#+title: TEMPLATE-NAME #+author: Lucien Cartier-Tilet #+email: lucien@phundrak.com * Introduction Describe briefly what the package is, what it does, and who it is for. * Table of Contents :TOC_2_gh: - [[#introduction][Introduction]] - [[#installation][Installation]] - [[#customizing][Customizing]] - [[#contributing][Contributing]] - [[#license][License]] * Installation A couple of options are available for installing ~TEMPLATE-NAME~. The first one is to clone the repository in your ~load-path~ and add the following to your ~.emacs~ or your ~init.el~: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (require 'TEMPLATE-NAME) #+end_src In my case, I prefer using ~use-package~ with ~straight~: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (use-package TEMPLATE-NAME :ensure t :defer t :straight (TEMPLATE-NAME :type git :host nil :repo "https://labs.phundrak.com/phundrak/TEMPLATE-NAME")) #+end_src I personally also added ~:build t~ in the straight recipe to ensure Emacs compiles my package, both to ~.elc~ and ~.eln~ files (I am on Emacs 28.0, ~feature/native-comp~ got merged into ~master~!) There is probably a similar way to install it with pure ~straight.el~ or ~quelpa~, but I’m not knowledgable enough for that, feel free to create a PR to add some more installation instructions! There is currently no plans of making this package available on MELPA or non-gnu elpa. * Customizing Indicate the various customization options available, e.g. variables and faces. For each one of them, give a brief description and their default value. * Contributing See [[file:CONTRIBUTING.org]]. * License ~TEMPLATE-NAME.el~ is available under the GNU GPL-3.0 license. You can find the full text in [[file:LICENSE.md][LICENSE.md]].