#!/bin/bash # $1 subcommand display_command() { echo -e "\t{{ Bold (Color \"#00FF00\" \"npm $1\") }}" | gum format -t template echo '' } # $1 emoji, $2 text, $3 subcommand display_command_and_comment() { echo "$1 {{ Italic \"$2\" }}" | gum format -t template | gum format -t emoji display_command "$3" echo '' } what_next() { echo '' display_command_and_comment ':rocket:' 'Run the project in development mode' 'run dev' display_command_and_comment ':wrench:' 'Build the project' 'run build' display_command_and_comment ':eyes:' 'Preview the built project' 'run preview' echo '' } setup() { gum spin --spinner dot --title 'Installing dependencies with npm' --show-output -- npm i echo ':wrench: All your dependencies are now installed! You can now use any of the following commands:' | gum format -t emoji what_next } just_info() { echo '' echo 'No problem, you can always run this command later do install them:' display_command 'install' echo '' echo 'You will then be able to execute the following commands:' what_next } echo '' echo ':stars: Welcome to the {{ Bold "alys.phundrak.com" }} development environment!' | gum format -t template | gum format -t emoji if [ -d "node_modules" ]; then echo ':star2: Your dependencies are already installed I see!' | gum format -t emoji echo ':wrench: You can now run the following commands to run the project:' | gum format -t emoji what_next elif gum confirm 'Would you like to install the NPM dependencies of the project right now?'; then setup else just_info fi