from git directly.
*** i3-gaps rounded
:CUSTOM_ID: h-10e229f7-9a45-4401-a9c0-3f974482bb9f
I know we already installed =i3-gaps= from the AUR, why reinstall it? Well,
that is certainly bad practices, but this allowed me to already have the
needed dependencies for building =i3= installed. Now, let’ s clone it, build
it, and install it. Doing this is probably very bad practices though, be
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Install i3-gaps-rounded #####################################################\n\n"
cd ~/fromGIT
git clone https://github.com/resloved/i3.git i3-gaps-rounded
cd i3-gaps-rounded
rm -rf build
autoreconf --force --install
mkdir build && cd build
../configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir= /etc --disable-sanitizers
make -j
sudo make install
*** Polybar Battery
:CUSTOM_ID: h-f228ec52-a7d0-4c16-adfa-75c544fcfa93
Now let’ s install =polybar-battery= . This is a binary that I’ ll use in my [[file:.config/i3/config][i3
config]] to indicate my battery level. It also sends a notification on low
battery and on charging completed.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Install polybar-battery #####################################################\n\n"
cd ~/fromGIT
git clone https://github.com/drdeimos/polybar_another_battery.git
cd polybar_another_battery
go get -u github.com/distatus/battery/cmd/battery
make build
Now, we have our binary, let’ s symlink it in our local binary directory,
=~/.local/bin= .
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
ln -s polybar-ab ~/.local/bin/polybar-ab
*** Reveal.JS
:CUSTOM_ID: h-68d1cdb4-1447-420f-ab0c-53ef905e757b
I sometimes use Reveal.JS to make presentations, and I set its location in
my [[file:.spacemacs ][dotspacemacs ]] file to be in =~/fromGIT= , so let’ s clone it there.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Install Reveal.JS ###########################################################\n\n"
cd ~/fromGIT
git clone https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js.git
** Install Rust
:CUSTOM_ID: h-57e8af4c-93f2-4145-9c39-a5f8d1c9f012
*** Install the toolchains
:CUSTOM_ID: h-05ee25dc-3885-46ca-afaf-35bfb2e385d4
When using rust, I bounce between two toolchains, the =stable= toolchain and
the =nightly= toolchain. To install them, I will use =rustup= which has
already been installed.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Install the rust toolchains, nightly is the default one #####################\n\n"
rustup default nightly
This will both download the nightly toolchain and set it as the default one.
Yup, I like to live dangerously. Now to install the stable toolchain, let’ s
run this:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
rustup toolchain install stable
*** Install some utilities
:CUSTOM_ID: h-f94f2e18-623f-4aa5-be99-6a7df6a9cbcd
We’ ll need some utilities when developing Rust from Emacs, namely =rustfmt=
and =racer= . Let’ s install them with =cargo= .
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Add rust utilities ##########################################################\n\n"
cargo install rustfmt racer
We will also need some components for development purposes:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
rustup component add src
rustup component add rls
** Install some python packages
:CUSTOM_ID: h-8155ae1a-0be1-489f-be13-9222f7686fb2
Some packages will be needed from pip in order to get our Emacs setup
correctly working. Let’ s install them locally for our user:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
pip install --user pyls-isort pyls-mypy
** Install go packages
:CUSTOM_ID: h-8c6e2311-eb84-4bf4-8e0b-948f89bc9664
For go development from Emacs, the Spacemacs go and lsp layers requires some
packages to be installed.
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
go get -v golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest
go get -u -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc
go get -u -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports
go get -u -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/gorename
go get -u -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/guru
go get -u -v github.com/cweill/gotests/ ...
go get -u -v github.com/davidrjenni/reftools/cmd/fillstruct
go get -u -v github.com/fatih/gomodifytags
go get -u -v github.com/godoctor/godoctor
go get -u -v github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint
go get -u -v github.com/haya14busa/gopkgs/cmd/gopkgs
go get -u -v github.com/josharian/impl
go get -u -v github.com/mdempsky/gocode
go get -u -v github.com/rogpeppe/godef
go get -u -v github.com/zmb3/gogetdoc
go get -u -v golang.org/x/tools/gopls
** Set up Chicken (Scheme interpreter/compiler)
:CUSTOM_ID: h-10ffb0c0-8028-4e9c-842e-9e7d2c165c5b
Chicken needs to be set up before being used. First, we need to install its
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
chicken-install -s apropos chicken-doc
Then, we’ ll complete the documentation like so:
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
cd (chicken-csi -b -e "(import (chicken platform))" -p "(chicken-home)")
curl https://3e8.org/pub/chicken-doc/chicken-doc-repo.tgz | sudo tar zx
** Clean the =pacman= and =yay= cache
:CUSTOM_ID: h-fa5307ec-065b-4d06-9d47-05ccde0da8ac
Finally, we are almost done! Let’ s clean the cache of =pacman= and =yay= .
#+BEGIN_SRC fish
printf "\n# Clean the pacman and yay cache ##############################################\n\n"
yay -Sc --noconfirm
You should now run a system pretty close to the one I have on my main
computer and my thinkpad.