2024-01-28 09:06:40 +01:00
#+title: Colours
2024-01-28 05:31:58 +01:00
#+setupfile: ../headers
#+property: header-args:emacs-lisp :tangle no :exports results :cache yes :noweb yes
2024-01-28 09:06:40 +01:00
* Colours
2024-01-28 05:31:58 +01:00
** Colours
:header-args:lisp: :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.stumpwm.d/colors.lisp
If you’ve had a look at the rest of my dotfiles, you may have noticed
I really like the [[https://www.nordtheme.com/][Nord theme]]. No wonder we can find it here again!
Here is a small table listing the Nord colours:
#+name: nord-colours
#+caption: Nord Theme
| Name | Value |
| nord0 | #2e3440 |
| nord1 | #3b4252 |
| nord2 | #434c5e |
| nord3 | #4c566a |
| nord4 | #d8dee9 |
| nord5 | #e5e9f0 |
| nord6 | #eceff4 |
| nord7 | #8fbcbb |
| nord8 | #88c0d0 |
| nord9 | #81a1c1 |
| nord10 | #5e81ac |
| nord11 | #bf616a |
| nord12 | #d08770 |
| nord13 | #ebcb8b |
| nord14 | #a3be8c |
| nord15 | #b48ead |
I’ll prefix the variables’ name with ~phundrak-~ just in case it might
conflict with another package I might use in the future, so the CLisp
code looks like so:
#+name: gen-colors
#+header: :wrap src lisp
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var colors=nord-colours
(mapconcat (lambda (color)
(format "(defvar phundrak-%s \"%s\")" (car color) (cadr color)))
#+RESULTS[08b3db7a2b4f31d641bcd096ff265eae06879244]: gen-colors
#+begin_src lisp
(defvar phundrak-nord0 "#2e3440")
(defvar phundrak-nord1 "#3b4252")
(defvar phundrak-nord2 "#434c5e")
(defvar phundrak-nord3 "#4c566a")
(defvar phundrak-nord4 "#d8dee9")
(defvar phundrak-nord5 "#e5e9f0")
(defvar phundrak-nord6 "#eceff4")
(defvar phundrak-nord7 "#8fbcbb")
(defvar phundrak-nord8 "#88c0d0")
(defvar phundrak-nord9 "#81a1c1")
(defvar phundrak-nord10 "#5e81ac")
(defvar phundrak-nord11 "#bf616a")
(defvar phundrak-nord12 "#d08770")
(defvar phundrak-nord13 "#ebcb8b")
(defvar phundrak-nord14 "#a3be8c")
(defvar phundrak-nord15 "#b48ead")
Finally, let’s also modify the default colors StumpWM has. I’ll try to
respect the original colours while converting them to Nord. We also
need to reload them now that we modified them.
#+begin_src lisp
(setq *colors*
`(,phundrak-nord1 ;; 0 black
,phundrak-nord11 ;; 1 red
,phundrak-nord14 ;; 2 green
,phundrak-nord13 ;; 3 yellow
,phundrak-nord10 ;; 4 blue
,phundrak-nord14 ;; 5 magenta
,phundrak-nord8 ;; 6 cyan
,phundrak-nord5)) ;; 7 white
(when *initializing*
(update-color-map (current-screen)))
And with that we’re done!