add tab bar hides event if theres only one tab

This commit is contained in:
Gerome Matilla 2020-05-21 11:03:19 +08:00
parent 41f7e4fd56
commit 191dd482f1

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@ -221,6 +221,17 @@ The tabs container
-moz-box-ordinal-group: 3 !important;
#tabbrowser-tabs {
/* Set minimum height for tab bar */
--tab-min-height: 0px;
#tabbrowser-tabs tab:only-of-type,
#tabbrowser-tabs tab:only-of-type + #tabs-newtab-button {
/* Hide tab bar if there's only one tab */
display: none !important;
.tabbrowser-tab[fadein]:not([pinned]) {
/* Stretch Tabs */
max-width: none !important;
@ -502,6 +513,15 @@ The control buttons. Contains, close, minimize, and maximize buttons
:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #titlebar .titlebar-buttonbox-container {
display: none !important;
:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="maximized"] #nav-bar {
padding-left: 3px !important;
@ -531,4 +551,3 @@ The customization window
.customizationmode-button label {
color: var(--bf-color) !important;