#+title: .stumpwm.d #+author: Lucien Cartier-Tilet * Warning +This is my temporary StumpWM config until it becomes a literary config in my main dotfiles repo.+ #+begin_center *My StumpWM has been rewritten in org-mode with a litterate config in my dotfiles repository. This one will no longer be updated.* #+end_center If you are looking for an updated version of my StumpWM config, you have three options: - Take a look at its web version: [[https://config.phundrak.com/stumpwm][config.phundrak.com/stumpwm]] - Take a look at my repository on my Gitea instance: [[https://labs.phundrak.com/phundrak/dotfiles/src/branch/master/org/config/stumpwm.org][labs.phundrak.com/phundrak/dotfiles/src/branch/master/org/config/stumpwm.org]] - Take a look at my repository on Github: [[https://github.com/Phundrak/dotfiles/blob/master/org/config/stumpwm.org][github.com/Phundrak/dotfiles/blob/master/org/config/stumpwm.org]] If you’re lucky, you might even find a PDF version of the documentation if you add a ~.pdf~ extension or replace the ~.html~ one at the end of the first link. * How to install this config To install this config, simply clone this repository in your home directory. You can also clone it in any directory you’d like and run the following command (just make sure ~~/.stumpwd.d/~ doesn’t already exist) #+begin_src shell ln -s path/to/your/git/clone ~/.stumpwm.d/ #+end_src If you are lost with the keybindings, refere to [[file:./keybindings.lisp]]. Keybindings bound to ~*top-map*~ are immediately available, those bound to ~*root-map*~ are available through ~s-SPC~.