45 lines
1.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

pre_install() {
##! for file in {org,org-?.gz} ; do
##! if [ -e $INFODIR/$file ] ; then
##! echo "Removing $INFODIR/$file"
##! install-info --delete $INFODIR/$file $INFODIR/dir 2> /dev/null
##! rm -f $INFODIR/$file
##! fi
##! done
cat << EOM
To enable this version of org-mode instead of the one shipped with emacs,
add the line:
(require 'org-install)
to your .emacs file.
NOTE: info documentation for emacs-org-mode goes now as 'orgmode' in /usr/share/info,
It does NOT replace the 'org' info files shipped with emacs:
$ info orgmode ## this version
$ info org ## emacs' org version
post_install() {
##! mv $INFODIR/orgmode.gz $INFODIR/org.gz
##! install-info $INFODIR/org.gz $INFODIR/dir 2> /dev/null
##! and comment out the following line:
install-info --name='orgmode' --description='Org Mode provided by emacs-org-mode (AUR)' $INFODIR/orgmode.gz $INFODIR/dir 2> /dev/null
echo "For odt export, define a variable org-odt-data-dir to point "
echo "to an existing directory, e.g."
echo "(defvar org-odt-data-dir \"~/.emacs.d/org/etc\")"
post_upgrade() {
pre_remove() {
install-info --delete $INFODIR/orgmode.gz $INFODIR/dir 2> /dev/null
##! comment out the line above and uncomment the following:
##! install-info --delete $INFODIR/org.gz $INFODIR/dir 2> /dev/null
##! rm $INFODIR/org.gz 2> /dev/null