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* Emacs :@emacs:
** Emacs 29 is nigh! What can we expect? :dev:emacs:
:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: emacs-29-what-can-we-expect
:EXPORT_DATE: 2022-11-29
:export_hugo_menu: :menu "main"
It [[][was announced a couple of hours ago]], Emacs 29’s branch is now cut
from the master branch! This means the ~emacs-29~ branch will from now
no longer receive any new feature, but only bug fixes.
So, what’s new with this new major release? I skimmed over the ~NEWS~
file, and here are the changes which I find interesting and even
exciting for some.
*** Major features
A couple of major improvements will be most likely present, here are
the ones that stand out the most for me.
**** Eglot is now part of Emacs core
During the last couple of years, LSP has given text editors incredible
capabilities, giving them IDE-like features relatively easily. Aside
from Elisp development, most of the code I write is now done with the
help of an LSP server, running along Emacs and analyzing my code,
suggesting and performing changes and actions for me.
Several integrations of LSP exist for Emacs, such as [[][LSP Mode]], [[][Eglot]],
and [[][lsp-bridge]]. Among the three, Eglot is now part of Emacs core! No
longer do you need to install a package, simply register an LSP server
and autocompletion, documentation, error detection, and other features
will become available right away!
I must admit I don’t really know Eglot, I personally use LSP Mode, but
with this addition to Emacs core, I might attempt the switch.
**** TreeSitter is also part of Emacs core
In case you didn’t know, Emacs’ current syntax highlighting is
currently based on a system of regexes. Although it is not the /worst/
thing to use, it’s not the best either, and it can become quite slow
on larger files.
TreeSitter parses programming languages based into a concrete syntax
tree. From there, not only can syntax highlighting can be done at high
speed, but a much deeper analysis of the code is possible and actions
such sa syntax manipulation can also be achieved since the syntax tree
itself is available as an object which can be manipulated!
In case you want some more information on TreeSitter itself, you can
check out the [[][official TreeSitter website]], or you can even check this
talk out given by TreeSitter’s creator, Max Brunsfeld.
#+begin_export html
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Well, this is not a native solution in Emacs! Currently, Emacs’
TreeSitter supports the current major modes :
- ~typescript-ts-mode~
- ~c-ts-mode~
- ~c++-ts-mode~
- ~java-ts-mode~
- ~css-ts-mode~
- ~json-ts-mode~
- ~csharp-ts-mode~
TreeSitter also holds for now a special status in the new ~emacs-29~
branch since new features can still be added to it, as its merging
with the master branch is still recent. So we might see the list of
major modes for Emacs get a bit longer yet, especially considering
TreeSitter tries to make adding new languages relatively easy.
If you can’t wait to test TreeSitter, there is already [[][another package]]
available for Emacs you can use right now. Just be aware this is not
the same package as the one that got integrated into Emacs.
**** Install packages from source with ~package.el~
If you use [[][Straight]], you might be familiar with installing packages
directly from their Git repository. Well, good news, it is now
possible to install packages from Git using Emacs’ built-in packaging
system ~package.el~! It can be done with the new function
~package-vc-install~, and packages installed that way can be updated
with ~package-vc-update~ or ~package-vc-update-all~.
On the topic of ~package.el~, there is also the new function
~package-report-bug~ which allows Emacs users to report bugs to the
developers of a package directly from Emacs! Be aware though, it only
works for packages installed through ~package.el~. Since I’m a
[[][~use-package~]] and ~straight.el~ user, there is no package listed when I
invoke the command.
**** Pure GTK Emacs is here for Wayland!
One of the major issues Emacs had on Linux was its dependency on Xorg
when running in GUI mode. When running Xorg, it’s not really an issue,
but Wayland has become more and more common during the last years, and
even with the existence of XWayland, this became an annoyance.
Well, fear not, for pure GTK Emacs is here! It can now be built
Xorg-free and run natively in Wayland!
Be aware though that Wayland is basically the only use-case for pure
GTK Emacs. If you don’t use Wayland, Emacs will display a warning
message, as it will most likely cause issues if you are running Xorg.
In my case, I sometimes see some ghost text when the content of a
buffer updates (I still need pure GTK though, since I alternate
between Xorg and Wayland).
**** Compile EmacsLisp files ahead of time
With Emacs 28 came the ability to natively compile EmacsLisp if your
Emacs was built with the ability to do so, using GCC’s Just In Time
library. This results in quite the impressive boost in performance,
which made Emacs much snappier than it was before. The only issue I
had was Emacs would only compile its EmacsLisp files when they were
loaded for the first time.
This is no longer the case! If you now compile Emacs with
~--with-native-compilation=aot~, Emacs’ native EmacsLisp files will be
natively compiled along with Emacs itself! Be aware though, it can be
slow on most machines, so the time you save by not compiling these
files when launching Emacs for the first time is basically transferred
to when compiling Emacs itself. Is it worth your time? In my case, I
would say yes, because when I compile Emacs, I’m generally not in a
hurry. But in your case? Well, test it out and see for yourself.
**** Native access to SQLite databases
Emacs can now be built with native support for SQLite and the sqlite3
library. In fact, this is now a default behaviour, since you need to
pass ~--without-sqlite3~ to Emacs’ build configuration script in order
to prevent it.
This comes with a new ~sqlite-mode~ which allows you to explore SQLite
databases within Emacs and to interact with them. Check out the
~sqlite-mode-open-file~ function!
