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# -*- mode: org -*-
#+AUTHOR: Lucien Cartier-Tilet
#+EMAIL: lucien@phundrak.com
#+CREATOR: Lucien Cartier-Tilet
Remove unused parts, updated my theme == ALL FILES == The org TOCs were unused on export, and Spacemacs makes it useless. This commits removes them. The startup header of org files is moved to the header file. == AWESOME == In the Awesome file, this commit removes everything about custom theme creation as this part is not yet used. I also remade and reorganized the windows titlebars. Theme files for Awesome shall be added soon. The wallpaper functions were updated accordingly. In the autostart part, I updated some commands (picom will not launch if another instance is already running, same for the XFCE polkit), and I added PumoPM to the autolaunched software (power management). Due to some issues, I also let Awesome one second before launching `set-screens'. == AWESOME AND CUSTOM SCRIPTS == This commit also removes any usage of pywal. My Awesome configuration and my custom scripts were updated accordingly. == CUSTOM SCRIPTS == In bin.org, the script `pape-restore' has been removed since it can now be replaced with the command `nitrogen --restore'. `pape-update' has also been updated so it doesn’t depend on `pape-restore' and gets a random wallpaper for nitrogen to set without the help of pywal. == XRESOURCES / ST AND PICOM == St’s transparency was tweaked to match my windows’ titlebar transparency. It also got the Nord theme mentionned above. Some custom Picom rule about St’s transparency has been removed. == PICOM == I made it clearer in the index and on Picom’s page Picom is the new Compton. == FIREFOX == A new git submodule (blurredfox-nord) has been added, which adds some transparency to Firefox as well as some Nord colors. == I3 AND POLYBAR == My i3 and Polybar config have been deprecated since I do not use them anymore. == SPACEMACS == Changed shortcuts for config files
2020-08-22 16:08:44 +02:00
#+startup: content
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2020-07-16 13:20:06 +02:00
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