**** HaikuOS support
For all three HaikuOS users out there, good news, you now have access
to Emacs! (In all seriousness, I should check out HaikuOS one day)
Moreover, it also supports an optional window-system port to Haiku
with ~--with-be-app~. Be aware, you will need the Haiku Application Kit
development headers and a C++ compiler. Otherwise, Emacs will only run
in the terminal. If you want to also add Cairo to the mix, you can add
**** New major mode for C#
~csharp-mode~ is now a native major mode for Emacs and is based on ~cc-mode~.
*** Minor features
**** It’s easier to use Emacs in scripts!
If you like to write scripts and especially writing Lisp scripts,
Emacs now supports the option ~-x~ in order to execute scripts written
in EmacsLisp. When executing such a script with ~#!/usr/bin/emacs -x~ as
its shebang, Emacs will not read its init file (like with ~-Q~) and will
instead execute the Elisp code right away and return the last value to
the caller of the script (most likely the shell you called the script
**** TRAMP natively supports Docker, Podman, and Kubernetes
Three new connections are now available for TRAMP:
- ~docker~
- ~podman~
- ~kubernetes~
You will now be able to access your containerized environment right
from Emacs without the need to write custom code.
**** Custom user directory
It is now easier to launch custom Emacs profiles without the need of
tools such as [[][chemacs2]] with the addition of the flag ~--init-directory~.
This can set to any directory Emacs’ ~user-emacs-directory~ which
includes the ~init.el~ which comes along with it. Yet another reason for
me not to use a ~.emacs~ file, but the ~init.el~ file instead.
**** Support for Webp images
For quite some time, Emacs has been able to display images, but not
webp yet. Well, this is now fixed! And in fact, support for webp
images became the default behaviour, since you need to pass
~--without-webp~ to Emacs’ configuration script to disable webp support.
**** C++ mode now supports the C++20 standard
Yep. There’s nothing more to say, really. Happy coding!
**** Better handling of ~.pdmp~ files
Emacs has had for a few version the ability to dump its state into a
~pdmp~ file for faster startup time. Well now, when creating such a
file, it will include in its name a fingerprint of its current state,
although it will still prioritize an ~emacs.pdmp~ file if it exists.
**** Better mouse and touchpad support
Emacs now uses XInput 2, which enables Emacs to support more input
events, such as touchpad events. For instance, by default, a pinch
gesture on a touchpad increases or decreases the text size of the
current buffer. This is thanks to the new event ~pinch~, which comes
along with ~touch-end~.
**** Unicode 15.0 and emojis
Emacs now supports [[][Unicode 15.0]], which is currently the latest Unicode
version. Although this is not directly related, quite a few new
emoji-related features have been introduced. The new prefix ~C-x 8 e~
now leads to a few new commands related to emojis:
- ~C-x 8 e e~ or ~C-x 8 e i~ :: Insert an emoji (~emoji-insert~)
- ~C-x 8 e s~ :: Search an emoji (~emoji-search~)
- ~C-x 8 e l~ :: List all emojis in a new buffer (~emoji-list~)
- ~C-x 8 e r~ :: Insert a recently inserted emoji (~emoji-recent~)
- ~C-x 8 e d~ :: Describe an emoji (~emoji-describe~)
- ~C-x 8 e +~ and ~C-x 8 e -~ :: Increase and decrease the size of any
character, but especially emojis (~emoji-zoom-increase~ and
~emoji-zoom-decrease~ respectively)
There is also the new input method ~emoji~ which allows you to type for
instance ~:grin:~ in order to get the emoji 😁.
**** True background transparency
Up until recently, if you wanted transparency with Emacs, you had no
choice but to make the whole frame transparent, including text and
Thanks to the frame parameter ~alpha-background~ and its related
~alphaBackground~ X resource, it is now possible to set transparency
only for the frame’s background without affecting any of the other
elements on screen.
**** WebKit inspector in Emacs’ WebKit widget browser
You can now access the WebKit inspector when using the WebKit widget
browser in Emacs, given you are using a version of Emacs which has
been compiled with it. I wish there was a keybinding or at leas a
function for it, but apparently you can only open it with a right
click and select /Inspect Element/. Still nice to have.
**** Some news for Windows
Although it has been available for Linux users since Emacs 26.1,
Windows finally has access to double-buffering to reduce display
flicker. If you wish to disable it, you can set the frame parameter
~inhibit-double-buffering~ to ~nil~.
Emacs also follows Windows’ dark mode with Windows 10 (version 1809)
and onwards.
Emacs also now uses Windows’ native API to render images. This
includes BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF images. Other formats, however,
still rely on other dependencies and libraries to properly work, such
as Webp images.
*** What’s next?
With Emacs 29 being cut, development on the master branch will now go
towards Emacs 30. Is there anything we can expect yet?
It’s still very early to say, most stable features merged into master
went to Emacs 29, and only the ~feature/pkg~ and
~feature/improved-lock-narrowing~ branches seem to have received commits
less than a week prior to the day of writing this, and I do not know
the status of other branches that received commits during the past few
weeks such as ~feature/packgae+vc~ or ~feature/eglot2emacs~ (which I
assume both got merged).
However, there are currently talks about including ~use-package~ into
Emacs! I’m a bit disappointed it won’t make it into Emacs 29, but
progress is being made on ~scratch/use-package~, and you can always
check the mailing list to check its status such as [[][here]].
** [EN] Automatic Meaningful Custom IDs for Org Headings :emacs:orgmode:dev:
:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: better-custom-ids-orgmode
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